Course Title: Westside High School Instructor:

English I Mrs. Makeeta Chapman


Course Philosophy:

The course is designed to develop academic skills through literature-based curriculum emphasizing mastery in language structure and usage, reading comprehension through literary analysis, and test preparation. The course requires extensive writing and use of technology. Special emphasis is placed vocabulary and oral communication. Students must keep a class journal in addition to completing regular assignments in creative and expository writing.

Dear students,

In addition to the complex terms and concepts you’ll be learning, I aim to teach you to work and learn independently so to achieve depth in reading and writing, leaving here a stronger more critical thinker.

Conferencing & Revising

Meeting with me to discuss your writing will be crucial to your success this semester.

Main Texts

1. Holt McDougal, Literature, Grade 9

Course Objectives:

·  Develop accurate, perceptive reading through close study of major texts representing various literary genres

·  Deepen understanding and appreciation of literature

·  Generate independent, thoughtful, and analytical discourse during class discussions

·  Deliver oral reports and lead class discussions with poise and clarity

·  Develop college-level writing abilities

·  Recognize works for their literary merit

Expectation of Students:

·  To participate in class discussions and group activities

·  To engage in directed reading and studying of works other than class assignments

·  To complete every assignment at your highest ability and by the specified date.

·  To be open-minded as a thinking student in pursuit of advanced literary and writing skills

·  To read texts thoroughly: annotate, read more than once (if possible), and look up all unfamiliar words in the dictionary.

·  To be able to work on more than one assignment at a time, since you will have long-range assignments and daily work

Class Expectations:

·  Various compositions about every week-and-a-half

·  Reading anywhere from 10-15 pages per class night

·  Homework of some sort every night

·  Test at end of each unit, unannounced quizzes throughout the year

·  Participating in class discussion everyday as well as leading class discussion a few times during the year

Class Format:

The class will focus extensively on written communication. Special emphasis is also placed on vocabulary enhancement, class discussion, group and individual presentations as well as style and literary analysis of various works. You should take notes each day, for tests and quizzes will cover notes and reading assignments. Also, thoughtful and detailed notes provide valuable ideas and support for essays. Do not merely take notes on what I say; take notes on what your peers say as well. Student leadership roles and participation in class discussions are vital to the quality of learning for which we are all responsible.

Class Requirements:

1. Necessary materials are the following:

 two composition books (for journal and writing activities)

 highlighter

 loose leaf paper

 2-pocket folder (something in which to keep graded papers)

 pens and pencils

 binder (at least 2 ½”) with at least 5 dividers (you will receive MANY handouts)

 Post-Its of different varieties are recommended

 pocket dictionary or electronic dictionary is highly recommended

flash drive

2. Assigned textbooks are required for all class sessions. Not having an

assigned text results in a failing participation grade for the day; you cannot be a literary scholar without the relevant text in hand. Required books for this class are the following:

 Holt McDougal, Literature, Grade 9

 The current novel we are reading:

·  Of Mice and Men

·  Lesson Before Dying

·  Animal Farm

·  Speak

Words from Mrs. Chapman:

High expectations are held for ALL students. I am not your friend; I am your teacher. I do not hold personal vendettas against students nor hold grudges. My goal is to effectively prepare you for college. This is my passion. Let’s work together. All students are required to participate during in-class discussions and activities and to complete all assigned projects by their anticipated deadlines. Students who choose not to participate or complete assignments are subjected to the appropriate consequences. Such consequences may include:

·  Failing grade on assignment

·  Phone call/conference with parent

·  Referral to principal

·  Letter grade drop

·  Removal from class the following semester

Final Essays/Papers:

All essays and papers must be typed and double-spaced in format requested. Handwritten material is unacceptable.


Open and regular communication with teacher and classmates is essential to the nature of the course. Contact lists are highly encouraged. Students are responsible for all missed work due to excused and unexcused absences. Students are to check the missed work folder for make up assignments and deadlines in addition to conferring with classmates and teacher.


Attendance, punctuality and behavior will determine your citizenship grade in this class. The bulk of your academic grade will be based on your performance on the major essays (short story, literary analysis, persuasive essays). Other assignments may include the following:

·  vocabulary quizzes
·  reading quizzes
·  journal entries / ·  peer analysis
·  essay revisions
·  timed writings / ·  unit exams
·  presentations
·  various activities

Grades are based upon timely and competent completion of all assigned work.

Major Grades 60% A=Superior work; distinctive

·  Examinations B=Satisfactory work; evidence of competence

·  Writing Assignments C=Average work; evidence of potential

·  Major Projects D=Unsatisfactory work; evidence of potential

Minor Grades 40% F=Unacceptable performance

·  Quizzes

·  Journals/Warm-ups:

·  Exit Tickets

·  Homework

·  In-class assignments


In order to run an effective classroom, it is necessary to have certain procedures. These will be practiced until they become routine to you.

1.  Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. I will always have a

warm-up for you to work on while I am taking attendance.

2.  When I (or anyone else) am in front of the room, everyone stops what they are

doing, looks at me, and listens to what I have to say.

3.  Turning in homework: There is large blue tray on the table near the doorway for your homework and in-class assignments. When an assignment is due, I expect you to put it in the box as you arrive to class, or give it to the designated homework assistant. When I have something to return to you, it will be in plastic homework organizer and distributed within 48 hours. I expect you to keep everything that is returned to you because you might need it later, and it’s helpful in case I make a recording error.

Any homework assignment must have the following on it:


Mrs. Chapman/Period

English I


Anything you turn in should be neat. Your assignments reflect you. Please use only blue and black ink. No other colors on anything you turn in – it hurts my eyes! Also, please use only loose-leaf paper or cut the “spiral scraps” off. Failure to follow directions will result in reduction of points.

4. I will not accept typed assignments on flash drive. I will not dismiss you to go to the library, and I will not let you print papers in my room during class time. Computer and printer problems are not acceptable excuses. Technology fails all the time. Plan ahead! If you, for whatever reason can’t, then exhaust all possibilities before telling me. Some possibilities are: email it to a friend and have him/her print it, print it at the public library, arrive early to school and print it in my classroom or the library. If you think there’s a chance you won’t be able to print your paper, email it to me as an attachment, but know that you will still need to turn in a hard copy as soon as possible.

5.Checking and turning in makeup work: When you come back from being absent, you should go over to the make-up table, check the folder for your hour, and grab any papers you need from the correct tray on the make-up table. When you turn in make-up work, please write absent on the front, date stamp the assignment, and turn it in the make-up tray on the table near my desk. If you turn it in the regular in box, it will be marked late.

Extra Help:

I am available if you need extra help with the class. Please do not be afraid to ask for it. My usual hours are 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM, and I have 1st and 2nd period conference. My tutorial hours are Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00 -7:30 AM and 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM. I am usually willing to come in earlier or stay later if you talk to me ahead of time. Emailing is another way of receiving help. I check my email often and usually once before bed, so always know that is another route. I may ask you to email me at various times of the year. You will find this is even more common when you arrive at college in the upcoming years.

Extra Credit:

There will be chances for extra credit throughout the year. Your chances of getting extra credit, which is always academic in nature, improve with your behavior and dedication to the workload.

*This syllabus is subject to change.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please complete the information below and have your son/daughter return it to me before September 2, 2013. Your signature will confirm that you have received and read the syllabus and policies for Pre-AP English I. I look forward to an awesome school year!

All my best,

Makeeta Chapman

Student’s Name______

Class Period ______

Student’s Email address______

Best Contact #______

Mother’s Name ______Work # ______

Email address______

Father’s Name______Work #______

Email address______

Guardian’s Name______Work #______

Email address______

Parent Signature ______