Tau Beta Pi Bent Casting Information

The “BENT” is the national symbol of Tau Beta Pi. Each initiate of Tau Beta Pi must have his or her own bent according to the Tau Beta Pi constitution.

BENT CASTING is a tradition for new initiates at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Our chapter is the only one, out of over 240 Tau Beta Pi chapters nationwide, that actually casts its own bents.

Every Tau Beta Pi initiate at Madison is encouraged to cast a bent when they become a member. Bent casting involves making sand molds of the bents. Molten bronze is poured into the molds and the bents are removed, cleaned, and polished. This process involves a small amount of work and about four hours of your time. Bent Casting is a good time and memorable experience. At the initiation ceremony, you will be given one of the bents that you helped make.

BENT CASTING will take place in the foundry of the Materials Science & Engineering Building on: DATE TBD. Enter from the east entrance and it’s the first door on your left.

One sure thing is that you will get dirty! You will be doing most of the sand molding, so dress appropriately. Foundry workers will teach you the steps in making the sand molds. You will create the molds and prepare them for the molten bronze in teams of fellow initiates. The foundry workers will pour the molten bronze into the molds for you. You can be assured that Bent casting is something you will always remember!