The Kingsport District Newsletter, The United Methodist Church
June - July 2008
James E. Swanson, Sr., Resident Bishop
Fred E. Dearing, III, District Superintendent
Susan S. Smith, Administrative Assistant
P.O. Box 894 Kingsport, TN 37662 618 Watauga St. Kingsport, TN
Bethel Richard McKee
Crossroads Randy Lantz
First Broad Street, Asso. Andrew Amodei
Fudges Chapel Tim Hodges
Rogersville First Jerry Jones
Ross Campground-Cameron David Neel
Valley Center Calvin Tabor
We are still located at 618 Watauga, but we have moved downstairs. Enter our office from the main door at the street (not from the side of the building). You do not have to climb the 15 stairs any more. The door is labeled as Kingsport District Office. The side
door now has KCMC on it.
Our phone system will be changing by the end of July.
Please be patient with us if we cut you off
Office for Susan or Fred: 423-224-1533
Direct line for Fred Dearing: 423-224-1534. He will
have his own separate voice mail.
Fax: 423-230-0112
Emails will remain the same:
Fred Dearing:
What a joy that the Kingsport District collected 530 Health Kits for Liberia. My deepest appreciation to all those volunteer inspectors at Crossroads UMC on Tuesday afternoon including Christine Grant from Blountville, Susan Rawlston from Mafair, A’lita Feagins from St. Luke and Phillip Ellis from Mt.
Wednesday morning included Ferne Bellamy, Carol Alley and granddaughter Lauren Hamm from Chalybeate Springs, Jacquie Dishner from Hulls Chapel, Tom & A’lita Feagins from St. Luke and
Phillip Ellis.
Helping load the big truck on Friday morning were Lonnie Broughton from Herman, Harold Smith and
Phillip Ellis from Mt. Carmel.
We couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks to
everyone for your support.
FYI: Bill Daugherty, Conference Coordinator of Missions has told us that the Kingsport District will be filling buckets in 2009. Start watching your district
newsletter in March for details.
For better information disbursement next year we are asking that each church give the district office a contact person with an email address so all the information on items, collection points, etc. can be passed along to them as well as the pastors.
Do No Harm.
Do Good.
Stay in Love with God.
From Three Simple Rules
– A Wesleyan Way of Living
Reuben P. Job
8-11 Annual Conference
18 Moving day for Pastors
23 District Finance Comm., 7 p.m., Dist. Office
We’ll be developing a 2009 proposed budget
23 District Fellowship, 6:30, Ross Campground
29 African Children’s Choir, 6 p.m.,
Colonial Heights UMC,
(call 239-6031 for information)
30 Deadline to register for Lay Speaker Retreat
30 Roots & Shoots committee, 5:30, First Broad St.
1 Discipleship Team, 7 p.m., Dist. Office
4 District Office closed
8 District Pastors’ Picnic, 4 – 8, Warriors Path
11-12 Lay Speaker Retreat, Buffalo Mountain
“Telling Our Story” Charles Maynard
Music: Mark Herron, John Powers,
Sybil Smith. Deadline to register is
June 30 – limited space.
12 Mission Day for Youth
13 TRIPLE “J” - District Youth Event
Colonial Heights, 3-6 p.m.
16 Seminar for Pastors on veterans, 8-12,
Cherokee UMC, reservations by 7/3 if possible
16-19 SEJ Jurisdictional Conference
23 Buffalo Mt. Capital Campaign Comm., 11:30, FBS
28 District Fellowship, Mt. Carmel, 6:30
5 Pastors’ Meeting, Mafair, 9:30 a.m.
9 Softball Tournament, Ketron Memorial
15-16 Calling All Men – Conference UMM event
24 District Conference, 3 p.m., Salem
25 District Fellowship, 6:30, Elm Springs
2 Pastors’ Meeting, Mafair, 9:30 a.m.
2 Discipleship Team, 7 p.m., District Office
12-13 Lay Speaker Training: Basic & Advanced courses
17-19 Holston Conference Secretary Association
All local church secretaries/administrative assistants, paid or volunteer are invited to attend. For information call the district office for cost & schedule.
23 Roots & Shoots Event – Buffalo Mountain
11-4, Our storyteller will be Charles Maynard.
Watch for more information.
(Kingsport District Fellowship for Older Adults)
Mark Your Calendar for the Next Event!
Tuesday, September 23
Buffalo Mountain Camp
Charles Maynard – guest speaker
Thank you to:
Ross Campground UMC
Kingsport District is blessed to have an original Camp Meeting site at Ross Campground UMC. There is a very rich history of this site. Due to several different factors, Ross Campground and the Kingsport District will not host the Camp Meeting day that has occurred in the late summer and/or early fall. The Kingsport District Discipleship team would like to thank all the members of Ross Campground that made this event so very special the past few years. There was a lot of planning and time put into this event from the folks at Ross Campground. Let us never lose the Camp Meeting spirit of sharing Christ that renewed and stirred the souls of people.
August 15 & 16
Sevierville Events Center
A Gathering to Strengthen the Hearts of Men
Gaining Your Edge
Speakers: Bishop Swanson, Rev. Allen Black,
Rev. Jason Roe
Special Guests: Brad Stine, Jason Crabb
For information, please contact the district office, your pastor or the UMM president for a brochure and registration
If you can’t attend both days, you can attend just one.
Saturday will be the day for the workshops (pick two).
Power Tool 1
Hands on work – how we lead it and how we do it.
Rev. Harry Howe, Dr. Jerry Russell
Power Tool 2:
I want to tell them about Jesus but …
Rev. Richard Wright
Power Tool 3:
How to be a spiritual leader for your family
Robert Lockaby, Conference Lay Leader
Power Tool 4:
Quick, get me out of debt and keep me out
Spiritual Principles for handling your finances
John Tate, Conference Treasurer
Power Tool 5:
Are you looking at me? Being an awesome mentor.
Rev. Joe Green
Power Tool 6:
How to be a Godly man in an iPod world! Rev. Brad Hyde
District Youth Team 2008
Youth Coordinator: Joey Fleenor
Rick Anderson
Emily Fox
Aaron Pierce
Colonial Heights UMC
Sunday, July 13
3-6 p.m.
Theme: Matthew 28:19
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…
We are asking the Kingsport District youth groups to focus on mission work the Saturday before, July 12, and encouraging them to work together with other churches. If doing mission work on the 12th is not possible please consider sharing details of your 2008 mission trip during the Mission Moments on the 13th.
If you would like to share a Mission Moment contact Craig Needham at with your info and/or pictures. The highlights should be
5-10 minutes for each group.
Free Food
Climbing Wall
Giant Slides
Sumo Wrestling
Bungee Run
Mission Moments
Great Music
Crimson Truth (
Summer Training—July 11 & 12
Buffalo Mountain Retreat Center
Overnight Retreat Format for Certified Lay Speakers
(Certified means that you have had the Basic course and at least one Advanced course in the last 3 years)
We will begin on Friday with fellowship over dinner at 6:00 p.m. Check in time is 4:00 p.m., so come early and enjoy the outdoors. We will continue into
Saturday. Check out is 3:00 p.m.
Retreat Leader
Rev. Charles Maynard will lead us in “Telling our Story” as we spend this time focused on spiritual renewal.
Cost for Retreat is $55.00
(includes materials, food & lodging)
Deadline to Register: June 30
Space limited to 30.
Call the district office for more information.
Fall Training
September 12 & 13
Crossroads UMC
Friday evening: 6:00—9:00 P.M.
Saturday: 8:30 A.M.—4:00 P.M.
Courses To Be Offered
1. Basic Course
2. Caring for Hurting People
3. 3 Simple Rules
4. Storytelling
Cost is $25 which includes materials and lunch on Saturday.
Deadline to Register: August 11.
Lay Speaking Dinner
Service of Celebration & Anointing
Thursday, October 23, 2008
6:00 p.m. – registration
6:30 p.m. – dinner and celebration
Blountville United Methodist Church
Sunday, June 29, 2008
6:00 p.m.
Colonial Heights UMC
631 Lebanon Road Kingsport, TN 37663
The Hope for Africa Children’s Choir from East Africa was created to help tell the story of these children, to invite God’s people to join in the struggle to liberate future generations, and to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
The East Africa Conference of the United Methodist Church includes five countries; Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, and Sudan. For more than two decades these countries have experienced the horrors of war and genocide. There is a whole generation that has spent their entire lives in internally displaced people’s camps.
The choir is made up of twenty-three children from HUMBLE School in Mukono, Uganda. Most of the children are orphans; all of them are among the most impoverished in Africa.
For more information about the choir go to
July, 2008
Hiwassee College
Junior and Senior High Assembly
July 7, 2008 - July 11, 2008
Who Should Attend: Youth!
Phone: 423-928-2156 x243
Location: Hiwassee College </events/locations/hiwassee-college/>
Event Info: Download event info
July 7-11, 2008
Hiwassee College, Madisonville, TN.
For youth who have completed grades 8 through 12.
July 7-11, 2008
Hiwassee College, Madisonville, TN.
For youth who have completed grades 6 through 8.
Two separate events, one fantastic week at one location!
Worship Leader for SHA:
FIND THE ONE from Cokesbury UMC, Knoxville Each assembly is a week of discipleship featuring awesome worship, awesome people and one awesome God. It's joining together with others your age to learn, grow, and laugh. It's waking up and worshipping through word and song. It's coming to an event and leaving with a "family". It's an opportunity to open up, to get real, to focus. It's a chance to shift your thoughts, your actions, and your life from things of this world to the heart of Jesus. After all, true worship takes place when all people within a community seek the presence of God and are accepting of each other. That's the biggest part of Assembly.
And it's required. (Get it? . . . "assembly required".) Registration fees include program fees, lodging and meals.
Bring enough Assembly-first-timer friends and you veterans can come for free! The "Bring a Friend" discount is for participants who have previously attended an Assembly. Recruit a first-time participant and receive a $25 discount on your registration fee. This discount is not limited to the number of "friends" per registration, but you cannot exceed your total registration fee. The registrations must be received together -- mailed in the same envelope. A "friend" can only be counted once for one participant and does not need to attend the same Assembly, but must attend in the same year, whether Junior High or Senior High. Be sure to complete the "Bring a Friend to Assembly" information block on the Registration form.
Early Registration: $140 (postmarked by May 6, 2008)
Regular Registration: $165 (postmarked by June 3, 2008)
Late Registration: $190 (postmarked after June 3, 2008)
Cancellation Request: June 17, 2008
Joey Fleenor
District Youth Coordinator