The Healing Codes

Thursday Night Q&A


Tom Costello and Kaye Palenchar

Tom Costello: Kaye, shall we begin.

Kaye Palenchar: This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer teleconference. My name is Kaye Palenchar and

Tom Costello: My name is Tom Costello.

Kaye Palenchar: On behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family we welcome you to this call. Tonight in the United States it’s May 3, 2007. Everything on this call is being recorded. This recording is available as a free download from our website:

This question and answer call is one of the ways we support our clients in your use of The Healing Codes so you get the results you want. Another form of support is the recording of these calls. We also have a client’s only area on our website. You can ask questions, read other’s questions and responses. We have a moderator who monitors that support area. There’s a user name and password. They are User name: healingcodes The password is: 12days

Tonight we ask those of you who are uncertain about part of The Healing Codes process to ask questions. Uncertainty about doing it right will slow down progress. Your questions often serve the needs of others on this call or people who may listen to the recording or read the transcript. Another purpose is to validate people who want to tell us their successes using the Codes. The final purpose is to encourage you doing this work. When you hear peers describe their own efforts, challenges and successes you can more easily form pictures of your own ultimate success. When you get vibrationally equal to your success, you will have it.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition and their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart. It is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. The opinions we express are our own opinions. If they serve you we’re pleased. If not, just let them go flying by.

Before I ask our operator to tell you about how to get into the queue to make comments, ask questions or tell your success stories, Tom’s going to answer a few standard questions for those of you who are new.

Tom Costello: Thank you, Kaye. There are half a dozen points I’d like to cover that tend to be very valuable to a newer person or an older person who’s been using the Codes and may have strayed from some fundamentals.

The most important one seems to be: don’t try so hard to do the Codes perfectly. Many times we think there’s only one way to do things based upon our educational experiences or family of origin habit patterns. But there are more than one way to do The Healing Codes right. So if you’re doing them and you’re doing them in a relaxed fashion, in a “want to” attitude, that is you don’t “have to”, you don’t feel the pressure of having to, having to. If you’re relaxed about it, you’re physically comfortable, that is a great way to do it. Finger tips about 2-3 inches away from the healing centers and know that you’re gaining value as you do The Healing Codes through the steps. Not only with the prayer/request and the Code itself, but the Truth Focus Statement. You get 100 for doing the Codes. You’re doing them right if you’re doing them at all.

Because relaxation is the key and you recognize that as the body experiences relaxation it can turn off the fight-or-flight response, feeling that it’s under threat or stress. When it feels relaxed, when it has that sense that there’s peace in the body, then the immune system gets re-prioritized as a high priority. It goes back to work as does cell growth and multiplication, higher cognitive thought, digestion, and other things in the body become normal. The body starts functioning at a much higher level.

Sometimes I think that stress could be called internal dirt. If you went outside and worked in the yard or you did a job all day, you’d want to come home and wash the dirt from your hands. Internal dirt consists of some of those frictions that we experience in day-to-day life driving to and from work, tending children, groceries, all the rest of the things that occur in a normal life in the western world, paying the bills and on and on and on. That idea that as you wash your hands and do other things for personal hygiene, that dealing with the internal dirt, the friction of life, that stress by using The Healing Codes is a tremendous step in the right direction toward you maximizing your chances of happiness.

The idea that when the body gets the message that peace has been declared, those resources are reallocated. Instead of being used for defense or to fight or for the big muscles in the arms and legs to run away from threats, it, in fact, goes to rebuild the system. That’s a message that all of us will want to have in order to regain health or maintain health or to continue on with our lives.

I recommend that there are about 6 steps to a normal functioning healthy life on a straight-forward way. We recommend that you drink plenty of good water. Dehydration and lack of oxygen are the two major forms of stress that most of us experience. Drinking plenty of water allows the body to replenish itself and to wash out waste products and to rid itself of toxins we’ve acquired through the course of the day through food and breathing and so on, and things that have accumulated and been stored for long periods of time. Breathing deeply takes care of the oxygenation point.

We recommend also that you consider the idea of movement. I don’t say exercise because for some people that makes them want to run, or walk in the other direction. That movement, if you’re walking, if you’re stretching, if you’re doing anything along those lines physically, you’re supporting the lymphatic system in removing waste products from the body which is a necessary step to allowing your body to have the optimum chance of rebuilding itself. If you want to exercise obviously you would take that approach under the advisement of whatever medical professional you go to. Make sure that whatever process you start with, that exercise level is in accordance with your physical condition.

We recommend that you eat nutritious food, whatever that means to you. That’s good enough for us. That’s beyond the scope of what we talk about or deal with in The Healing Codes. You recognize that it is the fuel, along with the water and oxygen, it is one of the fuels that you use to rebuild this entire system we call a body. It is amazingly complex and amazing in its capabilities, provided we give it the tools it needs to do its job.

A think that’s often overlooked in the western world…. This may be true in the non-western world. It is the lack of rest. Exhaustion on a regular basis is a big problem. People not going to bed at the correct time for them, their life style is a problem. That lack of rest does not allow the rebuilding process that is natural to occur. It’s like not taking your vehicle in for maintenance by staying up late and watching TV or doing other things.

Then finally we would suggest the idea that removing this internal dirt acquired recently in the circumstances of life as well as that which has been accumulated even from the time in utero, before we were born up to present time. Healing those cellular memories, removing the waste products from cellular metabolism and so on, The Healing Codes is the approach, obviously that we recommend to deal with that issue of reducing stress, increasing relaxation, putting your body in a situation where it can do what it’s capable of doing. Most people recognize it is the most amazing creation.

Those half a dozen steps really set you in a position to be able to create the life you want.

That pretty much covers the basics that I recommend for people as they do The Healing Codes. I’ll reiterate: Number one, don’t try so hard to do the Codes perfectly. If you’re doing them, you’re doing them right.


Kaye Palenchar: Thank you, Tom. Do we have an operator with us this evening?

Shane: Gives technical directions.

Kaye Palenchar: Thank you, Shane. I want to encourage each one of you to step right up and ask those things that have been on your mind. I’m sure there has been something needling you, niggling at you and you’ve been saying, “Boy, I wish I had somebody to ask that.” Please ask now. There are lots of other people who probably have the same question.

I was just thinking, Tom, some of the folks that I coach have difficulty thinking they are making any progress at all, especially in the first little while. I suggest to them that they should watch for little tiny changes. For a different behavior in a situation where usually the situation would have been emotionally charged for them and they find out that they’ve gone through it and not reacted in a way that would have been so before. Sometimes less struggle just in daily life; things just kind of fall into place more easily.

Tom Costello: That’s a good point. We often talk about the conscious mind being able to process information about 2000 bits of information per second, but the subconscious mind processes information at the rate of about 4 billion bits of information at a time. While it is nice to have an “aha”, you know, “Oh, that’s what’s going on.” It’s almost as if something that was subconscious pops into the conscious awareness and we recognize it. But, because of that disparity of size, 2000 versus 4 billion, not everything can funnel up. So, in lieu of “aha’s”, people find themselves in those situations that you just described, Kaye, and say, “Wow!” They notice themselves enjoying something that a couple of weeks ago would have been stressful or uncomfortable or they would not have been doing at all. “Wow, I’m actually enjoying myself. This is kind of interesting.” It’s that feed back along with another one, sometimes this takes a little bit longer but sometimes not, is when somebody who hasn’t seen you in a couple of weeks walks up and goes, “What have you been doing? Did you have your hair done? You been on vacation? What’s going on? You’re so much more peaceful.” It’s those kinds of feedback that indicate that I’ve changed a teeny bit, teeny bit, teeny bit each day and never really noticed it. Any one of those three is a good substantiation, a good point of evidence that something is happening. That’s what we encourage people to look for.

Participant: (Elaina) Hi Tom, I have a question. One thing is last night we had our Seattle thing, the support call. I didn’t get the password correct. I wonder if it is something that could be e-mailed to me?

Tom Costello: Yes.

Participant: Okay, I have to get the recording. The other thing is they did the unprotected one on me for the Lyme stuff. The Code when I was I setting in the front. Sorry, this is Vonage and it is advantageous! Anyway, you progress so much faster than in increments when you’re in front of the whole group. It’s just incredible to me how much trauma has… It’s the most phenomenal thing that’s ever happened for Post Trauma. I wonder, what happens with those who do it in stages little by little, you can sort of adjust, but if it’s sudden, Whoa! It’s hard to know how to adjust afterwards. If I’m not feeling unprotected any more, then maybe am I supposed to protect myself? You know what I mean? How do I protect myself? All these questions come up. “Is somebody trying to take advantage of me? Am I going to be a victim?

Tom Costello: Elaina, what I’d like to do is give a little bit of context to the question for people who are not familiar with what occurred.

We recently had a Heart Transformation Weekend in the Seattle/Tacoma, Washington area. Elaina was making reference to that. In a Heart Transformation Weekend, not only do we do a bunch of things to include use the new Q-Codes, but there are 40 – 50 people that work on themselves, but also work using the Codes on behalf of another person. So an individual can put their focus of attention on a given issue, a given belief, a given experience. You can just imagine… I like this kind of focus. Alex Loyd asked me if I had used a magnifying glass to burn paper when I was a little boy. You just hold it out in the sun and focus it. I said, “Sure I have.” He said, “Well, you know I think as we do The Healing Codes, really what we’re doing is focusing the energy through the healing centers and are able to deliver tremendous energy.” Now where we’re doing it in a group situation with many people working on behalf of one person, it’s almost as if there are 40 or 50 people all with magnifying glasses all concentrating the light in this one area. Interesting things can happen. End of chapter.

Next chapter. The idea that when we have experiences in life and if they result in pain or discomfort, embarrassment, a whole range of things would fall under that category, we will create a belief in order to protect ourselves from it. If you can imagine the idea of putting a shell around us because of an experience; somebody made fun of us when we were little kids, I fell off a tricycle, that sort of thing, there would be a belief, “Tricycles are dangerous, the floor is dangerous, my playmates are dangerous.” Any number of things like that… That belief exists almost like a programming statement. That may have seemed logical, meaningful and self-protective when I was a 5-year-old boy, but to think that other boys or other girls are dangerous (and I’m slightly over 5 years old now) would not serve me. That belief would be mighty limiting.

So as the beliefs are shattered using The Healing Codes or at Heart Transformation Weekend, using the Q-Codes, that shell has been shifted, dissolved, demolished. It vanishes. Now new rules have to be established. The fact is you can establish rules in May, 2007, based on our level of awareness now. Mine is slightly different than when I was 5 years old. I would rather take my experience, my wisdom and present time information to construct the belief. “People are trying to serve their own needs.” That is true. I know that rule to be true. I’m a people. I do the same thing. Some people are effective at it and some are ineffective at it. Some people have “wholesome” strategies and other people don’t. It’s like a bully. He’s trying to get his needs met, but he’s using the wrong strategy. It’s not very elegant. It’s kind of primitive cave-man type. Begging and whining, that’s a strategy, but that is basically a victim strategy that we learned how to do when we were children trying to get people to meet our needs when we were lying in the crib looking for food or change of diaper or something.