September 5, 2017

The September 05, 2017 Regular Board meeting held at the Village Office, 110 W. Central, was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by President Keneipp.

Trustees physically present: Crawford, Beccue, Greathouse, Devine, Nystrom

Trustees absent: Burt

Also physically present: Supt. of Public Works Schopp, Chief Weseloh with the Minier Police Department.

A motion was made by Burt and seconded by Crawford to approve the 08/15/17 minutes as written. Approved by roll call vote.

Ayes: Crawford, Beccue, Greathouse, Devine, Nystrom.

Nayes: None

Chief Weseloh updated the board on his activities report. In preparation for the school year Weseloh met with first responders to go over calls and procedures. Officer Saathoff assisted with showing equipment at the Summer Jam at St John’s.

D.A.R.E. is in place for Olympia West Elementary and Havana Jr. High. The Minier Police Explorers made $555.00 on their fundraiser night at Morton Pizza Ranch. Olympia West Elementary will be hosting Red Ribbon Week October 16-20.

Weseloh will be meeting with Hopedale Medical Complex to set up a date to publicize the prescription box that is available for use. Weseloh updated the board on the proper disposal procedure.

Schopp provided the board with the August Water Sewer Report. He reported a 14% water loss. Most likely due to the new water main being added and flushed for the West Side Park.

Schopp sent in our yearly water samples for Chlorine disinfection by products. All tests came back well.

Public Works will be continuing on the West Side Park walking trail, cutting trees around town and replacing outdated meters.

Schopp has suggested we no longer renew our Sensus maintenance agreement for the water meter handheld & charging stand, as it would be cheaper to purchase a replacement than paying the yearly agreement amount.

A Motion was made by Burt and seconded by Crawford to allow The Monthly Bills as presented and allowed. General Fund $24,057.43; Water $11,435.76; Sewer $727.75; Imig Park $16,719.56. Approved by roll call vote.

Ayes: Crawford, Beccue, Greathouse, Devine, Nystrom.

Nayes: None

A Motion was made by Crawford and seconded by Greathouse to approve The Midwest Security Police Expo Travel Expense in the amount of $36.55 for Chief Weseloh. Approved by roll call vote.

Ayes: Crawford, Beccue, Greathouse, Devine, Nystrom.

Nayes: None

A Motion was made by Crawford and seconded by Greathouse to Approve the Estimated Repair of the 2015 Squad car in the Amount of $5035.15. Approved by roll call vote.

Ayes: Crawford, Beccue, Greathouse, Devine, Nystrom.

Nayes: None

Horner reported that the Tax Allocation Class attended by Mugler and herself had provided useful information. We have our new map coming to be used in the office, police department and public works. These maps were provided to us from the GSI office for free. We have received our first annual franchise payment from Ameren.

President Keneipp stated the income from Corn Days Venders went well even with the rainy weather. He would also like to have Cremeens in for a meeting to ask about how much the West Side Park will be available for next year’s Corn Days activities.

A Motion to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. was made by Crawford and seconded by Greathouse. Approved by roll call vote. Ayes: Nystrom, Devine, Greathouse, Beccue, Crawford. Nayes: None.

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Neill Keneipp, Village President Sasha Horner