The Agricultural Economics Society of Japan- Annual Meeting 2010
Instructions to applicants for the poster presentation
We inform members of the submission instructions on the poster presentation. Applicants are encouraged to submit their necessary documents in accordance with the following instructions:
1. Documents to be submitted:
From this year, submissions may be made by e-mail as well as by regular mail, as shown below.
Also from this year, applicants may become the lead author of oral or poster presentations for one presentation only, regardless of the subject.
Each year, some manuscripts and abstracts are submitted, as a kind of a “preview,” even though they are still in the process of analysis and a conclusion has not been reached at the time of application. These manuscripts do not meet the established requirement for their acceptance as a presentation, which specifies that manuscripts must be completed at the time of application. This year, this point will be judged strictly. Please note that manuscripts without a conclusion will not be accepted on the grounds of failure to comply with the required format.
For submission by regular mail:
a) Presentation application form
l Please print out the sheet 3 and fill out all the necessary details (Table listing the sessions (fields of study))
b) Abstract of the presentation………4 copies (A4 size original 1 copy+B5 size 3 copies)
l Please see sheet 1 (Instructions on preparation for the abstract)
c) Manuscript written in accordance with the guidelines presented on the special volume of the Journal of Rural Economics (publication of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan) ………………2 copies (A4 size).
d) Postcard for the receipt of the abstract and manuscript ………1
l Please provide a postcard putting a stamp. Write your name and address in the front of that. It is unnecessary to write in the back.
For submission by e-mail:
a) Presentation application form
l Please fill out all the necessary details on sheet 3 (Table listing the sessions (fields of study))
b) Abstract of the presentation………1 file (A4 size)
l Please see sheet 1 (Instructions on preparation for the abstract)
c) Manuscript written in accordance with the guidelines presented on the special volume of the Journal of Rural Economics (publication of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan) ………………1 file (A4 size).
2. Deadline: Must reach the address below by 17:00 on Friday, December 18, 2009 (Both regular mail and e-mail)
3. Address to which the documents must be sent:
Postal address:
Office of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan
C/o Norin-tokei Kyokai
Meguro Sumiya Building
3-9-13 Shimo-Meguro
Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Zip code: 153-0064
Phone: 03-3492-2988, Fax: 03-3492-2942
E-mail address:
4. Schedule Table for the poster presentation:
The schedule table for the poster presentation (venue and time table) will be sent to the applicants by the end of February 2010. It should be noted that, considering the situation concerning the number of presenters and the space given, some applicants might be requested to move to an oral presentation. The schedule table will be posted on the web site of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan before the annual meeting.
5. Important notices about materials for the poster presentation:
a) The poster must be prepared in accordance with the pattern shown in the Sheet 2.
b) Those competing for the Best Poster Award are expected to give a ten minutes oral presentation (7 minutes short speech and 3 minutes discussion/Q & A) in front of their posters according to the schedule table (during 9:30 ~ 11:00) on March 28, 2010.
c) The Best Poster Award will be granted, based upon the comprehensive evaluation of the manuscript, the poster and the presentation.
d) The display of posters in the hall must be set up during 9:00 ~ 9:30 on March 28, 2010. It is allowed for presenters to display posters until 15:00 on March 28, 2010. With regard to the venue for the poster presentation, please refer to the schedule table.
e) In addition to the oral presentation time, authors are recommended to be present near their posters to enable the viewers to ask questions and have discussions. In particular, the presenters are requested to remain near their posters during the lunch break to offer additional explanation to the viewers and hold discussions with them.
f) Although it is recommended to put copies of the manuscript and name cards in a tray near your poster, a desk or a rack required for this purpose will not be provided by the office of the society.
g) An award ceremony will begin at 16:45 on March 28, 2010. The name of the author(s) who receive the Best Poster Award will be put up a notice on the wall of the poster presentation hall by 15:30. Please check the notice board. The winner(s) of the award must attend the ceremony. It is necessary for the winner(s) to inform a member of the Poster Award Committee of the absence of him if the winner cannot attend it owing to unavoidable circumstances.
6. Preparing the presentation application form
a) Entering the membership number
Please enter the membership number of the representative presenter on the presentation application form (at least one of the presenters must be a member of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan for the FY2009 term at the time of application). The membership number is on the membership list. Any inquiries about the membership number should be directed to the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan secretariat (C/O Association of Agriculture & Forestry Statistics; official in charge of membership: Fujimoto). Non-members are required to become members as soon as possible.
For applicants planning to later submit their papers to the Special Issue of the Journal of Rural Economics, it is desirable for the lead presenter to be a member at the time of the presentation, given that the screening of papers for the Special Issue of the Journal of Rural Economics will proceed in coordination with the evaluation of the presentation. For the same reason, please refrain from using a different lead presenter for the presentation and paper for the Special Issue of the Journal of Rural Economics.
b) Choosing an appropriate session for your poster presentation
Please print out the sheet 3 listing the sessions of the poster presentation. Choose an appropriate session from this list. It is also likely that, based on the Poster Award Committee’s decision, the session allotted may be different from the one initially chosen by the applicant.
7. Manuscript written in accordance with the guidelines
Please prepare two copies (A4 size) of the manuscript for the poster presentation in accordance with the guidelines presented on the web site of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan or on the special volume of the Journal of Rural Economics 2008 (publication of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan; written in Japanese).
8. Applying for the special volume of the Journal of Rural Economics
a) After the presentation, authors may submit their contributed papers to the Special Issue of the Journal of Rural Economics (publication of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan), incorporating the comments and the suggestions offered by the chairperson and others concerned during the discussion and re-writing the manuscripts accordingly. Authors whose manuscripts do not need any revision must also remember to re-submit it to the editorial board of the journal. Send the final draft by e-mail to The Center for Academic Publications Japan and to The Editorial Office, The Journal of Rural Economics (“Nogyo Keizai Kenkyu”). The e-mail addresses will be listed on the web site of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan at a later date. (For further details, please refer to the FY2008 membership list or the guidelines on submission for the FY2008 Special Issue of the Journal of Rural Economics.)
b) The first author of the contributors must be a member of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan in 2009. Please write the membership number in brackets after the name.
9. Others
For submission by regular mail:
a) Prior to submission, please confirm that all the four requirements listed in item No. 1 above have been included. Application with incomplete documents may not be accepted.
b) It is requested to send the documents by a registered mail or through courier services.
c) On the envelope cover, please write in red letters “The Agricultural Economics Society of Japan (contribution for the poster presentation)”.
For submission by e-mail:
a) Prior to submission, please confirm that all the three requirements listed in item No. 1 above have been included. Applications with incomplete documents may not be accepted.
b) Please set the priority of the e-mail before sending.
c) The subject of the e-mail should be: “Submission of poster presentation manuscript (Affiliation: XXX, Name: XXX).”
【Sheet 1】
Instructions on Preparation for the Abstract
1. Writing Style
a) A4 size horizontal pattern. Horizontal about 15 words x Vertical 45 lines
b) Recommended font type and size: MS Mincho, 10.5 point
c) Leave the left-right, top-bottom margins according to the sample provided.
d) Figures/charts must also be included within the same layout.
2. Layout
1) 1st Page
1st Line Title (Use 14-point MS Gothic font, placed in the center of the line)
2nd Line Blank (However, in case of a subtitle must be enclosed within hyphen)
3rd Line Name (placed in the center of the line)
4th Line Affiliation (written in parenthesis, placed below the name)
5th Line Blank
6th – 45th Line Text
2) If the title exceeds 2 lines and in case of a subtitle, 2nd Line onwards must be moved below. In that case, the length of the text must be adjusted within the allotted space only.
3. Specifications
Page Size: A4 Top Margin: 30 mm
Page setting: Vertical Bottom Margin: 30 mm
Words per line: about 15 Right Margin: 25 mm
Lines per page: 45 Left Margin: 25 mm
Direction of characters: Horizontal Page Numbering: Do not number
4. Paper quality (for regular mail submission)
A4 size high quality paper (for computer use)
*Note: For submission, in addition to the A4 sized original (1 copy), also send 3 copies of the original reduced to B5 size (as mentioned in the requirements).
Sample:A4 size paper(Select frame for A4 size paper)
Title of the presentation
Leave 1 line blank (in case of a subtitle, move 1 line below)
←25㎜→ 1 line blank ←25㎜→
Text begins………………………………………………………
…………………………about 15 words…………
↑(Number of lines 45)
【Sheet 2】Instructions on Preparation for the Poster
1. Poster panel must be A0 (zero) size (Length 1188 mm x Width 841 mm).
2. Poster must be prepared in accordance with the panels provided for display. The poster must be brought to the venue on the previous day or the day of the presentation and pasted onto the panels by the presenter. The poster displayed must be within the space available on the panels.
3. Although the size of the poster as mentioned above is A0 size, displaying A4 sized sheets etc is permitted. The poster may not necessarily be one single sheet.
4. ※ Number of the presentation will be inserted here. Leave blank space (top-bottom margin 150 mm, right-bottom margin 200 mm).
※ ※ Position, font size optional.
5. Contents of the poster should be self-explanatory. The font size must be big enough to be read from a distance of 2 m.
6. Figures and tables must be expressed in an easy to follow manner. Photographs etc may be included.
【Sheet 3】Application for the poster presentation
※ Receipt No: P
Name Affiliation
The membership number 031- -
Title of the presentation:[Type of presentation] The poster presentation
[Contribution of manuscript for publication] Must select one:
(Plan to contribute ・ No plan to contribute)
[Choice of the presentation session]
Ⅰ SubjectPlease tick one / ( ) Within Japan
( ) Overseas (Name of the Country )
( ) International Comparison [Name of the Areas or Countries ]
Ⅱ Technique
Please tick one / ( ) Theoretical
( ) Quantitative
( ) Historical
( ) Field Investigation
Ⅲ Category
Choose two categories and rank your preference / ( ) Demand
( ) Production・Management
( ) Distribution・Marketing
( ) Environment・Resources
( ) Rural Society・Culture
( ) Agricultural or Rural Development
( ) Food Industry
( ) Regional Agriculture
( ) Agricultural or Rural Planning
( ) Policy・Institutions