CHE145 – Introductory General ChemistryLaboratory Modified 8-6-2010

SEMESTER: Fall 2010

COURSE:CHE145 Section A001 47267, Science building 206


OFFICE:ScienceBuilding 203

PHONE:686 – 4597



OFFICE HOURS: Announced in Class


SUPPLIES: Students are required to provide their own notebooks and pens. There is an emphasis on note taking.You need a scientific calculator. Therequired text is Safety-Scale Laboratory Experiments for Chemistry for Today, Seager and Slabaugh, 7th edition. The publisher is Brooks/ Cole and the ISBN is 978-0-538-73454-7.

PREREQUISITE:CHE 140 taken previously or concurrently.


DESCRIPTION:Reinforcesconcepts covered in CHE 140 and introduces basic laboratory techniques, methods, and instrumentation through selected experiments dealing with chemical and physical properties, qualitative analysis, and quantitative analysis.


OBJECTIVE:To become familiar with a General Chemistry Laboratory


OUTLINE: All or parts of the following experiments will be covered:

Ex. 1 Measurements and Significant Figures

Ex. 2 The Use of Chemical Balances

Ex. 3 The Use Of Volumetric Ware and the Determination of Density

Ex. 4 Physical and Chemical Changes

Ex. 5 Separations and Analysis

Ex. 6 Classification of Chemical Reactions

Ex. 7 Analysis Using Decomposition Reactions

Ex. 9 Solution Formation and Characteristics

Ex. 13Analysis of Vinegar, part B only

Demonstration 1: Organic Compounds

Demonstration 2: Mentos/Diet Coke

Other activities as warranted


REQUIREMENTS: Requirements for this course are directly supported byOCTC’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). The QEP is a campus wide initiative to make expectations in academic performance and social interaction clear to all members of this learning community. Among other things, the QEP definesOCTC STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCTthat pertain directly to our class.

1. ATTENDANCE is required for this course.


…all members of our academic community are committed to integrity as a standard of behavior.

We will take personal responsibility for individual growth and learning by:

Avoiding unnecessary absences.

Listening and being attentive.

Participating actively and taking work seriously.

We will respect the rights, ideas, and learning of others by:

Acting with civility and respect towards people one encounters.

Dealing with everyone fairly.

National studies show a direct relationship between classroom attendance and grade performance. ATTENDANCE means being in class, arriving on time, and participating by listening and asking questions without fear of rude comments or behavior by anyone else in the class. If a student comes into the classroom after attendance has been recorded, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor after class so the absence may be removed from their record. A student absent from class bears the full responsibility for all subject matter missed.

2. HOMEWORK will be assigned almost every class meeting throughout the course.


…all members of our academic community are committed to integrity as a standard of behavior.

We will take personal responsibility for individual growth and learning by:

Being prepared and on time.

Participating actively and taking work seriously.

Students should set aside time outside of class to complete homework assignments. Homework assignments should generally be started as soon as possible after the class meeting while the information is still fresh. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the assignment prior to the next class meeting so that any questions can be discussed at the beginning of the following class meeting. Failure to practice skills by doing homework will be detrimental to one’s performance on exams.

3. Several QUIZZESwill be given throughout the semester. None of these quizzes will be made up in the case of absence, but the lowest score will be dropped, and the remaining quizzes should yield a possible total of approximately 100 points. A quiz will cover the preceding lab and the new lab.

4. Each lab will be written up in a lab report by each studentper the following outline. The report is due the next week at the beginning of lab.

Name and Date

Title and Lab Number: Taken from lab manual.

Theory: Briefly describe the chemical principles to be explored. Describe what is expected to happen in the experiment.

Purpose: Describe the objectives of the experiment, what one hopes to accomplish.

Procedure: Outline in general the steps performed, but do not copy from the manual.

Data: Organize the data taken and the observations in a logical manner. You may use the sheets from the lab manual.

Discussion: Interpret the data in regard to the theory and purpose of the experiment. Evaluate the success of the experiment. What limitations arise in the experiment? Do any practical applications of future experiments come to mind?

Questions: Answer any questions at the end of theexperiment if they are assigned by the teacher.


POLICY: At the end of the semester, all points earned for exams and the reports will be addedtogether and divided by the total number of available points in the course to obtain a percentage average for each student. Grades will be assigned according to the following scale:

  • 90% or above = A
  • 80 up to 90% = B
  • 70 up to 80% = C
  • 60 up to 70% = D
  • Below 60% = E


POLICY:From the last day to drop a course without a grade up until mid-term, a student may withdraw with a grade of W without the instructor’s signature. After mid-term, a signature from the instructor is required. Withdrawal slips may or may not be signed at the instructor’s discretion. Decisions will be made based on the student’s attendance record and attitude in the classroom. If a student has attended regularly and is able to produce evidence of taking the class seriously in the form of completed homework assignments, the student may withdraw up until the last day of regular class. However, students who have not attended regularly SHOULD NOT ask the instructor to sign a withdrawal slip after midterm. If you withdraw from the lecture, CHE 140, you must also withdraw from the lab, CHE 145.


POLICY:Disability Accommodations: Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustment and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must contact the Disability Services Office in the Counseling Center, Campus Center Building, Room 102B. The DSO telephone number is 270.686.4528. Dial 711 for TDD protocol. Please DO NOT request accommodations directly from the instructor without a letter of accommodation from the Disability Services Office.

Students in global on-line classes are to contact their Home College for disability accommodations and inform their instructors. The Home College DSO contact information is located at this KCTCS website: . Once the student has contacted the Disability Services Officer at the Home College, the Home College DSO will communicate with the student's instructors and/or the Disability Services Officers at the Delivering College in order to coordinate and/or provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations to the student.

In compliance with federal law, including the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, Owensboro Community & Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, or military service in its programs or activities: its admissions policies; scholarship and loan programs; athletic and other College-administered programs; or employment. In addition, the College does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation consistent with KCTCS nondiscrimination policy. Inquiries or comments regarding these issues should be directed to the Disability Services Officer/504/ADA Compliance, Owensboro Community and Technical College, 4800 New Hartford Road, Owensboro, KY 42303. Telephone (270) 686--4528, FAX (270) 686-4648.


NOTES:1.Pleasetakeanynecessarymeasurestoinsurethat yourcell phonedoesnot ringduringclass! No texting!

2. Any changes to the material discussed above are highly unlikely but will be discussed in class in the event of occurrence.

3. For more information about OCTC’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), see

4. For more about the code of conduct, see