The Thief of Always End of Novel Project
Choose ONE of the four projects listed below for your end-of-novel project for The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The project will be due Wednesday, December 8th, 2010. You will give a brief presentation of your project between two to three minutes and share some of things (art, songs/poems, novels, or items in your bag, etc.) that you chose and explain why.
** When writing your explanations in paragraph form, make sure your paragraphs are at least four to five sentences in length.
Theme Art
- Create six pieces of artwork (drawings or paintings) of scenes that represent themes from the novel. Be sure to include the major themes and characters. Then write a paragraph for EACH picture and explain what the picture symbolizes and how. Artwork must have color.
Novel Sound Track
- Select (from an outside source) or write five poems/songs that represent a theme, mood, characters or settings from the novel to create a “sound track”. Write a paragraph for EACH song explaining why you chose that poem/song and how it represents the novel. Be sure include the lyrics/chorus to the songs or the poems you choose. If the song has several lines that repeat, you only need to include them once. You will also design an album cover for your “sound track” that represents the novel with color.
Themes Across Novels
- Compile a list of five other novels that have similar themes. This must include a brief summary of each book (you may find these online, in magazines or book catalogs, at the library, etc.), the name of the author, and a short paragraph explaining the theme of the novel and how it relates to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The summaries do not need to be written by you, but you must tell why you think the books are similar. It is not necessary that you read the five books, but you must be familiar with the basic storyline of each. Do not choose books from the same series (for example, you can not choose all the Harry Potter books as your five books) and you must choose at least three different themes to represent.
Story Bag
- Put together a bag that contains at least eight items that would represent themes, characters or settings from the novel. Include a description of EACH item and why it’s important or what it represents in the story.