Chapter 7 Reading Guide

The Road to Revolution 1763-1775

Terms: Mercantilism, Virtual Representation, Sugar Act, Writs of Assistance, Stamp Act, Grenville, Stamp Act Congress, Sons of Liberty, Declaratory Act, Townshend Duties, Committees of Correspondence, Samuel Adams, Intolerable Acts, 1st Continental Congress.

I.  New Ideas in the New World

A.  The Deep Roots of Revolution

1.  What country became in charge of the North America after the Seven Years War?

2.  What two ideas had taken root in the minds of American colonists?

3.  How had America separated itself from England?

B.  Mercantilism and Colonial Grievances

1.  What is Mercantilism?

2.  How did the American colonies fit into the British Mercantilist System?

3.  How were the Americans restricted by the mercantilist system?

4.  Why was accurate currency a problem?

C.  The Merits and Menace of Mercantilism

1.  How did mercantilism benefit the colonies?

II.  Tax Conflicts

A. The Stamp Tax Uproar

2.  How did winning the Seven Years War cause financial problems in England?

3.  What was Lord Grenville’s solution?

4.  What three measures preceded the Stamp Act that angered the colonists? Why?

5.  Why did the colonists oppose the Stamp Act?

6.  How did colonists resist the imposition of the Stamp Act?

B. Parliament Forced to Repeal the Stamp Act

1. How did the colonists bring about the repeal of the Stamp Act?

C. The Townshend Tea Tax and the Boston “Massacre”

1. Why did the colonists view the Townshend Duties as a trick?

2. Why did the Boston Massacre occur?

3. Evaluate the success of the Townshend Duties.

III.  Americans Rebel Against Taxes

A. The Seditious Committees of Correspondence

1. Explain the significance of the Local Committees of Correspondence.

B. Tea Parties at Boston and Elsewhere

1. How did the British attempt to undermine the colonists’ constitutional argument against the tea tax?

2. How did the colony respond to this?

C. Parliament Passes the “Intolerable Acts”

1. How did Parliament respond to the Boston Tea Party?

2. What was the most significant act of the 1st Intolerable Acts?

3. Why did the colonists consider the Quebec Act as an Intolerable Act?

IV.  Revolutionary War Begins

A. The Continental Congress and Bloodshed


B. Imperial Strengths and Weakness

1.  List the strengths and weaknesses of the British.

C. American Pluses and Minuses

1. List the strengths and weaknesses of the Americans.

D.  A Thin Line of Heroes
