Review for Exam II and the 2nd Lab Practical
Organic and Biological Chemistry CHM122
What is the format of Exam II?
- Multiple choice, Matching, and True & False Questions
What chapters are covered in Exam II?
- Chapters 16 – 19
How many questions are on Exam II?
- More than 50 questions worth 2 pts each which allows for some bonus
What is the emphasis of Exam II?
- Below are questions to help you discover what may be asked on Exam II. It is not a literal question list but is to be used as a tool to focus your studying.
- Disaccharides are ______
- Which group of carbohydrates cannot be hydrolyzed to give smaller molecules? ______
- A monosaccharide that consists of 5 carbon atoms, one of which is a ketone group is classified as a(n) ______
- Stereoisomers that are mirror images of each other are ______.
- Give an example of a household item that is chiral. ______
- Define chiral ______
- Site at least one difference between D-glucose and L-glucose
- List three common uses or places to find glucose
- ______
- ______
- ______
- Give two examples of noncarbohydrate sweeteners
- ______
- ______
- What is galactosemia? ______
- What is hyperglycemia? ______
- In the carbon cycle, CO2 and water are converted to glucose and oxygen by ______
- What is glycogen? ______
- What is cellulose? ______
- What dissacharide is made up of glucose and fructose? ______
- Give the functional group of a carboxylic acid. ______
- Name the acid found in white vinegar. ______
- In water solution, how does dilute acetic acid behave? ______
- What determines the solubility of a carboxylic acid? ______
- Write the functional group of an ester. ______
- How is a carboxylic acid named in the IUPAC system? ______
- Which one is a stronger acid? (Circle one: sulfuric OR carboxylic) acid
- In common naming of a carboxylic acid, what is the correct Greek letter used for the carbon adjacent to the carboxyl group? ______
- What therapeutic use is made of -hydroxy acids? ______
- What significant side effect is seen with -hydroxy acid use? ______
- What kind of intermolecular force occurs between carboxylic acids? ______
- What is the common use of monosodium glutamate (hint MSG)? ______
- What is the common use of sodium propionate and sodium benzoate? ______
- What metabolic product of pyruvic acid is formed anaerobically during exercise? ______
- What is the product of the reaction of an alcohol and a carboxylic acid when reacted together under acidic conditions? ______
CHAPTER 18 *(remember we did chapter19 then chapter 18, but they are in numeric order on this review to aid you in looking up answers in your text.)
- List four facts about lipids
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- List four physiological functions of lipids.
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- A polyunsaturated fatty acid contains more than one ______.
- Unsaturated fatty acids have (circle one: lower OR higher) melting points than saturated fatty acids because ______
- A long-chain alcohol and long-chain fatty acid form a(n) ______
- A triglyceride that is solid at room temperature is called a(n) ______
- Commercially, liquid vegetable oils are converted to solid fats such as margarine by ______.
- A fat or oil becomes rancid when ______.
- Margarine containing partially hydrogenated soybean oil is solid because ______
- Why can a fatty acid act as a soap to remove grease? ______
- Glycerophospholipids can interact both with other lipids and water because they contain both ______and ______regions.
- The main lipid components in cellular membranes are ______.
- Glycosphingolipids are lipids composed of ______,
______, and ______.
- The steroid hormone that increases the blood glucose and glycogen levels from fatty acids and amino acids is ______.
- In the fluid-mosaic model that describes plasma membranes, two layers of ______molecules have their ______sections oriented to the inside of the membrane.
- Channel proteins in a cell membrane serve what function? ______
- A double cheeseburger with bacon contains 640 kcal and 39 g of fat. Calculate the number of kilocalories from fat. (1 g of fat = 9 kcal; 1 gram of carbohydrates or protein delivers 4 kcal.)
- Olesterol is a ______(classification of lipid).
- The compound CH3CH2NHCH3 is classified as a (circle one: 10, 20, or 30)
- In response to allergic reactions or injury to cells, the body increases the production of ______.
- Physiologically active nitrogen-containing compounds produced by plants are called ______.
- List four alkaloids.
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- Amines contain ______(element).
- In what kind of amine is the nitrogen bonded to two carbon atoms? ______
- What functional group is always found in alkoids such as caffeine, nicotine, and digitalis? ______
- Diphenhydramine (Benedryl) contains both ______and ______functional groups.
- What pharmacologic activity do amphetamine, phenylephrine, and methedrine have in common? ______
- What pharmacologically active amine is responsible for the signs and symptoms encountered in an allergic reaction? ______
- The prefix nor- in a drug name means that there is ______
- If the number of carbons is similar, which will have a higher boiling point? (Circle one: amine or hydrocarbon)
- What kind of pharmacologic activity is found in the amines Procaine and Lidocaine? ______These drugs were developed by modifying the structure of ______.
- What kind of compound is urea? ______
- What is the chemical classification of the barbiturate sedatives? ______
- Valium is chemically classified as a(n) ______.
- Amines having fewer than ______carbons are generally water soluble.
What is the format of the lab practical?
- It is a combination of multiple choice, matching, and true & false questions.
- It also has a component for finding the identity of an unknown.
How many questions are on the practical?
- It contains more than 30 questions worth 1 point each which composes half of this grade.
- The other half of this grade is composed of the correct identification of an unknown.
Is there a time limit for this practical?
- It is the policy of the Science Department that this practical be limited to no more than 90 minutes.
- After the practical there will be a short introduction to nucleic acids.
How should I study for this practical?
- Develop a flow chart of tests to use in the identification of the unknown substance. You may use this flow chart in identifying your unknown.
- Below is a list of questions designed to help focus your studies. It is not a literal question list.
- You may find it beneficial to study with your lab partner, but remember you cannot work with a lab partner during the practical.
Experiment 26—Carbohydrates
- Most disaccharides give (+ or – ) Benedict’s test, (+ or - ) iodine test, (can or cannot) be hydrolyzed, (do or do not) undergo mutarotation.
- Maltose is what kind of carbohydrate? ______
- Which sugar gives a positive Benedict’s test but is negative with iodine and fermentation tests? ______
- Which sugar gives a positive iodine test but is negative with Benedict’s and fermentation tests? ______
- Iodine reacts with what class of compounds to give a blue-black complex? ______
- Fructose does not undergo hydrolysis because it is a ______
- Sucrose is a ______(classification of carbohydrate).
- A reducing sugar gives a ______with Benedict’s reagent.
- Sucrose is made up of ______& ______.
- Cellulose will give a ______iodine test.
- Cellulose is a carbohydrate that (circle one: can or cannot) be digested by humans.
- ______(name of sugar) is a disaccharide that occurs as a breakdown product of starch.
- ______(name of sugar) is a monosaccharide that combines with glucose to form lactose.
- ______(name of sugar) is a disaccharide found in milk and milk products.
- ______(name of sugar) is a monosaccharide found in fruit juices and honey and is the sweetest carbohydrate.
Experiment 22—Synthesis of Aspirin and Esters
- The common name of the compound CH3CH2CH2COH is ______.
- Many fragrances of flowers and flavors of fruits are due to ______.
- What is the common name for ethanoic acid? ______.
- Derivatives of which aromatic carboxylic acid have been used as analgesics, antipyretics, and anti-inflammatory agents? ______
- What chemical process is responsible for the smell of vinegar in an old bottle of aspirin? ______
- Methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen) is used therapeutically as a ______.
- The Merck Index is a useful reference for
- ______
- ______
Experiment 27—Saponification
- The reaction of an ester with NaOH is known as ______.
- Which part of a soap is responsible for its ability to dissolve fats and oily dirt? ______
- What is the name of the structure formed when a soap coats an oily particle to make it water soluble? ______
- Naturally derived soaps consist of a (Circle one: soluble or insoluble) salt of a ______.
- The name of the reaction that occurs when a fat reacts with NaOH and water is ______.
- Is a catalyst needed for saponification? ______
Experiment 28—Cholesterol
- Lipids are compounds that are soluble in (circle one: polar or nonpolar) solvents like ______(give example).
- Classify the following substances:
A)cholesterol ______
B) nicotine ______
C) lactose ______
31. List four functions of gycerolphospholipids
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
32. The most common type of gallstones is composed of almost pure ______.
33. List four lipoproteins that carry nonpolar lipids through the bloodstream
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
34.______is a steroid hormone that increases the blood glucose and glycogen levels from fatty acids and amino acids.
35. ______(name of a lipid) is one inner component of a typical cell membrane.
36. A lipoprotein particle functions to ______
37. Synthesis of cholesterol and bile salts takes place in the ______. (part of the human body)
38. Bile salts are synthesized from ______(name of lipid).
39. Cholesterol belongs to the ______group of lipids.
40. In a simple model of atherosclerosis and heart disease, the compound that forms plaques that adhere to the walls of the blood vessels is ______.