My name is / .
I am / years old.
I am in the / grade.
The name of my school is / .
is my teacher this school year.
My family members include:
I like to do
with my family.
My address is
My phone number is
In case of an emergency, could you call or help me call
at / ?
I get around or travel by:
I may communicate differently than you, but I interact with my peers by:
Expressive examples – speak, signs, pictures, body language, behavior, touch, routines…
Receptive examples – hear, written, Braille, lip-reading, sign language, pictures, objects…
I interact with adults by:
There are things that distract me and keep me from doing other things (examples – lights, noises, fans, insects, wheels or circular things)
There are things that I do that distract me and keep me from doing other things (examples – hand flapping, spinning, rocking, self-injurious behaviors)
I let you know that I am happy when I or by:
I let you know when I am upset when I or by:
These are things that I like!
(foods, smells, objects, things that motivate me) / These are things that I do not like! (foods, smells, objects)
These are the things that I am good at!
This is how I am like other kids my age.
These are things that bother me and keep me from doing my best (examples – things that upset me or scare me)
These are things that I do not understand very well.
These are some things that help me.