(Excepted from a manuscript by Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D., © 2006; all rights reserved.
Basic Requirements for Imaging Spirit Emanations
I did notice that images of Spirit emanations only appeared in photos taken with flash.[1] Since the actual flash duration is only approximately 1/1000 sec, it became clear that Spirits were capable of moving at a very high speed and would do so as their normal mode of being present. Their “standard condition” or “resting position” would not be characterized by absence of motion, as one might intuitively expect from comparison with physical beings. Normal photographic exposure times of, say, 1/60 second would not give a clear image of them because they would be displaced too far during the actual exposure period and, at best, one would see a faint streak in the picture. Such streaks, I reckoned, even if they were in the image, would be so unobtrusive that it would be hard to distinguish them from any other, “normal” features in the image.[2]
High velocity or mobility of these features would also explain why they could not be seen with the bare eye. The human eye is capable of perceiving images as separate events only if the image frames are approximately 1/20 second or longer apart. If the intervals of subsequent images become shorter, we tend not to see that the pictures are separate events but perceive them as continuous “motion” pictures.[3] The inference would be that very fast moving objects would literally tend to escape the attention of the normal human visual capacity.
It turns out, as I will explain in a later chapter, that even exposure times as short as 1/1000 sec are too long to capture Spirit emanations when they move about as they would normally do. In order to be photographed, they would actually intentionally have to be still, at least for the short duration of the photographic exposure. I will be demonstrating that it is possible to request of these Spirits that they hold still during the duration of the upcoming image exposure (1/1000 sec), and that such requests can find a positive response.
Most pictures were taken with either a Pentax Optio 330 digital camera (3.34 megapixels, see Footnote Error! Bookmark not defined.) or a state-of-the-art (2005) Nikon Coolpix 8800 digital camera with 8 megapixels resolution. In both cases, the highest resolution mode was used, yielding pictures of about 1 to 1.5 megabytes with the Pentax and 4 to 6 megabytes with the Nikon camera. The size of the pictures was reduced only after image processing and fitting for publication and printing, assuring that no significant evidence of the features intended to be shown was lost in the size reduction process, and no errors of any kind due to reduced image quality were introduced.
I noticed no difference between the results obtained with either camera, except that, as one would expect, the higher resolution capability of the Nikon camera revealed more details of the interior of the Spirit images and allowed higher detail magnifications, which was particularly useful when the Spirit images were small, i.e., in a contracted mode.
I have also evaluated numerous pictures sent to me by other people who knew that I was interested in images of orbs. These pictures were taken with a wide spectrum of cameras and under unknown experimental conditions. Even though many had inferior resolution or were taken at an inferior resolution setting, there appeared to be no evidence that would relate the frequency of capturing Spirit emanations to the type or model of the camera used.
The Imaging Process
What is really going on when we see Spirit emanations in digital photographs? What are the conditions under which we can see them, and what can we conclude from identifying these conditions?
We know that one principal condition appears to be the use of an electronic flash, and we know that using a digital camera, as compared to a conventional analogue camera using photographic film, is almost a requirement.[4]
The digital camera responds to information in the visible light spectrum (between approximately 300 and 800 nm wavelength). It is, therefore, logical to conclude that, for whatever reason, we are recording images of Spirit emanations in this spectral range. Furthermore, as we have shown in many of the pictures presented in this book, the vast majority of Spirit emanation images is white and does not respond to color enhancement. White light is composed of a combination of a multitude of spectral colors in correct proportion. From this we can conclude that the “object” of those images sends out light in the full, complete visible color spectrum, not just at one particular wavelength.
The flash emits light at high color temperature that simulates white light under daytime sun-illumination conditions.[5]
The role played by the flash could be two-fold:
1. It serves as a light source that creates a reflection[6] at the object being imaged, whereby the intensity of the light coming from the object is high enough for detection with the camera.
2. It is an effective means for drastically reducing the exposure time (from typically 1/30 sec for standard photography to approximately 1/1000 sec in flash photography), making it possible to image fast moving objects with far less blurring than would be experienced in normal photography.
We can exclude that Spirit emanations carry any mass at which “normal” reflection of light (i.e., electromagnetic waves in the visible spectrum) or induced light emission could take place. The mechanisms of reflection or “normal” induced light emission does, therefore, not apply. We can, however, also exclude that in the imaging process Spirit emanations are self-emitting light (i.e., energy) in the visible spectrum. I am drawing this conclusion from the circumstance that this would mean one should be able to see them also without flash, and I am unaware of ever having produced an image of a Spirit emanation without using a flash.[7] So there is a “clear” dilemma: we have no physical objects at which “normal” reflection can take place, and we have no light-emitting objects, but we must nevertheless rely on the flash playing a key role in the imaging process.
There are two more observations of experimental conditions that might help:
3. Color enhancement usually does not yield higher-contrast images of Spirit emanations, except for relatively rare occasions, where we do see a clear color response. These occasions are discussed in the following chapter. In the majority of cases, Spirit emanations are simply imaged as white objects, regardless of color enhancement, and in those cases we must assume that the color spectrum emitted by, or reflected at, those objects contains a superposition of essentially the entire visible spectrum.[8]
4. The interiority of images of Spirit emanations, discussed in detail in a subsequent chapter, is not particularly “sharp” but resembles that of holographic image recordings and/or contains characteristics of diffraction/interference phenomena.
The combination of these observations cannot be explained with a simple rationale. It hints at a mechanism that is induced by the flash to emit light in the visible spectrum.
But what is it from which this stimulated photon emission emanates? It would have to be expected that it is some sort of “energetic globe of plasma,” which would also explain the spherical shape of these Spirit emanation images. If it is true that Spirits are able to concentrate their “energy” in physical form into physical locations as they please,[9] then it is reasonable to assume that it is possible that this energy pattern[10] can be “excited” by the visible light energy contained in the flash to emit electromagnetic energy in the visible light spectrum (i.e., “light”).
The appearance of these Spirit emanation images in a form that is somewhat reminiscent of an out-of-focus image, showing contours that look like Fresnel-fringes, could be caused by the spherical shape of the imaged “plasma” globes and trajectory changes imposed onto the emitted light, induced by the anomalous field inside the globes.[11]
It is, in fact, quite plausible, given the incredibly “unusual” circumstance that we are imaging Spirit emanations, that these beings exist in a reality that is so superior to ours that they are simply able to concentrate their energy of existence, i.e., that which is equivalent to “mass” in our physical reality, in such a way that electromagnetic waves emitted by our camera flashes can excite energetic quantum emissions from them that are in the visible light spectrum.
However, there are many “holes” in this sort of explanation, which seems, in principle, commensurate with the circumstance that, after all, we are dealing with imaging of non-physical – albeit real – phenomena.
Extracting from this sort of explanation that which is significant and irrefutable, we must note the circumstance that what we are dealing with is a form of energy. It is an energy that can be detected with physical means and that can thus have an effect on physical occurrences.
Frequency of Appearance and Other Factors
Fig. 12 might suggest that the number of orbs in a photograph indicates a certain quality – “the more, the better” (see footnote Error! Bookmark not defined.). This should be further examined.
It would certainly be a “human” logic and characteristic to draw that kind of conclusion. However, I submit that this human logic should not be applied when it comes to the Spiritual reality. The number of Spirit emanation images appearing in a photograph should not be taken as indicative of anything other than that these Spirits chose to make their presence known/seen in the particular photo. There could only be speculation as to the reasons or to the identities of the spirits involved. No spiritual event is “good” or “not good” or “superior” or “inferior” solely judged on the basis of how many spirit emanations can be distinguished in photos taken at the event. Nor should the position of such emanations in the photographs, or the photographer, or persons in the photo be the subject of such speculations. We should simply assume that it has been the choice of the Spirits to be visible in a particular photo, for whatever reason they might have.
Having said this, I do think that a few observations are worth commenting on. First, there is the fact that the number of pictures containing genuine Spirit emanations has skyrocketed since a bit over a year ago when I started seeing them, probably by a factor 100, as I already mentioned. Also others are seeing them frequently. I have received numerous pictures with orbs from people who know about my interest in this subject matter. Even though many of them are diffraction phenomena at dust particles or moisture droplets (pp. 72ff), a good number are genuine, and that number also seems to be rising at a fast rate.
I also went back to literally over 1000 digital pictures I had taken at previous Ron Roth events and did identify a number of them that did contain Spirit emanations that had previously simply slipped my attention. Some are among those presented in this book. It should, however, be noted – as I will deal with in greater detail in a later chapter – that the frequency of observing Spirit emanations in my pictures has nowhere nearly remained constant but has skyrocketed, from perhaps on average one in 50 pictures taken in 2002 to 2 or more than one in each picture taken now (a hundred-fold increase!).
[1] Even when I took the photograph in broad daylight, I discovered that under certain circumstances Spirit beings would appear. In all such cases it turned out that I had used a flash to light up the faces of the people being photographed.
[2] See p. 61 for a further discussion of the role of a flash in imaging Spirit beings.
[3] I have spoken with several clairvoyant persons who have the capability of seeing Spirit entities, and there appears to be consensus that, for them, the transition from perceiving individual to motion type pictures typically is at much shorter intervals. These people are often annoyed by television or movie theater pictures (that contain as many as 60 (half-) frames per second), complaining about excessive “flickering” that gives them a headache.
[4] My studies have not really included conventional photography for various reasons, mostly because digital enhancement is then not possible, and photographic enhancement during the film development and printing process is not nearly as effective as digital color and contrast enhancement. There were also considerations of cost and practicality that led to discarding conventional photography in this work. Also, I do not know of any authentic work that has been reported in this field and performed with regular photography.
[5] The spectrum contains many colors of the visible spectrum and peaks (in intensity) in the blue spectral range, giving a “color temperature” of upwards of 5600 deg K (about 3000 deg corresponds to incandescent light, 5600 deg to illumination at solar noon).
[6] … or induces spontaneous light emission, as will be discussed later.
[7] Even the image shown in Fig. 10 was taken with the aid a flash, then intended to “brighten up” the faces of the people photographed. However, I have not been able to take pictures without flash but nevertheless at extremely fast exposure times, such as 1/1000 sec. This would further substantiate the point, but would require very bright lighting conditions, such as in sunlit winter/snow scenes. Since the background under such conditions would likely be of bright color, Spirit beings, if they were of the self-emitting light type, would likely have such low contrast against that type of background that it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to discern them, if they were present and all other experimental conditions were favorable for their imaging.