The Alexandria Jaycees
Summer Picnic June 21st, 2003
Chapter Name and Number: Alexandria, #2
State Name and Number: Virginia, #45
Project Name: Summer Picnic
Project Chair and Contact Info: Karen S.
(# deleted)
CPG Category and Supervisor/s: Membership VP, Cathy L.
1. Primary Purpose: To offer Jaycees an opportunity to socialize, have fun and get to know one another better.
2. Give a brief description of the proposed project and background information. Follow this with a listing of the specific and measurable goals of the project.
In the Chapter Plan of the Year under the Management Area of Opportunity, a need was identified for the members to spend time with other Jaycees. At this picnic, members will have an opportunity to do just this. We will rent the pavilion at Fort Hunt Park and have a picnic on Saturday, June 21, 2003 from Noon to 5:00 pm.
Goal 1 To have 30 Alexandria Jaycees attend.
Goal 2 To have 5 new Jaycees attend.
Goal 3 To have 5 non-members attend.
Goal 4 To take some good pictures for the web site.
3. What Are The Specific Manpower Assignments? (Show Names and Duties)
Jeff B.
President, Alexandria Jaycees
(phone # deleted)
Jeff oversees all projects conducted by the chapter.
Cathy L.
Membership Vice President
(phone # deleted)
Cathy oversees all projects within the Membership portfolio, and helps set up and clean up the event.
Karen S.
(phone # deleted)
Karen plans the project; prepares and writes the CPG; promotes the event; writes newsletter articles, hotline, and postcard announcements; helps set up and clean up at the event, and writes and presents the final CPG.
Tim C.
Hotline Coordinator
Updates the Alexandria Jaycee hotline on a regular basis.
Jim L.
List Serve administrator
(phone # deleted)
Maintains the list serve that allows for accomplishing project publicity over the Internet.
Kristie Kehoe
Maintains the Alexandria Jaycees web site that allows for accomplishing project publicity over the Internet.
Ericka C.
Communications VP
(phone # deleted)
Coordinates the submissions and development of the Chapter’s newsletter.
Valerie C.
Membership Director/Committee Member
(email address deleted)
Valerie will coordinate beverages/food acquisition, on-site preparation and clean up.
Randy C.
Financial Director/Committee Member
(phone # deleted)
Randy will coordinate beverages/food acquisition, on-site preparation and clean up.
Lea Anne C.
Treasurer/Committee Member
(phone # deleted)
Lea Anne will be responsible for collecting payment and making change at the event as well as securing the site, and helping set and clean up after the event.
Danielle R.
Committee Member
(email address deleted)
Danielle will help prepare suitable games pre-picnic and coordinate them on-site, and help set up and clean up.
Ali B.
Committee Member
(phone # deleted)
Ali will help prepare suitable games pre-picnic and coordinate them on-site, take pictures at the event, and help set up and clean up.
James H.
Committee Member
(email address deleted)
James will prepare promotional flyers for distribution and have them available at the May 19 chapter meeting, and help clean up.
4. What specific materials, supplies and resources will be required? (What, Who, When Needed)
Ø Flyers James H., Danielle R. May 19, 2003
Ø List Serve Karen S. May 16, 2003
Ø Hotline Tim C. May 19, 2003
Ø Newsletter Article Karen S. May 20, 2003
Ø Website Kristie K. May 12, 2003
Miscellaneous supplies
Ø Beverages Jeff B., Randy C., Valerie C. June 21, 2003
Ø Food Jeff B., Randy C., Valerie C. June 21, 2003
Ø Cooking supplies Jeff B., Randy C., Valerie C. June 21, 2003
Ø Paper products Cathy L. June 21, 2003
Ø Games Ali B., Danielle R. June 21, 2003
Ø Camera Ali B., Cathy L. June 21, 2003
Ø Games supplies Ali B. June 21, 2003
Ø Site Rental Lee Ann C. May, 8 2003
5. Describe Potential Problems And Solutions To Successfully Complete This Project.
Problem 1: Not enough participants
Solution 1: Advertise like crazy utilizing all Jaycee advertisement methods: hotline, newsletter, list serve, website, and flyers at as many events as possible.
Problem 2: Jaycees may become inebriated.
Solution 2: Offer to call a cab, or find a ride for anyone who has had too many.
Problem 3: Inclement weather.
Solution 3: Provide on-site shelter or reschedule for a later date in the summer.
6. Complete A Proposed Budget Indicating All Anticipated Income and Expenses.
Expenses Income
$55 Site rental
Paper products - Donated
$80 Food and supplies 5 non-members at $8 each = $40
$80 Beer and beverages 35 members at $5 each = $175
$215 Total Expenses $215 Total Income
7. List The Specific Steps To Bring This Project To Successful Completion Showing Planned Dates For Each Step.
Date Action
5/8/03 Develop CPG, budget, research costs and availability of desired day
5/8/03 Secure the site
5/12/03 Present CPG to Board of Directors
5/12/03 Until event - Promote event/hotline/email/newsletters/flyers/word of mouth
5/12/03 Make flyers for May chapter meeting
5/19/03 Obtain beer permit
5/19/03 Make announcement of event at May chapter meeting and use a preliminary interest form.
5/20/03 Submit newsletter article for June edition to Ericka C..
5/20/03 Finalize arrangements for games and on-site assignments (set up crew, cooking,
running games, clean-up crew, etc.)
5/20/03 Contact Tim C. to place event information on hotline
5/22/03 Put reminder on the list serve.
6/09/03 Put reminder on the list serve.
6/17/03 Put reminder on the list serve.
6/19/03 Purchase food & beverages and assemble all needed supplies (paper products,
game supplies, etc.)
6/21/03 Conduct picnic.
8/13/03 Present final CPG to the Board of Directors
8. Record any revision of the original plan.
How this question is answered is up to the individual. Here are some suggestions that you might like to follow:
1. Keep a chronological account (a journal) of the activities for the project. Record every revision to your original plan as a special input. In other words, review question #7 and account for any unplanned activities that played into the project.
2. Keep a list of actual contacts with names, titles, addresses, etc. and place this in a separate section of question #8 of this CPG, so that future project chairs can start their planning with your contact/resource list.
3. Keep an account as members (not previously planned) join the committee and the responsibilities that they take on. This is an area often forgotten and can be very important to the future of the project.
These are suggestions for a format style which could be better than just a chronological listing of unplanned events that took place. This question will not look anything like question #7. They are only asking you to record any revisions—they are expecting this to show actual dates of activities. Most projects, no matter how well planned, are usually running late or waiting for others to report, etc.
Date Description of revision
June 15 Rented a large tent from Valerie’s employer.
Dec. 8 Presented final CPG.
Materials/supplies not planned for:
Refer to your answer to questions #4 and #6 and make sure you include here any items that weren’t planned for but were actually used for the project. Put approximate value for donated items, actual value for purchased items.
Materials/Supplies Resource/Contact Address/Phone Actual Purchase/Donated Value
Tarp/tent rental / Valerie C.(email address deleted) / $5.00
Games Danielle R. (croquet set; we did plan for this but forgot to put it in the
9. What changes or recommendations do you have for a future chairman?
Take this opportunity to discuss the good, the bad and the ugly . . . Remember that every project has many sides to it. Running projects and completing the paperwork is not just a waste of time, but an opportunity for growth and development of leadership skills. Future project chairs will be able to use your planning guide to help them run a successful project. Help them learn from your successes and your mistakes.
· Have more options for planned activities. Croquet worked well but many were still sitting around. Ground in the field area was too wet for the soccer ball & Frisbees so were confined to the drier area.
· Also have a few family activities or ask parents to bring things for their children should they come along.
· Have hotpads and tongs as well as trivets to pull large dishes off of the grill. We put all the baked beans in 1 large tinfoil container and had to improvise with a folded-over piece of cardboard box to slide it onto once it was finished heating up.
· Set up committee should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to begin cooking food – hamburgers take a long time. We had a snag in getting into the storage unit to get the grill which didn’t arrive until about 30-45 minutes into the picnic.
· Continue to offer vegetarian alternatives (soy burgers and hotdogs) for those who prefer that to the beef/pork variety.
10. Give specific and measurable results for each goal established. Describe the impact of this project on the chapter, individual members and the community. Evaluate your primary purpose.
Primary Purpose: To offer Jaycees an opportunity to socialize, have fun and get to know one another better. Results: Jaycees new and old shared a meal, conversation, and general socialization for a few hours on a somewhat rainy summer day.
Goal 1 To have 30 Alexandria Jaycees attend.
Goal 2 To have 5 new Jaycees attend.
Goal 3 To have 5 non-members attend.
Goal 4 To take some good pictures for the web site.
INDIVIDUAL: Individual Jaycees got to know one another better.
CHAPTER: A prospective member (Cindy H.) later joined the chapter, one joined on site (Denise). We did have a few keymen/life members present as well, helping newer members understand who these people are.
COMMUNITY: Holding the event at a public park with our signage in place may have helped our visibility in the community.
Problem 1: Not enough participants
Solution 1: Advertise like crazy utilizing all Jaycee advertisement methods: hotline, newsletter, list serve, website, and flyers at as many events as possible.
Result1: We met 131% of goal for member attendance, with 46 members attending; and 80% of our goal for non-member attendance, with 4 non-members attending.
Problem 2: Jaycees may become inebriated.
Solution 2: Offer to call a cab, or find a ride for anyone who has had too many.
Result2: No Jaycees became inebriated during the event. There were plenty of non-alcoholic beverages available.
Problem 3: Inclement weather.
Solution 3: Provide on-site shelter or reschedule for a later date in the summer.
Result 3: We did need to use a tent we rented from a member’s employer. However, the pegs holding it into the ground were not very sturdy and we had to break park rules to tie it to trees.
Use the areas below to describe the impact that this project had on the individual, the chapter, and the community. This is where you will show how the project was a success for the chapter, the community and you, as the chairperson, or for an individual involved in the project. Let this area tell about the success and the benefits of the project. There are some, or you wouldn’t have gotten this far with this project.
Appropriation from chapter $0 $0
Non-Chapter Donated supplies (itemize below)
Paper goods 0 30
Food 0 100
Beverages 0 80
Games 0 50
Additional income (itemize below)
Ticket sales/admission fees 215.00 262.00
TOTAL INCOME $215.00 $522.00
Donated supplies (itemize below)
Paper goods 0 30
Food 0 100
Beverages 0 80
Games 0 50
Purchased supplies (itemize below)
Food & beverages 160.00 161.70
Miscellaneous (itemize below)
Site rental 55.00 55.00
Tent rental 0 5.00
Return of appropriation from chapter 0 0
TOTAL EXPENSES $215.00 481.70
$40.30 profit