The Brooklyn Bar Association Presents:

Court Mandated Mediation Programs

Monday, March 31, 2014, 6:00-8:00pm

(2 Skills Credits)

Brooklyn Bar Association

123 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201

This presentation will incorporate the proceedings and functions of various Court sponsored mediation programs, in both the State & Federal Court. This program is for both practitioners & mediators.

Presented by:

Rebecca Price, Esq., Mediation Supervisor, Southern District of New York Mediation Program

Gerald Lepp, Esq.-ADR Administrator, Eastern District of New York Mediation Program

Catherine Friedman, Esq., New York City Family Court ADR Coordinator

Hon. Robin S. Garson, Civil Court of the City of New York, Kings County

Lisa Courtney, Esq., Special Projects Counsel-Office of ADR and Court Improvement Programs

Moderated by: Ira Cure, Esq.

Sponsored by:

BBA’s ADR Committee- Hon. Beth Bonina and Steven Harkavy, Esq., Co-Chairs

This course is appropriate for newly admitted and experienced attorneys.

To Register See Order Form

For More Information Please Contact: Meredith Symonds at

, or (718) 624-0675, ext. 206

Financial Hardship Policy
The BBA maintains a financial hardship policy. A request must be submitted 10 days prior to the selected course for purposes of processing.

Please register me for:

CLE Registration Form

You may register for Brooklyn Bar CLEs by:

ü faxing this registration form to us:(718) 624-4045

ü on-line at:

ü e-mailing us at:

Court Mandated Mediation Programs, Monday, March 31, 2014, 6:00-8:00pm (2 Skills Credits)

The cost of the program is as follows: (please CHECK the appropriate option):

____BBA Members who pre-register and pre-pay* - $50

____BBA Members who pay the day of the program - $70

____Non-Members who pre-register and pre-pay* - $80

____Non-Members who pay the day of the program - $100

*For the reduced rate to apply, payment must be received at least one day before the CLE

Name: Address:




Business Phone:


E-mail Address:

I wish to pay:

by credit card: Visa Master Card American Express Name on Card:

Card Number: Expiration Date:

by check – please make your check payable to “Brooklyn Bar Association”

at the door, by cash, check or credit card (not eligible for preregistration if paying at door)

This program is appropriate for attorneys and newly admitted attorneys. The Brooklyn Bar maintains a financial hardship policy. For more information, please call 718-624-0675.

For Office Use Only:

check/CC/cash/online Rcvd: Paid:


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