The purpose of the Call for Expression of Interest is to solicit interest from existing or prospective Implementing Partners that wish to participate in UN-Habitat operation and contribute complementary resources (human resources, knowledge, funds, in-kind contributions, supplies and/or equipment) to achieving common objectives as outlined below and subsequently agreed in anAgreement of Cooperation

Programme AssuranceFunctions for Inclusive Development Programme

Purpose of CFP:The Programme Assurance Function will be tasked mainly to undertake objective independent oversight of Inclusive Development Programme activities, and monitoring of whether and to what extent the programme is contributing to the achievement of the intended outcomes, as well as identify factors which help or hamper the achievement of those outcomes.

Submission Start Date:20 March 2018

Submission Deadline Date and Time:2May 2018, 09:00 HRS AM (CET)

Project Key Information

  • UN-Habitat Project title:Inclusive Development Programme
  • Locations
  • Town/City: Leposavic, Mitrovica North, Mitrovica South,

Skenderaj/Srbica, Vushtrri/Vucitrn, Zubin Potok, Zvecan,

  • Country: Kosovo*
  • Anticipated start date 1st June 2018
  • Estimated duration of project

in calendar months:28

  • Maximum proposed value in US$:80,000
  • Lead Organization Unit:UN-Habitat Kosovo Programme
  1. Brief Background of the Project

The Pristina-Belgrade dialogue has presented an unprecedented opportunity to effectively address the unmet needs of citizens in Kosovo’s Serb-majority northern municipalities, and to promote better relations between Kosovo’s main communities. Yet implementation of agreements intended to facilitate integration of the northern municipalities has been slow and incomplete: critical duty-bearers in the northern municipalities need technical assistance to develop and align local municipal planning and management with Kosovo frameworks; genuine local democratic responsiveness and accountability is essential to reduce the risk of increased tension between municipalities and citizens; support is needed to build mutual confidence and cooperation between municipalities and central government, and amongst municipalities, to ensure positive results for citizens.

Successful integration of the four northern municipalities, consistent with agreements emerging from the dialogue since 2011, will be a key determinant of future stability and inclusive development, as well as Kosovo’s European perspective. UN-Habitat, PAX and Community Building Mitrovica (CBM) developed the Inclusive Development Programme to respond to the urgent demand for technical assistance on municipal planning and management in northern Kosovo, for strengthening of the social contract between municipalities and citizens, and for enhanced trust and joint action within a framework of local-central dialogue and inter-municipal cooperation. Following conclusion of a one-year inception phase, the programme will be implemented over the period of October 2017 – September 2020.

Given the complexity of the programme and the multi-stakeholder partnership delivering it, a Programme Assurance Function (PAF) will support the Programme Steering Committee by carrying out objective and independent oversight and monitoring functions.This role will ensure appropriate management milestones are designated and achieved. The PAF will be assigned to an organization with credible policy or practical experience in the field of local development and governance in the region and preferably in Kosovo, and funded from the operating budget; it will report annually to the Steering Committee to provide an external perspective on implementation progress and recommendations on the way forward to reach expected outcomes.

Description of Intended Outcomes of the Programme

The long-term goal of the Inclusive Development Programme is to foster inclusive development and good governance in northern Kosovo through support to integration in Kosovo’s planning framework, with strong local democratic oversight, local-central dialogue, and inter-municipal cooperation.

The programme will contribute to achievement of the headline goal through the realization of three intended outcomes, in relation to which the PAF will conduct oversight and monitoring activities:

(1)Increased integration of northern municipalities within Kosovo’s governance framework, achieved through development of institutional capacities to progressively improve performance of their responsibilities related to integrated spatial and urban planning and development, consistent with Kosovo’s planning system and principles of sound public administration

(2)Enhanced quality of local governance, achieved through extensive public dialogue, feedback and accountability mechanisms, and civil society action to demand greater municipal responsiveness and performance

(3)Strengthened public confidence in local institutions and the integration process, achieved through demonstration of practical infrastructure and service delivery improvements, and delivered by enhanced mechanisms for local-central and inter-municipal trust-building, dialogue, and coordination

  1. Main activities and outputs

The PAF will be tasked mainly to undertake objective independent oversight of programme activities, and monitoring of whether and to what extent the programme is contributing to the achievement of the intended outcomes, as well as identify factors which help or hamper the achievement of those outcomes.

The scope of work of the PAF is expected to improve the effectiveness of the Inclusive Development Programme in implementing actions that achieve intended outcome within the programme’s agreed logical framework and indicators.

Specifically, the objectives of the PAF are to:

(1)Provide independent verification that programme outputs are delivered in accordance with the logical framework and annual plans, and determine the extent to which outputs contribute to the achievement of intended outcomes

(2)Determine if and which programme processes, such as strategic partnerships, are critical in producing the intended outcomes

(3)Validate the approach and methodology as described in the project documentand in relation to achievement of intended outcomes, and verify that programme commitments to mainstreaming women’s empowerment and in relation to environmental impact and climate change mitigation are fulfilled

(4)Identify, analyze and document factors which facilitate or hinder programme progress toward achievement of intended outcomes, both in terms of the external environment and

those related to programme implementation (such as strengths and weaknesses in design, management, human resource skills, and resources), and recommend the way forward, incl. re-alignment of programme plans as needed and appropriate

  1. Expected Outputs and Deliverables

The responsibilities of the PAF willinclude delivery of the following expected outputs:

(1)Development of the methodology and specific action plan for performance of Programme Assurance

(2)Implementation of Programme Assurance in accordance with approved methodology and action plan, including conduct of research missions, consultations, meeting with key stakeholders, and other actions as necessary

(3)Documentation and consolidation of findings, insights and perspectives including identification of critical factors, processes and decisions impacting achievement of intended outcomes, and development of recommendations for the way forward, incl. re-alignment of programme plans as needed and appropriate

The PAF will produce the following deliverables:

(1)Inception report, to be submitted within two weeks from the start of services, outlining the proposed detailed approach including framework of analyses, methodology, reporting outline, work plan and budget

(2)Year 1 report, including field visit reports and proceedings of meetings, as well as a summary of activities, insights, analysis, and recommendations for programme re-alignment in year 2

(3)Year 2 report, including field visit reports and proceedings of meetings, as well as a summary of activities, insights, analysis, and recommendations for programme re-alignment in year 3

(4)Draft final report complete with analysis and recommendations to improve future performance

(5)Final report that takes into account the comments and suggestions by the relevant UN-Habitat, PAX, and CBM staff, partners and all stakeholders


The work will be carried out over the period 1stJune 2018 – 30 September 2020, with the following milestones:

Deliverables / Timeframe
Submission of Inception Report and Proposed Annotated Outline / Within two weeks upon signing of the contract
Evaluation of Inception Report, briefing and orientation sessions / Upon submission of the Inception Report
Submission of Year 1 report / 15 November2018
Submission of Year 2 report / 15 November 2019
Submission of Draft Final Report / 01 June2020
Submission of Final Report / 30 June 2020
Presentation to key stakeholders / September2020

Institutional Arrangements

The PAF will seek direction and guidance primarily from the Programme Steering Committee, and will be accountable to the same body for its deliverables. In order to provide overall strategic guidance, the Steering Committee oversees the programme implementation process, co-determines priorities, contributes to evaluation, and validates results. It oversees programme reviews on a biannual basis and at other designated milestones during the course of execution. The Steering Committee includes a senior representative of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) or MGLA (Ministry for Local Government Administration), serving as co-chair on a rotational basis; senior representatives of UN-Habitat, PAX and Community Building Mitrovica; two senior representatives of local government in northern Kosovo, serving on a rotational basis; and,a representative of the donor (Sida).

The PAF will liaise closely with the Programme Management Unit (PMU) and Chief Technical Advisor, which will provide support for PAF activities and facilitate contact with programme stakeholders as needed.

The PAF will consult routinely with the programme partners (UN-Habitat, PAX, and CBM) and with other key stakeholders, especially: MESP and MLGA, Mitrovica Regional Monitoring Team (MRMT), and representatives of the 7 municipalities in northern Kosovo.

On an annual basis, the PAF will be expected to engage more expansively with Inclusive Development Programme direct beneficiaries, understood as per the description below:

  • Local governments. The programme will provide valuable guidance to 7 local governments in northern Kosovo, serving as a basis for policymakers to develop and refine policies and programmes that advance inclusive development and good governance. Local governments in northern Kosovo will be equipped and empowered to design and implement MDPs and MZMs in line with Kosovo legal requirements, and strengthen the democratic engagement of citizens in decision-making. Support will be provided to local governments to engage in local-central and inter-municipal trust-building and coordination activities, enabling them to develop practical joint projects and advocacy initiatives, to mutual advantage and satisfying citizen demands. Vitally, the programme will provide municipalities with access to catalytic co-financing for infrastructure and service delivery improvements.
  • Civil society. Local CSOs will benefit from opportunities to build their internal organizational and technical capacities and strengthen links with the broader public, as well as to engage directly with municipal decision-makers, contribute to formulation of strategic public responses to key issues, representing an important step toward raising the collective voice of civil society in the 7 municipalities. The programme will provide CSOs with access to catalytic co-financing for actions promoting citizen participation and accountability in local governance.
  • Government of Kosovo. Central line ministries, especially MESP and MLGA, will benefit from a neutral institutional bridge to local governments in northern Kosovo, enabling them to build trust and pursue deeper engagement and alignment. More generally, the Government of Kosovo will benefit from support in implementation of key aspects of Pristina-Belgrade dialogue and subsequent agreements (including A/CSM); and be supported to develop future-oriented local government policies that leverage the advantages of subsidiarity and decentralization.

On an annual basis, the PAF will also be expected to engage with a representative sample of the programme’s indirect beneficiaries, that is, the general population of northern Kosovo. By investing strategically in infrastructure and service delivery improvements, the programme will contribute to tangible positive changes in living conditions in the short-term; by enhancing the effectiveness of municipal planning in 7 northern municipalities, the programme will be associated with better prospects for inclusive development and stability in the long-term. The programme will also equip citizens with new tools and resources to articulate their needs and aspirations and demand responsiveness and accountability from local institutions. The impact of programme activities is likely to be especially significant for the most vulnerable constituencies, including women, young people, and displaced persons, who are often marginalized from decision-making and sharing in the benefits of development, but who will be specifically targeted during programme implementation.

  1. Eligibility Criteria

Criteria / Submission Details/ Documents Required
Legal Status /
  • Certificate of registration/incorporation i.e.,
  • Proof of registration in Country of Origin.
  • Proof of registration of Country of operation
  • Proof of country operational presence
Eligible are all independent Kosovan or international implementing organizations (academic or research institution, think tank, or non-governmental organization), including consortium(s) of the above-mentioned organizations.
Organization profile and details /
  • Clear organization profile and structure of the organization indicating :
  • Organization’s vision, mission and objectives
  • Management structure
  • Members of the Governing Board and their Designations duly certified by the Corporate Secretary, or its equivalent document
  • Proof of membership to professional associations if any.

Financial Capacity /
  • Audited company financial statements (balance sheet and income statement) and auditors report for the last two years

Exclusive bank account /
  • Is the organization willing and able to have a separate bank account for the funds provided by UN-Habitat?

Integrity and Governance /
  • The organization should complete and submit a signed Partner Declaration Form
  • Provide the profiles of the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Head of the Organization and Chief of Finance

  1. SelectionCriteria

Criteria / Submission Details/ Documents Required / Weighting
1. Technicalcapacity / 25%
1.1Does the organization have the relevant experience and proven track record in implementing activities in the areas of the project?
- Has it managed in the past projects of similar technical complexities and financial size?
- Is the project linked with the core business of the IP?
- Does it have recognized, and externally validated expertise in at least two of the following three substantive areas:
-Municipal spatial and environmental planning, and the relevant legislative and regulatory framework in Kosovo
-Local governance, including inter-municipal cooperation, multi-level governance arrangements, citizen participation in local decision-making, and accountability and transparency
-Civil society oversight and monitoring (esp. in relation to local governance), capacity development, and coordination
-Gender mainstreaming and environment/ climate change are vital cross-cutting competencies
- Does it have a demonstrated track record of producing outstanding analytical insights for clients and/or partners, including government and international stakeholders in Kosovo; as well as a welldocumented experience in monitoring and evaluation of projects/ development programmes, preferably in post-conflict contexts, inc. in the Balkan region and Kosovo
- Does it have an externally validated reputation for independence, integrity, objectivity, and analytical rigor
- Deep and long-term familiarity with the political and social context in the Balkan region and preferably in Kosovo,including established knowledge of and relationships with key stakeholders at the municipal and community level, and with other interlocutors /
  • List of projects executed in the last 2 years (value, location, donors, nature of projects, execution stage – completed or ongoing).
  • Demonstrate how the experiences in past projects are relevant in the execution of the current proposal
  • References from past donors

1.2Does the organizationhavequalifiedtechnical staffwiththeexperienceandthetechnical skillsrequiredbytheproject?
- What is the staffsize, type,qualificationandeducationbackground?
-Capacity to operate at a professional level (including research and technical writing) in the Albanian, English and Serbian languages? /
  • CVs of key management staff, technical and non-technical staff that will be involved on the project
  • How many technical staff do you have in the concerned Country for implementing the project? Is there reasonable assurance that such technical staff required by the project will continue to be available as needed in the Project?

1.3Doesthe organizationhaveaclearandstronglinkwithanidentifiableconstituencyrelevanttothetargetedpopulationoftheproject?
Doesit havetheabilitytoimpactonthetargetedpopulationandontheissues?
Doesithaveadequatecapacitytoworkinkeyareas/regionswheretheproposedfieldactivitieswillbeimplemented? /
  • Demonstrate, describe and provide proof of local operational presence, including link and ability to impact the targeted population.

1.4Does the organization possess adequate physical facilities, office equipment, transport, etc. to implement the activities? /
  • Provide location and list of office facilities, vehicles and office equipment locally available to implement the project.

1.5 Does the organization have formal procedures to monitor project execution (e.g. milestones, outputs, expenditures…) /
  • Provide formal project monitoring policies and procedures

2. Financialandadministrativecapacity / 15%
2.1 Has the organization beeninoperationoveraperiod of at least 2 years todemonstrateitsfinancialsustainabilityandrelevance? /
  • State the years of operation
  • Financial statements for the last 2 years

2.2Does the organizationhavequalifiedstaffinFinance?Isthecurrent accounting systemcomputerizedanddoeshavethecapacitytocollectandprovideseparatefinancialreportsontheactivitiesexecutedundertheAgreementofCooperation?
Does it have minimum segregation of duties in place (separation between project management, finance/accounting and executive office) /
  • CVs of key finance and accounting staff
  • Description and key features and controls of the accounting system used
  • Organization structure/ Organogram

2.3Does the organizationhavethe capacityto procure goods andservices on a transparentandcompetitivebasis?(ifapplicable) check for procurement unit with experienced staff /
  • Copies of procurement policies and procedures. The procedures should show how you procure locally and internationally.
/ n/a
2.4 Does the organization have formal procedures and controls to mitigate fraud such as multiple signature signatories on bank accounts, reporting and prosecution of incidences of fraud? /
  • Describe anti-fraud controls and provide formal procedures

2.5Does the organizationhave capacitytoprovidein-kind, financial, personnel contributionas UN-Habitat ImplementingPartnerinthispresent project?Pleasegivedetailsofcontributionnatureandsize. /
  • Describe nature and value of contribution (in-kind or cash)

3. FinancialProposal / 30%
3.1 Is the budget for each component of the activity to be performed by the Implementing Partner
(i) cost-effective (i.e. the cost should be economicaland prudently estimated to avoid any under/over estimation)
(ii) justifiable/well supported and
(iii) accurate and complete /
  • Budget Proposal
  • Other supporting documents

4. Technical Proposal / 30%
4.1 The technical proposal is sound and responds adequately to the specifications and requirements? /
  • Technical Proposal document

Cumulative score for ratios / 100%
  1. How to Apply