SEC Ad-hocs as of August 2012

1)2013 ASEE Conference

  • Chair, Amin Karim
  • Bruce, David, Howard, Jennifer

2)Standards Education eLearning Library courses

  • Chair, David Law
  • Participants: Amin Karim, Howard Wolfman, Jill Bagley, Susan Tatiner

3)Capstone Design Conference:

  • Chair, Amin Karim
  • Participants: David Law, Howard Wolfman, Bruce Harding, Jim Olshefsky, Jennifer McClain, Susan Tatiner

4)Grants/Student Application Papers Program Review

  • Chair: David Law
  • Participants: Wael Diab, Howard Wolfman, Don Heirman, Jennifer McClain

5)Standards Accreditation Criteria

  • Chair: Rich Painter
  • Paticipants: Bruce Harding, Wael Diab, Amin Karim, David Law, Jennifer McClain

6)Standards Education Strategy for India:

  • Lead: Yatin Trivedi
  • Staff Lead: Susan Tatiner
  • Participants: Matt Loeb, Moshe Kam, Elliot Sloan, Bilel Jamoussi, Jennifer McClain, Mary Lynne Nielsen, Jennie Steinhagen, Samantha Bradley, Chris Vigil, Doug Gorham

7)University Outreach:

  • Lead: Susan Tatiner
  • Participants: Elliot Sloane, Amin Karim, David Law, Yatin Trivedi, Wael Diab, Bruce Harding, Mary Lynne Nielsen, Jennifer McClain
  • Sub-group for contacting authors and publishers: Elliot, Amin, David

8)Global Standards Search Team

  • Lead: David Law
  • Participants: Steve Mills, Doug Gorham, Wael Diab, Amin Karim, Bob LaBelle, Christina Boyce, Luigi Napoli, Susan Tatiner, Jennifer McClain

9)IEEE-Microsoft Partnering Pilot for Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Lead: David Law
  • Participants: Johan Eksteen, Yatin Trivedi, Susan Tatiner, Jennifer McClain



  1. New NSF Grant:
  2. Lead: Moshe, Litsa
  3. Participants: Amin Karim, Todor Cooklev, Elliot Sloan, Jennifer
  4. Mastery Quiz Results Analysis and Recommendations:
  5. Stuart Kerry, Todor Cooklev
  6. Further analyze the data from the Workshop Survey and dive down deeper in order to figure out how to plan workshops: New Ad hoc needed
  7. Define SEC's policy for acceptable commercialism in Tutorials and Case Studies
  8. Lead: Steve Mills
  9. Participants: Moshe Kam, David Law
  1. Smart Grid Workshop:
  2. Lead: Susan Tatiner and Peter Wiesner
  3. Participants: Wael Diab, Yatin Trivedi, Jennifer McClain


Retired Ad-hocs

a)IEEE Position Paper on the Role of Standards in Engineering Education

  • Lead: Moshe Kam
  • Participants: Litsa, Arnie Peskin, Curtis Dodd, Ted Bickart, Bilel Jamoussi, Todor Cooklev

b)P&P for Tutorials and Case Studies

  • Lead: Jennifer
  • Participants: David Law, Stuart Kerry, Erik Puskar (NIST)

c)Center for Global Standards Analysis Paper Invitation, "Do standards education programs have a strategic value?"

  • Lead: Steve Mills
  • Participants: Eric Addeo (DeVry), Karen Bartleson (Synopsis), Todor Cooklev

d) Develop SEC policy for add-on’s to the mini-grants:

  • Lead: Yatin Trivedi
  • Participants: David Law, Jennifer

e)Review and enhance our current process, application, and instructions for Student Application Papers:

  • Lead: Jennifer
  • Participants: Steve, Malcolm, David

f)Standards Education Workshop in China Steering Committee

  • Chair: Bilel Jamoussi
  • Participants: Steve Mills, Moshe Kam, Yatin Trivedi, Howard Wolfman, Ning Hua, Doug Gorham, Susan Tatiner, Jennie Steinhagen, Jennifer McClain

g)Standards Speakers Bureau:

  • Lead: Patricia Gerdon
  • Participants: David Law, Wael Diab, Yatin Trivedi, Jennifer McClain

h)Improve Mini-Grant application documentation:

  • Lead: David Law
  • Participants: Malcolm, Jennifer

i)Standards Education Magazine:

  • Lead: Steve Mills, David Law (co-chairs)
  • Participants: Wael Diab, Amin Karim, Bruce Harding, Yatin Trivedi, Jennifer McClain, Susan Tatiner