The Junior Circle

January 2009 Volume 8

Published by the GFWC Junior Woman’s Club of Westminster, Inc.

President: Kristen

Hello Everyone!

Happy 2009! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Don’t forget our regular meeting is next Thursday, January 8. Please come and help us kick off the New Year at St. Paul’s UCC! (6:30 social hour, 7:00 business meeting)

I want to thank Jessica and the Brock family for opening their home for our Christmas party last month. Thank you also to the membership committee for providing a fantastic spread of appetizers and desserts. I think everyone had a great time and enjoyed the gift exchange. We were glad to meet many guests at the meeting. We’d love to have each guest attend another meeting soon.

All committee/department chair people should check their e-mail for a copy of last year’s report. If you did not get the electronic copy of the report, please call me ASAP. Please update the report to reflect 2008 and e-mail it to me by the January meeting (that’s next Thursday). I hope to briefly answer reporting questions and make sure all of our projects will be reported at the January meeting.

Reporting allows corporate sponsors of GFWC to see what clubwomen nationwide have accomplished and what we are interested in learning. Informing our sponsors helps the GFWC to secure the grant money it needs to continue valuable programs. Reporting also allows clubs to share ideas.

Hope to see you this Thursday at the meeting!


January 30th Newsletter Deadline:

Please e-mail , or mail your information to Jen Mills at 5015 Blue Hill Road, Glenville, PA 17329; 717-718-5057.

Dates to Remember:

January 8th - Club meeting 6:30pm @ St. Paul’s Church

Recycle your Holiday Cards

Don't know what to do with all those Holiday Cards. DON'T THROW THEM AWAY! The ARC of Carroll County is collecting holiday greeting cards to use in the organization's vocational services program. The recycled cards will be used by individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to make unique handmade greeting cards to be sold next holiday season. All proceeds from the cards benefit individuals with disabilities. About 1,000 cards were sold at several locations in Westminster this past holiday season, and supply did not meet demand. Production for the 2009 holiday season will continue throughout the year to meet the demand next holiday season. Please bring your holiday cards to the January meeting. If not able to attend and have holiday cards to recycle, you can contact Patti Jo Green (410-848-6686) or drop them off at Benn's Men Store (140 Village Shopping Center).



Happy New Year!!!!!!!

I hope all you had a safe and happy new year. I hope all of you are enjoying the friendship basket exchange. Please keep it up, so that we will be be done by the May dinner. If you have any concerns, let me know.

Jessica and Sue

Gift Wrapping at Boscov's
I would like to give a BIG Thank you to Jessica Brock for helping me wrapping gifts at Boscov's on Saturday, December 20th. In the 3 hours that we wrapped gifts, we received $80.00 in donations. WOW!

Susan Krichten

Parliamentary Pointers:
Anyone in a club can feel unsure about correct parliamentary language - so here are a few pointers.

1) A person making a motion says, "I move that...." NOT....."I make a motion that....."
2) A person making a motion should never say...." I so move".....but should always put the motion into her words to help clarify what she is moving after a discussion.
3) The Chair (President) should wait for a second after the motion has been made and then asks for discussion on that motion. After discussion, she repeats the motion, and asks those in attendance to vote.
4) If discussion seems to be running long - but not really going anywhere, anyone can say....."I move the previous question"......which is a way of stopping debate.
5) General consent is often the quickest and easiest way to determine a course of action. Sensing general agreement by the club, the Chair can say, "If there is no objection, our club will....." OR "By general consent, it is agreed we will......".
6) The words "Respectfully submitted" are no longer considered necessary when the Recording Secretary signs the minutes.
7) The Recording Secretary ALWAYS gives the Chair the courtesy of seeing the minutes before the meeting - asking for her suggestions or corrections. She then presents the minutes with these corrections to the rest of the club during the meeting.
8) The Chair should never ask for Unfinished Business. Having reviewed the minutes prior to the club meeting - she will see what topics have not been decided upon.
9) A Chair NEVER "turns the meeting over to..." but instead should say....."the membership chairman will now present...." or "the Vice President will now present the department chairmen.....". If she turns the meeting over - that is relinquishing all control - and who knows if that person will give it back? :)
10) To close a meeting, the Chair says....."Is there further business? (pauses LB1/30) Hearing none, the meeting is adjourned."


Hello Ladies!

Well the holidays are over and it is time to nestle into winter. If you haven’t packed up all those holiday decorations yet, remember to try storing them in plastic containers that can be used year after year, or get creative and find containers that you can recycle. I make mention last year to use old comforter containers to store those labels, and Christmas bags in: easy to organize everything, see-through, and a handle to carry it with. If you have any old paper left, save it for next year and use it for packing material for fragile items, give it the your children to use in a collage, or for bedding of an animal if you really don’t like it.

Make sure that you trees and shrubs are well grounded and secure for the fierce winter winds. You don’t want them damaged and possibly need to be taken down in the spring because of that damage. A lot of your shrubs can be damaged beyond repair if too much snow lies on top of them and separates them and breaks their branches. They will never get that fullness back if you don’t prevent that now. You can wrap them with burlap over top of them or build a little stand over them so the snow does not even affect them.

Make sure that you are stocked up on ice melt for your sidewalks and driveways. Please use environmentally friendly melt. Do not use the old rock salt that we grew up with. It is very harmful to you sidewalk and is not good for animals’ paws or soil.

In the spring, the Conservation Committee plans on another planting project at the Hospice. We need to replenish the containers and if Karen has the opportunity to get flower boxes for the other rooms, we can fill them with plants. I will keep everyone informed as time goes along.

Happy New Year to everyone and may we all have a year of conserving as much as we can and make our little part of the world as beautiful as we can possibly make it.

Patti Jo