Territorial Mission Resources Department Australia Southern Territory © 2016 1

Written by Christopher Trodden B.A (Bib.Stud)

Christmas 2016: Light of the World: Message 1

Sermon Outline: Advent

Topic: / Advent
Main Point: / Advent is a time when we celebrate and anticipate the arrival of Christ
Intended Response: / Celebrate and anticipate the coming of Christ
Mission Intention / Making Disciples, Transforming Lives. Reforming Society


This sermon highlights the importance of Advent in our lives.

A.  What is Advent

Ø  Advent refers to a time when people prepare for the arrival of a King

Ø  The first part of Advent is to anticipate the second arrival of the King

Ø  The second part of Advent is to celebrate the first arrival of the King

Point One: Advent is a period of time where we prepare our hearts for the arrival of King Jesus.

B.  Celebrating the first arrival of the King

Ø  Jesus was understood as the long awaited King

Ø  Christmas Day marks the first arrival of Jesus the King

Point Two: Christmas Day is about celebrating the first arrival of Christ

C.  Anticipating the second arrival of the King

Ø  Advent is used in the New Testament about the Return of Christ

Ø  Advent is to anticipate the arrival of Christ

Ø  The first Advent has occurred, we are now waiting for the second one

Point Three: Advent is living with anticipation that Christ is coming back.

D.  Practising Advent

Ø  The wreath and the candles

Ø  Christmas lights

Ø  Advent calendars

Point Four: Choose one of the Advent features to incorporate into your Sunday service.

Teaching Illustrations and props:
This sermon can be enhanced with the use of an advent calendar, wreath and candles, Christmas lights and Power Point slides.
For more resources for this sermon, including PowerPoint slides www.sarmy.org.au/christmas-packs

Christmas 2016: Light of the World: Message 1

Sermon Transcript: Advent

Introduction: / Welcome everyone to church. Today we kick off our Christmas series Light of the World and begin the first day of Advent.
Advent is a wonderful time of worship leading up to Christmas. Today we will look at the meaning of Advent, why it’s a powerful tradition for us practice, and how we can incorporate it in our Christmas celebrations this year.
Transition / For anyone not familiar with Advent, let me lay a quick foundation for you surrounding this tradition. As I began studying it out this year, I was so encouraged by the richness of meaning behind it, and I pray that it will add to your faith today as well…
1. WHAT IS ADVENT / Advent is both a word and practice.
1.  The word Advent
Advent is the Latin word used for the Greek word Parousia.
It’s not a word that is used in everyday language – but it’s a word of significant meaning. It’s an old word that was used when describing the preparations that people undertook when they received notice that a King was going to arrive and visit their town or village.
In simple terms, Advent refers to a time when people prepare for the arrival of a King.
2.  The practice of Advent
For Christians, advent has two meanings: one being celebrating the first arrival of Christ and the second is anticipating the second arrival of Christ. With these two meanings in mind (the first arrival of King Jesus and His promised return) Advent can be both a celebration and a time of anticipation:
·  Celebration (Dec 25 – Christmas Day)
One of my favourite days of the year – Christmas Day. The day when we celebrate the birth and first arrival of our King: Jesus Christ.
·  Anticipation (Nov – Dec 24) We can also incorporate into our Christmas celebrations the practice of advent. From the first of December to the Christmas Eve, we cultivate a feeling of anticipating the arrival of King Jesus.
There are many ways we can do this: using an advent calendar, display a wreath and five candles, set up a Christmas tree with lights and candy canes
In doing so, we can also remind ourselves that one day Christ will return to visibly rule and reign over the whole earth as King.
Point 1: / Advent is a period of time where we prepare our hearts for the arrival of King Jesus
Because we are most familiar with the second part advent, Christmas Day, let’s begin there with the first arrival of the King.
2. Celebrating the first arrival of the King / Christmas Day marks the first arrival of Jesus the King. He was born over 2,000 years ago in the humble settings of a manger - which is celebrated the world over every year with the Christmas story.
When Jesus was born into the world, it marked the coming of the long awaited Messiah who, as Scripture foretold, would be the offspring of King David, and would be an everlasting King – never to lose the throne or be overthrown:
“When your days are fulfilled andyou lie down with your fathers,I will raise up your offspring after you… and your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. Your throne shall be established forever”
(2 Sam 7:12-16).
Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord (Lk 2:11).
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? (Matt 2:1).
Christmas Day marks the first arrival of the King. Though He was born in the most humble of settings, this little child would grow up to be the King of all kings. Indeed, When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey at Easter time, the crowd shouted:
"Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Hosanna in the highest heaven!" (Matt 21:9).
Jesus was understood to be the long awaited King. The crowd believed at the Triumphal Entrance that Jesus was going to overthrow the Romans and set up King’s David throne once again to rule as King. As Christians, we worship and understand Jesus as a King. He is King over the whole earth, He is the King who shall rule forever, He was King of the Jews, and is the King of all kings.
For us, Advent is a point in the Christian calendar when we celebrate the first arrival of our King.
Point 2 / Christmas Day is about celebrating the first arrival of Christ
Transition / Now look at the beginning period of Advent (Nov 30 - Dec 24)…
3. Anticipating the second arrival of the King. / In the New Testament, the word Advent / Parousia is used over seventeen times and is used regarding the Second coming of Christ.
This is when Jesus will return from heaven to fully and utterly establish the Kingdom of God in all its fullness, and reign as King over all creation.
Scripture records:
After [Jesus had finished teaching them], he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven” (Acts1:9-10).
Since Advent refers to the arrival of a king, and because Christ promised to return, the other aspect to advent - the parousia - is to live in eager anticipation of the second arrival of the King: known as the Second coming of Christ.
The Bible says in 1 Thess 4:16-9:
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words (1 Thess 4:16-9).
For us here today, advent can add such a rich depth to our faith as we remind ourselves with such questions as:
·  “what does it mean to live a life under the conviction that Christ could return at any moment?”
·  “Am I leading a life that shows I am preparing for the return of the King?
·  “Am I helping to bring in the King’s rule by how I act now?”
·  “Am I spreading the message in deeds and in words that the King is coming back for those who live according to His ways?”
The first advent was truly wonderful. In it we saw a King who came to take away the sins of the earth. Thought He was mocked at his death and crowned with thorns, He rose triumphantly from the dead and now reigns as King of all kings! But this is only the first act of God’s grand play – there is a second act: the return of the King.
Story (insert a personal story): In our house growing up, we were allowed to stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve and open one present. It was so exciting, but I knew it was only a taste of what was to come. Between the hours 12:05 -7:30 am, though it was technically Christmas Day, the full celebrations were yet to take place. Then, at the right time (6:00am for us with a “go back to bed until 7:30” encouragement / warning) my brother, sister and myself would get up and open the rest of our presents. The celebrations and festivities began after 7:30am…
So it with the return of Christ.
The first presents have been passed out: forgiveness, new life, the Holy Spirit …but life in its full expression with God has yet to happen. We are living at 7:25am – just on the edge of that new day beginning when Christ shall return. And with His return, Christ willll take away all sickness, pain, injustice, poverty, and restore all things.
In light of all this, we now live a life that reflects the coming of the King. We live to help other prepare for the King’s return. We help fight against injustice, sickness, poverty because we know when our King returns, these are the things we does not want in His Kingdom.
POINT / Advent is living with anticipation that Christ is coming back.
Transition / Now, the Advent tradition has so many wonderful features that helps remind us of these truths. Here are few that you may want to incorporate in your family this year
3.  Practising Advent / Due to time, pick one of the following features to highlight in your sermon and Corps…
3.1. The Wreath and Candles
Beginning with the first Sunday of advent, a candle is lit and is used to create a worship focus for the week ahead, with the last candle lit on Christmas day.
The wreath symbolises God, who like the wreath has no beginning and no end, and the candles highlight one aspect of the Christmas story:
·  Candle 1: is the prophecy candle and refers to the coming saviour - Advent
·  Candle 2: is the Angel’s candle and refers to the annunciation of Christ’s birth
·  Candle 3: is the shepherd’s candle and refers to joy
·  Candle 4: is the manger candle and refers to the birth of Christ
·  Candle 5: is the Christ candle, it is white and refers to the sinlessness of Christ
Action: If you choose this feature, it would be good to invite someone up to light the first candle as today is the beginning of Advent.
3.2 Christmas Lights
Christmas lights have long been part of Advent and Christmas celebrations. Their meaning is to point to Jesus, who the Bible says, “is the true light of the world” (Jn 1:9) and also records Jesus saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (Jn 8:12).
The Advent tradition is to put up Christmas lights and turn them on from the last Sunday in November through to the 7th Jan. I love seeing Christmas lights. I find there is something special about them. We see them go up every year around trees, hanging around homes or in people’s gardens. Near our home, there is a court where every house is decorated front to back with Christmas lights.
Action: If you choose this feature, it would be good to invite someone up to turn on the Christmas lights on your Corps Christmas tree.
3.3 Advent Calendar
Advent calendars are a great tool to help teach our children about why we count the days leading up to Christmas: the arrival of the King.
Action: If you choose this feature, it would be good to place an advent calendar in the Corps building and select someone to open the first window. You could do this every Sunday until Christmas Eve, then make a big celebration at the start of your Christmas Day service by opening the last window to baby Jesus.
You may also want to read the origins of the advent calendar:
At first, the days preceding Christmas were marked off from December 1 with a chalk mark on believers' doors. Then in Germany in the late 19th century the mother of a child named Gerhard Lang made her son an Advent Calendar comprised of 24 tiny sweets stuck onto cardboard.
Lang never forgot the excitement he felt when he was given his Advent calendar at the beginning of each December, and how it reminded him every day that the greatest celebration of the whole year (Christ’s birth) was approaching ever nearer.
Point 4 / Choose one or all of the advent features to incorporate into your Sunday service.
Call to Action / So Advent and the Christmas story is one of Parousia - the arrival of a king, the King of Kings - Jesus Christ.
As we end today’s message, can I encourage us all to participate in celebrating and anticipating Advent.
Let’s encourage each other as we enter into December this year by focusing our hearts on these two truths: Christ has come and He will come again.
If you have not ever practised Advent before, or if you have never acknowledged Jesus as King over your life, please feel free to come and have a chat to me or one of our leaders at the end of the service.
Let’s pray together…
Closing Prayer / Dear God, as we enter a time of preparation for Christmas this year, we ask that you would stir our hearts to live with a joyous anticipation - expecting Christ’s return, and to stir our hearts with thanksgiving as we celebrate the gift of life that is Christ Jesus.
Thank you for sending your Son for us. We ask that He would be our King in every area of our lives, leading and guiding us in His way. We come under His rule and reign, and ask that you would help us extend His kingdom by loving and reminding others that the King shall return.

Christmas 2016: Light of the World: Message 1