The University of the West Indies

Certificate in Community Media

Application for Scholarship

(Applicant – Please answer the following questions as fully as possible.)

Application ID (obtained from your online application for the program):


Job Title:


Why do you wish to undertake this course?

In what way will you apply your learning to your current/future employment?

Have you applied for sponsorship from your employer?

What was your employer’s decision?

Have you applied for sponsorship from your Government?

What was your Government’s decision?

Are there any other comments you wish to make in support of your application for a scholarship?

Signature: Date:

When completed, please send to:

Finance Officer, Certificate in Community Media, email:

Distance Education Centre, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, P.O. Box 64, Bridgetown, Barbados; Fax: (246) 421 6753