The Glory Road Cowboy Church
Pony Express
“Where the Son is always shining”

Cowboy Worship – Sunday Mornings at 10 a.m. – children’s church at the same time

223 CR 293, Ballinger, TX – mailing address P.O. Box 807, Ballinger, TX 76821

Member of American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches

Pastor: Myron Halford Elders: Jerry Ware - 325-653-4671 cell 325-277-8585

325-365-6371 Troy Owens - 325-365-2380 cell 325-977-0300

Bob Rostine - 325-786-2061 - cell 325-365-0109

March 2017

From the Pastor

Myron Halford

The San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo just wrapped up and a lot of people went and enjoyed the rodeo. There was the calf roping, steer roping, saddle bronc and bare back riding, mutton busting, barrel racing and the very popular bull riding. I have no idea how many contestants there were, but have you noticed that the most people at the rodeo are not the contestants but the spectators? That's good when it comes to the rodeo but when it comes to Christianity or the church. In Matthew 28:16-20 we are told to be disciples (contestants), so let's saddle up and ride. Here Y’all!!!

Matthew 28:16-20 “Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


The best vitamin for a Christian: B1


March 5th

Bring your favorite pot luck dish and enjoy the food and fellowship right after worship service

March Birthdays

Linda Murphy……….…………………………2

Becky Garrison………………………………11

Henry Howell…………………………………14

Leann Cook……………………………………16

Ashley Landers……………………..……….16

Janet Cason……………………………………20

Chris Garrison……………………………....20

J.B. Fiveash…………………………………….23

Justin Elliott…………………………………..25

Lauren Landers……………………………..25

Zack Gully………………………………..….…30

Bobby Hampton……………………..….….30

Clean Up Day

Saturday, March 25

Spring is on its way making it time for some outdoor clean up. We will start at 8 a.m., but if you can’t make it that early, come on out when you can – we’ll still have something for you to do. We are going to be cleaning up and fixing stuff at the arena. Wear old clothes, because we will be painting and other dirty stuff. If you have a weed eater, please bring it. We also need to borrow a screw gun. We will be shredding around the arena, cleaning and painting the bucking chutes and pens, working on the announcer stand and fabricating a door for it. Lunch will be served. Please come help with this project. Contact Nathan Coy at 325-718-7673.

Volunteers are needed to take care of the nursery children. Talk to Chris Garrison 325-365-6324 or Jodie Halford 325-365-3974.

On the Calendar

March 5 – 10 a.m. - Message by Myron – Music by Jean and Gary Prescott

Pot Luck Lunch

March 12 – 10 a.m. - Message by Myron – Music by Second Time Around

March 19 – 9:15 a.m. Breakfast

10 a.m. – Message by Myron – Music by Concho Avenue

11 a.m. – Leadership Team Meeting in the sanctuary

March 25 – Clean up at the arena

March 26 – 10 a.m. Message by Myron – Music – Self Family

April 2 – 9th Anniversary Celebration

In need of Prayer?

This prayer team is for anyone in need of prayer, and they want you to know that they are here for you, whatever your concern. Prayer is powerful, and it is the desire of the Prayer Team to lift up anyone in need of prayer. The team leader is Lin Rostine at 325-786-2061, and this is where the chain begins. Pastor Myron is also available for prayer or anything you need to talk to or pray with him about.

Wednesday Night

Bible Studies

All the bible study groups are growing, and the reason is that they are good! The adult group is having some outside speakers on some of the topics in the What Do You Believe? series, so come on out and hear them.

Topics for March: For the first three weeks or so, Myron would like to hear from you or your testimony about what God has done for you. “This is still using the scripture. Look at Psalms 71:15-18, Matthew 10:32 and many other scriptures. God has called us to be witness, and this will refresh some and help others to get started sharing in their faith. Testimony also brings people closer together because you hear the hearts of the ones you worship with and what they have come out of,” according to Myron.

Children’s Bible Study (all elementary kids) is Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the arena, if weather permits, or in the children’s building. Contact Maggie Stokes at 432-269-1356 FMI.

Junior High Youth Group (6th grade thru 8th grade) 6:30 p.m., Wednesday evenings meets at the home of Jennifer and Henry Howell 325-660-3349, at 810 Live Oak.

High School Youth Group (9th grade thru 12th grade) 6:30 p.m., Wednesday evenings, taught by Brandon Vasquez, meets at the home of Jimmy and Tammy Crabb, 940-231-8798, at 112 East Ave.

Leadership Team Meeting

March 19

Following Worship

In the Sanctuary

If you would like a DVD of any sermon, please let Jerry Turner know at

Always be honest

Proverbs 12:22

Forgive and forget

Micah 7:18

Be kind hearted

Ephesians 4:32

Keep your promises

Romans 4:21

Work Hard

Colossians 3:23

Be Thankful

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Never give up

Philippians 4:13

But most important

Love one another

1 Peter 1:22

Men’s Prayer Chain

A prayer chain for men is now available. The men in the chain are not just GRCC members, nor just in this community. That means you will be prayed for by many men of faith. Each man in the chain has accepted the responsibility to keep prayer requests confidential, so you can feel free to share your heart with them. Give Landy Cason a call at 325-262-7287 and pray with him.

With Spring coming soon, our wardrobes should be updated with a new GRCC T-shirt. We have new shirts and colors coming soon priced at $10 and that entire amount goes toward sending kids to camp. See Lue (at the table near the front door) and she will fix you up.

It’s Tax Time!

If you made your tithes or offerings by check, or if you donated property, supplies, equipment, or anything that could be a tax deduction for you, GRCC can provide you with a record of giving for tax purposes upon request. You may contact Jacklyn Cason at 325-650-5639 with your request, or leave her a written request at the church – in the offering bucket.

Check out and search Glory Road Cowboy Church for Sunday services by date

Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Please advise Toni Owens of any name, address, or phone changes, as well as any errors to same, and of mistakes in this newsletter. Seriously!


Out technology team welcomes anyone who desires to learn to operate the equipment. FMI email if you are interested. Experience is not necessary. The IT team wants our feedback on how they are doing! Email feed-back to

Snail Mail vs Email

You can now receive the Pony Express by email, if you wish. Just email your email address to and your next issue will arrive via that venue.

Sunday, March 19

9:15 a.m.

Breakfast will be cooked by the chuck wagon team. If you would like to bring anything to contribute to the breakfast (eggs, bacon, sausage, Gravy or other breakfast food), contact Bobby Hampton 325-718-9021

Lenten Lunches

While our church does not formally observe the season of Lent, we do support our community by participating in providing one of the lunches the local churches serve during the season. There is no charge, but a donation of a canned good or non perishable food is appreciated to support the food pantry. The meal is served at 12 noon each Wednesday. Below is a schedule of this year’s lunches:

March 1 First Methodist Church

March 8 9th Street Church of Christ

March 15 First Baptist Church

March 22 GRCC and Presbyterian

(at First Presbyterian)

March 29 7th Street Baptist

April 5 Saint Mary’s Catholic

April 12 Jesus Christ Church and

Kingdom Stream

Upcoming Events

· 9th anniversary of GRCC

· Church Camp

If you need a notary public, contact Linda Maynard at 623-824-2397

March 2017