Year Group / Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer Term
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  • Numbers 1 – 10
  • Yes and No
  • Greetings, asking and saying how you are.
  • Classroom instructions.
  • Ask for and give name.
  • Understanding Spanish Christmas customs.
  • Revision of numbers 1 – 10
  • Ask for and state age.
  • Colours.
  • Verbs and connectives.
  • Names of fruit.
  • Food items.
  • Spring vocabulary.
  • Days of the week.
  • Months of the year.
  • Weather conditions.
  • Listening and responding to an extended text.

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  • Parts of the body.
  • Adjectives.
  • Asking for Spanish translation.
  • Zoo animals.
  • Letters of the alphabet and vowels.
  • Verb to be.
  • Writing a short sentence.
  • Christmas vocabulary.
  • Members of the family.
  • Possessive adjective.
  • Knowledge of family life in Spain.
  • Pets.
  • Spanish Easter traditions.
  • Understand a short story in Spanish.
  • Read a phrase aloud with expression.
  • Write simple sentences.
  • Become familiar with the layout of a simple bilingual dictionary.
  • Revision of colours.

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  • Buildings on the high street.
  • Directions.
  • Asking where places are.
  • Pause words.
  • Times of the day.
  • Understand a short story containing familiar vocabulary.
  • Simple future tense.
  • Christmas vocabulary.
  • Learn and sing a Christmas song.
  • Sports and hobbies.
  • Numbers 1 – 50.
  • Comparisons.
  • Food.
  • Listen to and understand a native speaker expressing likes and dislikes.
  • Take part in a conversation expressing likes/dislikes of certain foods.
  • Investigate the similarities and differences between Spanish and English eating habits.
  • Breakfast.
  • Would you like..?
  • Ingredients for a Spanish desert.
  • Weather.
  • Seasons.
  • Understanding of climate in Spain.
  • Saying where you live.
  • Key similarities and differences in daily life in UK and Spain.
  • Investigate Spanish supermarkets.

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  • Classroom routines.
  • Perform a simple sketch in Spanish.
  • Do you have..? I don’t have…
  • Clothes vocabulary.
  • Justifying opinions.
  • Understanding differences in the school day between UK and Spain.
  • Family members.
  • Adjectives.
  • Occupations vocabulary.
  • Internet research relating to Christmas traditions in Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Becoming aware of cultural differences in housing at home and abroad.
  • Understanding the position of adjectives.
  • Read short phrases with accurate pronunciation.
  • Furniture vocabulary.
  • Take part in an unrehearsed short conversation.
  • Verb to go.
  • Different types of accommodation.
  • Transport.
  • Prepare and perform a presentation on a holiday.