Side 1 – Athos/D’Artagnan

ACT 1, scene iv

(D’Artagnan’s chase of Rocheforte runs him square into Athos coming from his visit with the Doctor. He slams right into Athos’ wounded shoulder)

D’ARTAGNAN Excuse me, but I’m in a hurry. ( Athos grabs him with his good arm)

ATHOS You’re in a hurry! And because of that, you run into me, you say ‘Excuse me’ and you think that’s enough? Not quite, young man.

D’ARTAGNAN I didn’t do it intentionally, I said ‘Excuse me’ and I think that is enough. Even so, I’ll repeat that I’m in a hurry. Please let go of me so I can be on my way.

ATHOS You are not polite, sir, it’s easy to see that you come from far away.

D’ARTAGNAN Let me warn you, sir, that no matter how far away I may have come from, you’re not going to give me a lesson in good manners!

ATHOS That remains to be seen.

D’ARTAGNAN Ah, if I weren’t in such a hurry, if I weren’t running after someone…

ATHOS You can find me without running after me. Do you understand?

D’ARTAGNAN Yes. Where?

ATHOS Near the Carmes-Deschaux monastery.



D’ARTAGNAN I’ll be there at noon.

ATHOS You’d better not keep me waiting, because if you’re not there by a quarter past twelve, I’ll find you and cut off your ears.

D’ARTAGNAN Don’t worry, I’ll be there at ten minutes to twelve.

BREAK-Part 2

(Carmes-Deschaux Convent. Church bells striking noon. Athos enters looks around begins a warm up, testing his hurt shoulder and then puts his sword in his left hand and does a few passes. D’Artagnan enters approaches and bows very respectfully)

ATHOS Sir, I’ve asked my friends to act as my seconds, but neither of them has arrived yet. They’re not usually late for an affair of this kind.

D’ARTAGNAN I have no seconds on my part, sir. I only arrived in Paris yesterday and know no one here except Monsieur de Tréville.

ATHOS You know no one but Monsieur de Tréville?

D’ARTAGNAN No, no one.

ATHOS That’s a bit awkward. If I kill you, I shall have the air of a boy-slayer.

D’ARTAGNAN Not too much so, since you do me the honor to draw a sword with me while suffering from a wound which is very painful.

ATHOS Very painful indeed. However I’ll fight you with my left hand as I’ve often done before.

D’ARTAGNAN May I make a suggestion?

ATHOS What’s that?

D’ARTAGNAN I’ve got a wonderful ointment for dressing wounds. My mother gave it to me and I’ve already tried it on myself with great success. I’m certain the ointment would cure you in three days or even less. I suggest we put off our meeting till then.

ATHOS Well said, sir well said. But we’d do better to settle the matter sooner than later. (pause) What in God’s name happened to those two idle rogues, my seconds? Why aren’t they here?

D’ARTAGNAN If you’re in a great hurry, and would like to finish me off as quickly as possible, please don’t worry but let’s start without them.

ATHOS Well said again. I like fellows of your stamp, and if I don’t kill you now, I hope to make your better acquaintance later. But I think we’d do well to wait for the two others; it’s more correct this way. (Porthos and Aramis strolling into the scene) Ah, here is one of them, I do believe.

D’ARTAGNAN These are your seconds?

ATHOS Yes.Any objections?