The Schabo Collection of Fine Films Proudly Presents:

Engineering and Empire: China Video Questions

1. What did the powerful emperors mobilize in a feat of engineering

2. What monument would change the face of the earth

3. How long ago did the Chinese civilization rise and spread

4. What did separate kingdoms battle for

5. What access to trade did the Qin have

6. What two military advantages did the Qin have over the other kingdoms

7. The Min River tormented the Chinese people causing _________________________ droughts and ____________________________ floods

8. How many years did it take for Li Bing to blast through the mountain

9. What did Li Bing’s levy trigger

10. The Chinese used the __________________________created by agriculture and the ___________________________ created by the military to unite all of China

11. Ying Zheng would make his power absolute by __________________________ his mother and ____________________________ his step brothers

12. Shi Huangdi proclaimed that his dynasty would last

13. Under Shi Huangdi the empire was _____________________________ and ___________________________

14. What was the purpose of the Great Wall

15. How many people were working on the Great Wall at the height of its production

16. What material did the Chinese have in abundance when building the Great Wall

17. There was a guard tower every _____________ to _____________ yards on the Great Wall

18. As a work of military engineering, the wall was only _____________________________ successful

19. What did Shi Huangdi turn China into

20. How old was Shi Huangdi when he started planning his tomb

21. The Terracotta skull would be the gateway to

22. The terrace pit that was excavated for Shi Huangdi’s tomb equaled ___________ basketball courts

23. Why has the Chinese government decided against excavating Shi Huangdi’s tomb

24. How long did Shi Huangdi’s empire last after his death

25. What would happen to China after the death of Shi Huangdi

26. When does Liu Bang come into power and bring stability to the region

27. How long did the Han dynasty last

28. What were the three critical missions of the Han soldiers




29. What was the population of China during the Han Empire

30. What would bring the Han dynasty to a screeching halt in 184AD

31. What were the most efficient means of transportation in China

32. How did Yang Di decide to link northern and southern China together

33. The Grand Canal would be a hydraulic highway for ___________________________, __________________________, and _____________________________

34. It took over _________ million workers over _____ years to build the Grand Canal

35. What would the Grand Canal be a generator of

36. In _________ Zheng He set sail for the ________________________________

37. Zheng He’s voyages established China as what

38. What happened to Zheng He’s fleet

39. How long would it take for the Chinese to overthrow the Manchu invaders from the north

40. At the _______________________________ the Chinese were here