POSC 215 Part II
Kesselman, pgs. 37-43, CP5-15
True-False Questions
1. Being an island off the shore of Europe caused Britain to seek closer relations with mainland
Europe to avoid being isolated. True or False
2. By about 1700, a basic form of parliamentary democracy had emerged in Britain. True or False
3. Despite gradually improving standard of living throughout the English population in general the Industrial Revolution disrupted lives, with many field laborers losing their jobs. True or False
4. On the negative side of the British Empire in 1800, the domestic economy was compromised limiting its growth and retarding its potential. True or False
5. The Industrial Revolution shifted economic power from landowners to businessmen and industrialists. True or False
6. Although the state's involvement in the economy increased in Britain to a significant degree during World War I, it steadfastly avoided nationalizing the railways, mining, or shipping for fear of disrupting the free market. True or False
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The first woman prime minister in Western Europe, serving the longest continuous stretch as prime minister in the twentieth century: a) Jane Austin, b) Angela Merkel, c) Margaret Thatcher, d) Elizabeth Warren.
2. The term Great Britain includes a) England, Northern Ireland and Wales, b) England, Ireland, and Scotland, c) England and Northern Ireland, and Scotland, d) England, Wales, and Scotland.
3. Great Britain has an area of approximately 94,000 square miles which is roughly half the size of: a) France, b) Mexico, c) Japan, d) Australia.
4. In 2013, the British population was about a) 50.3 million, b) 62 million, c) 75.7 million, d) 90.4 million.
5. In 1215, King John was forced to consent to a series of concessions that protected the following against royal abuse: a) feudal landowners, b) the peasantry winning their freedom, c) the nobility, d) the Anglican Church.
6. A historic statement of the rights of a political community against the monarchical state that were accepted in 1215: a) The Ancient Rights of Mankind, b) Natural Law Constitution, c) Magna Carta, d) The People's Charter.
7. The last successful revolution in British history (1688) that confirmed the power of Parliament over the monarchy: a) The Glorious Revolution, b) The Chartist Revolution, c) The Stuart Insurrection, d) The Monarchical Abdication.
8. The Glorious Revolution resolved the longstanding religious conflict with the replacement of the following Roman Catholic monarch by the Protestant William and Mary: a) Charles III, b) Edward II, c) George I, d) James II.
9. The following is the established Church of England and has some 2 dozen leading clerics represented in the House of Lords: a) the Catholic Church, b) the Lutheran Church, c) the Anglican Church, d) the Presbyterian Church.
10. A state that can control the pattern of alliances and terms of the international order and often shapes domestic political developments in countries throughout the world: a) Unilateral authority, b) Hegemonic power, c) Colonial inquisitor, d) Maternal nation.
11. At the height of its glory in 1870, British trade represented about what percentage of the world’s total? a) 15 percent, b) 25 percent, c) 30 percent, d) 45 percent.
12. During the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901), Britain encompassed fully what percent of the world's population with its colonial empire? a) 10% b) 15%, c) 20%, d) 25%.
13. This act extended the franchise to a section of the male middle classes beyond a thin band of men with substantial property though narrow in impact: a) the Franchise Emancipation Act of 1798, b) the Voting Rights Act of 1824, c) the Reform Act of 1832, d) the Freedom Restitution Act of 1830.
14. The following legislation finally included nearly all adult men and women over age thirty in Britain: a) Representation of the People Act of 1867, b) Representation of the People Act of 1918, c) Franchise Act of 1884, d) Peoples Charter of 1830.
15. Minimal government interference in the operation of economic markets: a) mixed economy, b) laissez-faire, c) supply and demand, d) economies of scale.
16. A term coined to describe the consensus that drove politics in the harmonious postwar period of Britain, serving to broadly expand the role of government in the areas of the economy and social welfare: a) Collectivism, b) Marxism, c) Socialism, d) Free enterprise.
17. What caused the collectivist consensus to breakdown in Britain over time, according to Kesselman, et. al.? a) social upheaval and foreign intervention, b) class war and political corruption, c) economic downturn and political stagnation, d) public indifference and international interference.
Fill-in Questions
1. Why was Britain's geographic location as an off-shore island so important?
a) It was less subject to _________ and _________.
b) This gave the country a sense of _________.
c) The separation has also made many Britons feel they are more ______ from than an intrinsic _____ of Europe.
d) This feeling complicates relations with Britain’s ___ partners even today.
2. The Industrial Revolution from the mid-18th century onward:
a) involved rapid expansion of ______________ production & technological ____________.
b) led to vast _______ & _________ changes,
c) created pressures to make the country more ___________.
3. The British Empire:
a) relied on imported ____ __________, and
b) by 1800, it sold the vast majority of ________ ______ overseas.
c) Growth depended on ________ markets—not _________ consumption.
d) This export orientation made _________ _______ much faster than an exclusively domestic orientation would have allowed.
True-False Questions
1. False
3. True
5. True
Multiple Choice Questions
1. c
3. a
5. a
7. a
9. c
11. b
13. b
15. b
17. c
Fill-in Questions
1. a) invasion, conquest, b) security, c) apart, part, d) EU
3. a) raw materials, b) finished goods, c) foreign, domestic, d) economic growth