May 25, 2011

For immediate release

KEARNEY, NE - The Todd Becker Foundation, created following the tragic death of 18 year old high school student, Todd Becker in the spring of 2005, announced today its plans to share their “Where is your life headed?” presentation at <<NAME OF HIGH SCHOOL>> in <<NAME OF TOWN>> on <<DATE AND TIME>>. The day’s events will include an assembly for grades 9-12 at the high school starting at <<START TIME>> and then an evening assembly and live concert at <<EVENING EVENT TIME>>, of which the public is invited to attend. The evening program will take place in the high school gym.

The presentation is given in large part by Keith Becker, who is the brother of Todd Becker, and it unfolds the real life, true story behind the choices that lead to the death of his brother. Todd was killed in an alcohol-related car accident. The presentation features an impacting and life-changing message that includes live music from the Christian band “Chye”, graphic videos and other stunning audio. Since 2005, the assembly program has been in over 200 high schools across the Midwest and has reached nearly 50,000 students.

For more information:



Todd Becker Foundation

P.O. Box 2264

Kearney, NE 68848
