Course Code – 1PGDCA1
Fundamentals of Computers & I.T.
fdUgh 25 ç’uksa dks gy djsaA Q26 & Q27 dks Attemp djuk vfuok;Z gSaA
Q1.What is Computer? Describe the Component’s of Computer.
Q2.What is Binary Number System?
Q3.Describe the Application & uses of Computer.
Q4.Describe the various Input & Output devices.
Q5.What is Data & Information?
Q6.Write down the various security tools of the system.
Q7.Write down the types of Programming Language?
Q8.What is Booting Process? Can user interact in booting process?
Q9.What do you mean by software & Hardware?
Q10.Write short note on data access method?
Q11.Write 4 point of difference between Primary and Secondary storage.
Q12.What is Computer Generation? Write the features of all Generation.
Q13.What is Virus? Explain it’s types.
Q14.What are Secondary storage devices?
Q15.Why Bits and Nibbles are used in data representation?
Q16.What are output devices? Give example of 4 output devices.
Q17.Give the Difference between Analog & Digital Computers.
Q18.Write characteristics of MIS?
Q19.What is ISP?
Q20.What is Pseudo Code & Flow Chart? Write difference between algorithm & Pseudo Code.
Q21.What is Multi Programming & Multi Processing Operating System?
Q22.What is Register? Why it is used?
Q23.What is Open source software?
Q24.What is Wireless media? Explain.
Q25.What is ARPANET? Write application of internet.
Q26.Solve the following –
(i)(101011)2 = (?)16(ii)(786)16 = (?)8
(iii)(512)10 = (?)2(iv)(BF)16 = (?)8
(v)(1110011)2 = (?)8(vi)(101010)2 = (?)10
(vii)(1024)16 = (?)10(viii)(1024)8 = (?)2
(ix)(5010)8 = (?)10(x)(5010)10 = (?)16
Q27.Write Short notes. (Any 7)
(i) Save & Save as(ii) Header & Footer (iii) Print Area
(iv) Track Change(v) Slide, Handout, Note page(vi) Change Case
(vi) Version(vii) Foot Note & End Note(viii) Hyperlink
Course Code – 1PGDCA2
Windows & MS Office
fdUgh 35 ç’uksa dks gy djsaA
Q1.What is Document? Explain difference page views in word?
Q2.Explain the water and word count features of word.
Q3.Write the benefits of bullets and numbering?
Q4.What are Footer, Footnote and Endnote?
Q5.What is the difference between word art, clip art and chart?
Q6.What is Macro? How it is record, edit and run explain.
Q7.What is conditional formatting in excel? Give example.
Q8.Write any five string function in excel?
Q9.What is column freezing? Why it is used?
Q10.Define the different integrated item in office sheet?
Q11.In MS-Word what is file operation.
Q12.How to customize spelling check?
Q13.Give the difference between auto text and auto correct.
Q14.What is drawing canvas?
Q15.What is wizard?
Q16.What is an Application window in MS-Excel?
Q17.What is News Group?
Q18.What are thesaurus and autocorrect?
Q19.What is document template? Explain.
Q20.What is format painter? Why it is used?
Q21.What is logical function? Explain AutoSum.
Q22.Explain the power point Views?
Q23.Explain the Outlook express.
Q24.What is Pivot Table & Pivot Chart?
Q25.What is MS Power point & where it is used?
Q26.What is Slide, Note page, Handout and Outline?
Q27.How can you add custom animation in slide? Explain.
Q28.What is MIME?
Q29.Write a concept of CC & BCC in E-Mail.
Q30.Explain the Real Time Operating system.
Q31.What is FAT? Why it is used.
Q32.What is a Clipboard? Why it is used.
Q33.Explain Window’s Structure?
Q34.Explain Multi User features of windows.
Q35.What is a disk defragmenter? Write down the benefits of it?
Q36.Write the difference between File & Folder.
Q37.Write the difference between Notepad & WordPad.
Q38.What do you mean by E-mail Client program?
Q39.What do you mean by digital signature?
Q40.What do you mean by Attachments?
Course Code – 1PGDCA3
Pro. Methodology & Programming in Fox-Pro
fdUgh 30 ç’uksa dks gy djsa Q29 dks Attempt djuk vfuok;Z gSaA
Q1.Write down the program development stages.
Q2.Explain database in Fox-Pro.
Q3.What is Macro in Fox-Pro?
Q4.Explain features and utilities of Fox-Pro report.
Q5.What are Memory variables? Why it is used?
Q6.What is Mathematical and Statistical functions? Explain.
Q7.Explain types of Error?
Q8.What is Program File?
Q9.What is user define function? Explain.
Q10.What is SQL? Explain DDL.
Q11.Write the process to edit fifth record of any database.
Q12.Write the difference between Sort & Index.
Q13.Explain the Time & Date function.
Q14.Explain modular technique of programming.
Q15.Explain set relation command.
Q16.Write a program calculates additions of 1 to 100 digits.
Q17.What is the process to run program in trace windows?
Q18.How many file you can open in each work area.
Q19.Explain the process to create Radio Button and Check Box.
Q20.What is for loops? Give example for it.
Q21.Explain the DML in Database.
Q22.What do you mean by View?
Q23.What do you mean by Query Language?
Q24.Explain Tupple and Domain.
Q25.What do you mean by Entity and Attribute in E-R Diagram.
Q26.What is Algorithms? Explain the steps to create a algorithm.
Q27.Write syntax to create box and push button.
Q28.How to create, save and restore a Macro? Explain.
Q29.Write Short notes. (Any 7)
(i) Append(ii) Edit & Browse (iii) Locate
(iv) Find & Seek(v) List & Display(vi) Do Command
(vi) Modify Command(vii) Sum & Average(viii) Replace Com.
Course Code – 1PGDCA4
Computer Networks & Internet
fdUgh 30 ç’uksa dks gy djsaA
Q1.What do you mean by Internet, Intranet, Extranet & Arpanet?
Q2.How E-Mail work? Explain.
Q4.What is web browser, Web Publishing & Website? Why browsers are used?
Q5.Write down the difference between VB Script and JAVA script.
Q6.Explain types of Firewalls.
Q7.What is internet connectivity? Explain level 2 connectivity.
Q8.What is satellite network?
Q9.What is OSI model? Write the function of all layers in OSI model.
Q10.What is a Modem?
Q11.Write different between Encryption & Decrypting?
Q12.What is bookmark?
Q13.Explain e-mail protocols? Explain its type.
Q14.Write any two differences between Internet & ARPANET.
Q15.What are FTP client and FTP server?
Q16.Write all types of Topology & Explain any two.
Q17.What is check box in HTML?
Q18.Write the statement for creating a table in HTML.
Q19.What is ALOHA?
Q20.Explain internet addressing scheme.
Q21.Write a JS code to show alert box on the screen.
Q22.What is ASP? Explain functions of ASP?
Q23.Explain LAN, WAN & MAN with example.
Q24.Write about fiber optics cable.
Q25.What is ATM? Write the name of different layer in ATM.
Q26.Explain Cryptography.
Q27.Write about RSA.
Q28.Write definition of Plain text and Cipher text.
Course Code – 1PGDCA5
Comm. Skills & Personality Development
fdUgh 20 ç’uksa dks gy djsaA
Q1.What is Goal setting?
Q2.What is Stress Management?
Q3.What do you understand by Prepositions?
Q4.What is Tense? Explain its types.
Q5.What is team building?
Q6.What is time management?
Q7.What is public speaking?
Q8.Explain Self-Hypnotism.
Q9.Write down theories of personality.
Q10.What is interpersonal communication?
Q11.What do you understand by “Interview”? Suggest any two Dos and two Don’ts at the interview.
Q12.Define “Personality”. Discuss any four techniques involved in personality development.
Q13.What do you mean by “Soft Skills Development”? Discuss the importance of developing soft skills in our lives.
Q14.Write the type of Articles with suitable example?
Q15.Explain Group Discussion.
Q16.Explain Self-Confidence.
Q17.What is Motivation?
Q18.What is the difference between a curriculum-Vitae and Resume? Discuss.
Q19.What is Meditation? Discuss the role that meditation plays in personality development.
Q20.What do you mean by verbal & non verbal communication?
Q21.Write about parts of speech?
Q22.What do you mean by reading & writing skills?
Q23.What is Noun & Pronoun?
Q24.How to Write Resume?
Q25.What is difference between Adjective & Adverb?
Q26.What is importance of Positive Thinking?
Q27.List out different type of leadership?
Course Code – 2PGDCA1
Objects Oriented Programming with C++
fdUgh 25 ç’uksa dks gy djsaA
Q1.Gives the types of storage class specifies.
Q2.Explain the structure of a C++ program.
Q3.What is Nested Loops?
Q4.What is Recursion?
Q5.Explain the concept of manipulator?
Q6.Why scope resolution operator is used?
Q7.What is this pointer?
Q8.What is constructor? Write the difference between constructor and destructor.
Q9.Explain prefix and postfix forms at the decrement operator.
Q10.Explain the work of new and delete operators.
Q11.Write the type of constructor?
Q12.Write the type of Polymorphism?
Q13.Write the type of Inheritance?
Q14.Write the type of Overloading?
Q15.Write the type of Operator?
Q16.What are Header files? Write any 10 header files name.
Q17.What is Manipulator?
Q18.What is Friend function?
Q19.What is Array? Write type of Array.
Q20.What is Abstract class?
Q21.What is Scope resolution operator?
Q22.Explain Inline Function?
Q23.What is Flag?
Q24.Write about concept of OOP?
Q25.Write about C++ Tokens?
Q26.Write about C++ Data types?
Q27.What is Pointer?
Q28.Explain This pointer?
Course Code – 2PGDCA2
DBMS & SQL (With Access / SQL Server)
fdUgh 25 ç’uksa dks gy djsaA
Q1.Explain components of RDBMS.
Q2.What is default value concept?
Q3.What is In Predicate?
Q4.What is outer join? Explain.
Q5.Explain the concept of Revoking Privileges.
Q6.Explain the use of GOTO statement.
Q7.What is user defined exception handling?
Q8.What is Procedure?
Q9.Explain the type of Triggers.
Q10.What do you understand by SQL?
Q11.What is the use of order by clause?
Q12.Explain the SQL DDL command with example?
Q13.Define the types of Attributes?
Q14.Write the name of Aggregate function?
Q15.Write the difference between Function & Procedure?
Q16.What is Cursor?
Q17.Write the SQL statement to display current Date & Time?
Q18.Write difference between DDL & DML?
Q19.Explain all types of Keys in SQL table?
Q20.What is Index? Write their types.
Q21.Explain Commit, Rollback & Savepoint Command in SQL?
Q22.Explain Like operator?
Q23.Write all type of Relationship?
Q24.Write all type of Join?
Q25.Explain Union, Intersect & Minus Clause?
Q26.Write PL/SQL block structure?
Q27.Write all types of ORACLE Data types?
Course Code – 2PGDCA3
Intro. to Financial Accounting with Tally
fdUgh 25 ç’uksa dks gy djsaA
Q1.What is voucher?
Q2.Give the rules of double entry system.
Q3.What is the objective of final accounts?
Q4.Explain contra entry.
Q5.Explain tally vault?
Q6.What are inventory masters?
Q7.What is trail balance?
Q8.How are accounts closed?
Q9.What is the need of keeping ledgers?
Q10.Write the process of voucher entry using foreign currency.
Q11.Explain printing.
Q12.What is a suspense account?
Q13.Why trial balance is prepared?
Q14.Clearly explain the accounting equation?
Q15.What are the principles of accounting?
Q16.Explain the methods of preparation of trail balance.
Q17.Write the name of subsidiary books.
Q18.Give the specimen of purchase books.
Q19.What is cash discount?
Q20.Why capital comes in liabilities side?
Q21.What is real account?
Q22.Give the meaning and advantages of book keeping?
Q23.What are outstanding expenses?
Q24.What is accrued income?
Q25.Write the step of creating a new company?
Q26.What do you mean by invoice?
Q27.Explain book keeping and accountancy.
Q28.What is an asset?
Course Code – 2PGDCA4
Programming with Visual Basic.Net
fdUgh 25 ç’uksa dks gy djsaA
Q1.What is control (Tools) in VB.NET? Explain any 15 Tools.
Q2.What is data type & data type conversion?
Q3.What do you mean by event driven programming?
Q4.What is Event, Method & Property?
Q5.Write principle of Object Oriented Programming.
Q6.Give the name at any string handling function.
Q7.Write features at dialog box. Explain any 5 dialog boxes.
Q8.What do you understand by .NET?
Q9.What is database connectivity?
Q10.What is Timer Control? Explain the properties at timer control with example.
Q11.What is class Library? Explain Math class.
Q12.What is Recursion?
Q13.Explain .NET Architecture & .NET Framework.
Q14.Write difference between picture box and image box.
Q15.Explain the concept of COM & .COM.
Q16.What is Win32 API in .NET?
Q17.Define the Data Adapter object.
Q18.Why Graphics class is used? Explain.
Q19.What is Array in VB.NET?
Q20.Explain the data type in
Q21.Write the steps for connecting with data base?
Q22.Explain the CLR & MSIL.
Q23.Write the difference between Radio button & Check Box.
Q24.What do you understand by ADO.Net?
Q25.Explain the Dialog Controls in
Q26.Write the name of event of Button Control?
Q27.Write the difference between C# and