Physical Education Department
Block Plan
Name: Omnikin Ball
Teacher Candidate(s): Doug Meehan
Skill(s): Striking and receiving an Omnikin ball
Day 1:Instant Activity(IA)/Warm-up: “Keep it up” – Established groups will compete to keep the newly introduced Omnikin ball up in the air the longest.
Intro: Briefly explain to the class what is on the agenda for this unit including expectations. Give an overview of what previously learned skills will be used in this sport.
Lesson focus: Introduce the game of Omnikin ball and the ball itself. Allow students to become familiar with the ball.
Fitness component: Students will get both a mental and physical workout during the Omnikin ball unit.
Assessment(s): Student self evaluation using Hellison’s affective rubric
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing today’s focus and provide insight to next class. / Day 2:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: “Summo”- push against ball in order to push opponent out of circle
Intro: Overview what was learned in last class and explain what is today’s lesson along with an anticipatory set.
Lesson focus: Continue getting used to ball by playing “partner ball tag”-designated partnership has to tag another partnership with the Omnikin ball.
Fitness component: Students will get both a mental and physical workout during the Omnikin ball unit.
Assessment(s): Student self evaluation using Hellison’s affective rubric
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing today’s focus and provide insight to next class.
Day 3:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: “Train tracks”- class is divided into two groups, students lay down, ball is rolled over them. First ball to reach the end without falling off the track wins.
Intro: Give a quick history of Omnikin ball and explain the significance of team play.
Lesson focus: Learn how to hold the ball. All three teammates must be touching the ball before it can be hit.
Fitness component Students will get both a mental and physical workout during the Omnikin ball unit.
Assessment(s): Students self evaluation of Hellison’s affective rubric
Closure: Review cues of holding the Omnikin ball and check for understanding of those cues. / Day 4:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: “Circle tag”- students stand in a circle and smack the ball into the middle trying to touch the student in the middle.
Intro: Overview what was learned in last class and present today’s focus and provide an anticipatory set.
Lesson focus: Learn how to legally and properly hit an Omnikin ball using a two handed strike.
Fitness component Students will get both a mental and physical workout during the Omnikin ball unit.
Assessment(s): Teacher visually pre assesses individual striking skill
Closure: Review cues of striking an Omnikin ball and provide specific feedback to individual students relating to the cues
Day 5:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Each student needs to get four repetitions of striking an Omnikin ball into a wall.
Intro: Check for understanding of cues to striking an Omnikin ball
Lesson focus: Students will learn how to receive a stationary Omnikin ball. Including the proper form and rules of receiving.
Fitness component Students will get both a mental and physical workout during the Omnikin ball unit.
Assessment(s): Teacher visually assesses students based on Hellison’s affective rubric
Closure: Give specific feedback to individual students and relate the positive or correctional criticism to cues. / Day 6:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Each student must perform three consecutive legal and proper strikes of an Omnikin ball.
Intro: Build off day 5 and ensure that there is understanding of the proper technique of receiving.
Lesson focus: Learn how to receive a hit ball with your teammates.
Fitness component Students will get both a mental and physical workout during the Omnikin ball unit.
Assessment(s): Teacher visually pre assess individual receiving skills.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues of receiving a served Omnikin ball.
Day 7:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Straight into lesson after breaking up into teams
Intro: Review cues and common mistakes of striking an Omnikin ball.
Lesson focus Students will learn where to hit the ball during game play and why it is beneficial to their team.
Fitness component Students will get both a mental and physical workout during the Omnikin ball unit.
Assessment(s): Students self assess themselves based on Hellison’s affective rubric.
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing cues and the task that was learned today in class. / Day 8:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: “Keep it up”- same as day1 (self note progress)
Intro: Briefly talk about the World Cup of Omnikin ball. Give insight on how to become a great Omnikin ball player by connecting it into today’s lesson.
Lesson focus: Students will learn how to have the most accurate strike possible.
Fitness component Students will get both a mental and physical workout during the Omnikin ball unit.
Assessment(s): Students will be assessed on their cognitive knowledge of receiving an Omnikin ball.
Closure: Assessment
Day 9:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: “Sniper”- Students must legally strike an Omnikin ball and attempt to hit cones laid out across the gym. Teams are competing for points.
Intro: Relate Omnikin ball to tennis. In tennis, what is the most important aspect of a serve after accuracy?
Lesson focus: Students will learn how to have a powerful strike and hit the ball an optimum distance.
Fitness component Students will get both a mental and physical workout during the Omnikin ball unit.
Assessment(s): Teacher visually assesses students based on Hellison’s affective rubric
Closure: Debrief the class by reviewing all vital cues of a legal serve that is both accurate and powerful. / Day 10:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: “Longest hit”- Students will compete to see who can strike an Omnikin ball the furthest in the air.
Intro: Review all cues that have been taught thus far and have students demonstrate these skills to check for understanding.
Lesson focus: Students will learn the official scoring system of Omnikin ball and certain rules the teacher decides is age appropriate.
Fitness component Students will get both a mental and physical workout during the Omnikin ball unit.
Assessment(s): Students will be assessed on their striking ability based on form and presence of established cues
Closure: Assessment
Day 11:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: No warm up today
Intro: Hand back and review individual assessments made by the teacher throughout the unit.
Lesson focus: “Protect your house”- Teams are divided and put onto separate sides of the court. Each side has five cones. Once all cones are knocked over the game is over.
Fitness component Students will get both a mental and physical workout during the Omnikin ball unit.
Assessment(s): Students give their final and overall self assessment using Hellison’s affective rubric
Closure: Give feedback and an insightful hint of next class’s activity. / Day 12:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: No warm up today.
Intro: Quickly review all cues of the unit and then get into “game play”.
Lesson focus: “Mini modified game”- using a smaller field and certain rules established by instructor students will play a modified game of Omnikin ball.
Fitness component: Students will get both a mental and physical workout during the Omnikin ball unit.
Assessment(s): Teacher creates a cumulative grade for the entire unit combining skill testing and behavioral rubrics.
Closure: Finalize unit and inform class of next unit.
"Guiding and inspiring youngsters in the process of becoming physically educated and healthy for a lifetime." Last updated on 10/25/2011