Technology-Connected Lesson Plan

Title: /

Fractions in Disguise

Grade Levels: / 3-6
Curriculum Areas: / :  Mathematics
Measurable Objectives: / :  Students will generate fraction equivalents by converting 5 of 7 fractions into equivalent forms
LA Content Standards: / :  Number and Number Relations:
:  N-1-M demonstrating that a rational number can be expressed in many forms, and selecting an appropriate form for a given situation (e.g., fractions, decimals, and percents)
:  N-9-E demonstrating the connection of number and number relations to the other strands and to real-life situations
Technology Guidelines: / :  Determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tool(s) and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems. (2)
Technology Connection: / :  Use of Calculators
Procedures / Large group activity:
Pique interest by dressing up in a trench coat and pulling the collar up. If you have a wig and other disguise props like glasses, put them on and turn around to face the class. Pretend you are Sherlock Holmes solving a case, raising your eyebrows and talking very studiedly by telling the students “Fractions are everywhere! Let’s use our detective skills to uncover some in our own classroom. And then we’ll see how the mysterious fraction convert to other forms to try to trick us.”
Student Participation: Start by counting the total number of students in the class and have a student write the total number of students on the board. Then have the girls stand up. Count the girls. Have the student enter the girls’ number as the numerator over the total number and draw the fractions bar. Ask the class, “Is this a fraction?” Students will reply positively.
Have the boys stand up to be counted and repeat the procedure.
Now on the transparency with the students, enter the different ways the fraction can “disguise” itself in other forms.
Enter the data on the lines for Case #’s 1 and 2. They should discover that it’s easy to do some of the forms, like writing the fraction and division, but the decimal likely will be more difficult. Tell them, “Let’s do the division to find the decimal.” (Do the division together on the board. This will take some time.)
Tell the students, “Detectives use the right tools to make their jobs easier You, as a smart detective, should determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tools and resources to solve problems. Now, pick up your calculators and let’s do the Case #2 on the calculator.”
Enter the number of boys, the divide sign, the total number of students in the class, then the = sign. Have them write their answers on their worksheets. The students should realize that the calculator made the work much easier.
Find other real life fractions in the class.
Suggestion: broken pencils/ total number of pencils on desks right now.
Suggestion: people who ate cereal this morning for breakfast/ total number of students who ate breakfast.
Check for understanding that every fraction means division. Some older students may not yet have realized this fact. Ask questions as you move around the room.
Small group activity:
Now, divide the class into cooperative groups of four to convert other fractions in the same manner. Give the caller a Calculator Fractions worksheet. This is what they should do while working with their partners: One person will be calling out fractions and writing answers on the worksheet, while the others are doing the conversions on their calculators. Switch after 3 problems, so everyone gets a turn calling.
Independent practice:
Have the students complete the rest of Fractions in Disguise worksheet.
Assessment: As students are working, the teacher should walk around with the checklist recording the student’s proficiency of converting decimals.
Materials: / :  Disguise props: Trench coat, wig, glasses
:  Fractions in Disguise Worksheet transparency
:  Overhead Projector
:  Calculators
:  Pencils
:  Calculator Fractions Worksheet
:  Fractions in Disguise Worksheet for students
Assessment: / :  Teacher Checklist
Teacher’s Name: / :  Linda Hyde
School: / :  KES, KHS