Dear Parents and/or Guardians,

Welcome to Our Lady of Peace Preschool and Prekindergarten program. Your child’s education is very important to us. While you are the primary educator we feel very fortunate to offer a very special preschool and prekindergarten program that will enhance and enrich your child’s life, now and in the future.

It is the work of Our Lady of Peace Preschool and Prekindergarten to assist parents and share with them the responsibility for the development of each child. We take that commitment very seriously. Our preschool program is arranged to aid the development of the young child: spiritually, socially, intellectually, emotionally, and physically.

Three to five are wonderful years of development and discovery as we watch our children explore the world around them. We know that what children carry in their backpacks are the experiences from their earliest school years as we watch them grow and mature.

Our Lady of Peace is a partnership of students, parents, teachers and staff dedicated to educating each student in the Catholic faith and Christian values. It is through this deep commitment and cooperation that our students will be assured of having the best learning experience possible. We are always available to assist parents in any way we can. We also welcome you to help during special events. The Preschool and prekindergarten staff looks forward to working closely with you and your child. We are excited to embark on this journey with you!


Dr. Lori Glynn


Our Lady of Peace School

612-823-8253 x304

Table of Contents


Admission 4

Withdrawals 4

Staff 4

Enrollment and Tuition Policy 4


Classroom Practice 6

Large Group Time 6

Movement/Large Muscle Time 6

Open Choice Time 6



Emergency Authorization Form 8

Medical Records 8

Medication 9

Accidents 9

Potty training policy 9


Arrival 9

Dismissal 9

Attendance 10

Accident Prevention 10

Birthdays 11

Clothing 11

Cold Weather 11

Communication 11

Conferences 11

Emergency Drills 12

Fire Drills 12

Fire Emergency 12

Food 12

Fees and Billing 12

Field Trips 13

Grievance Policy 13

Insurance 13

Newsletter 13

Personal Belongings 13

Playground 13

Records 14

Reporting 14

School Closure 15

Cornerstone 15

Transportation 15

Visitation 15

Violent Toys 15

Weather Regulations 15


Our Lady of Peace Preschool program assists families in their child’s development through stimulating and exciting learning activities. The program provides a supplement to early home experiences in an environment planned to further each child’s growth and development through working and playing with others. In a wholesome Christian atmosphere, the children are encouraged to discover, learn, and explore with kindness, consideration, and understanding.


Children who have reached the age of three by September 1 and are between the ages of three and five years are eligible for preschool. Three year olds must be potty trained before being accepted into the program. Children who have reached the age of 4 by September 1 are eligible for prekindergarten, which is a five days a week program.


Circumstances (e.g. job transfer, new house, etc.) sometimes dictate that a child must be withdrawn from preschool mid year. If this becomes necessary, please notify the teacher as far in advance as possible. Monthly tuition is non-refundable in the event of a withdrawal prior to the end of any month.


Morning preschool/prekindergarten 8:00 – 11:15

Afternoon After Care 11:15 - 2:50

After Care Extended Day 2:50 - 6:00


All staff meets the educational requirements set for by the State of Minnesota Department of Human Services. The teacher/student ratio established by the State is 1:10. A class of up to 10 students will be staffed by one teacher. A class of up to 20 students will be staffed by two teachers.


Licensed substitute staff is used when necessary.

Enrollment Policy

Any family wishing to enroll a child/ren in Our Lady of Peace preschool and prekindergarten may do so by meeting the following criteria:

· The child must be 3 for preschool or 4 for prekindergarten by September 1st of the year enrolled

· The child must be potty trained


Preschool Tuition Policy

In order to maintain a quality educational preschool and prekindergarten program, Our Lady of Peace has determined the following guidelines in determining the preschool/prekindergarten tuition:

· Preschool/prekindergarten tuition is set at one rate for any family enrolled, parishioner or non-parishioner

· Preschool students are not figured into the discounted tuition rate for families with two or more children enrolled in the Kindergarten through 8th grade program

· Preschool families are not eligible for educational (financial) grants for their preschool child

· Preschool families are eligible for the percentage discount of id the tuition is paid in full by date published annually.

Preschool Tuition Payment Policy

Our Lady of Peace uses Tuition Data Services (TADS) for collection of tuition. TADS forms must be completed before a child is considered officially registered. At registration time parents are notified of this service by email.



To provide many opportunities for children to use and develop their gross and fine motor skills through the use of:

· outdoor large muscle equipment which includes a slide, climbing apparatus, grassy area, and fresh air

· indoor large muscle equipment including a rocking boat, slides, tunnel, mats, and a parachute

· organized group games that involve moving muscles

· art activities which include using scissors, glue, paint, crayons, markers, pencils, and paper to use at all times


To provide many opportunities for children to use language, math, science and social studies skills through the use of:

· math manipulatives such as puzzles, calendar, matching objects, stringing beads, scale, numbered pegs, and matching cards

· globes, maps, books portraying our culture and others, books with multi-cultural characters, dolls from different cultures

· books (read daily), flannel board stories, flannel board letters, sand paper letters

· discussion time, show and tell, language-rich room with labels on most objects and areas, sing songs, finger plays, poems and prayers


To provide opportunities for children to interact with each other and adults by:

· creating an environment with open spaces and learning centers to provide constant movement and a variety of contacts

· giving children the opportunity to make choices about their learning

· greeting children daily at arrival and departure

· providing free-play time

· providing good role models to children in words and actions

· guiding behavior in a problem-solving way


To promote a healthy self-image in each child by:

· showing respect for each child through words and actions

· choosing a child helper each day

· using puppets, pictures, and songs to show emotions

· providing dramatic play equipment including kitchen set and dishes, dress-up clothes, tool set, dolls, grocery cart, mirror, stuffed animals, puppets, table and chair

· promoting Catholic values through prayer, songs, books and posters

Classroom Practices that Support the Curriculum Goals


This activity is teacher-directed and focuses on specific weekly themes.

This is also a special time for sharing with one another, an oral language development exercise.


Children participate in a variety of movement exploration activities, creative drama experiences, dancing, games, etc. Large muscle activities, such as walking on a balance beam, climbing and sliding are included as part of the program.


This time allows the preschoolers to choose from a variety of daily activities, called “learning centers.” Learning centers include planned art projects, use of the sensory table, manipulative materials, etc. The children may work one, two or all three of the daily learning centers. This allows the child the opportunity to make choices and decisions, to interact with others and to assume responsibility for classroom clean up.


Children are in the process of learning appropriate behaviors. They are experimenting with many different actions. The role of the teacher is to be a model of good, acceptable behavior, to provide an appropriate environment (clear limits, consistent routine, choices, etc.) and to help children build their own self-control.

The behavior guidance plan is based on three principles:

1. Conflicts are a natural part of life

2. Children have the ability to positively resolve conflicts

3. All feelings are accepted as okay

When mistaken behavior does present itself, these principles will be used for optimal learning and for the safety of the children and the staff.

Teacher Presence

Teachers will be at the physical level of the child, will participate in the child’s play to help solve a conflict, will sit near a child to help focus attention, will be a listening ear, etc.

Redirect Mistaken Behavior

Teachers will give a positive verbal command and redirect children with limited verbal skills. (e.g., “Let’s crawl on the floor.” This is said to a child while gently helping them off a table and onto the floor.)

Problem-solve with Children

Teachers will acknowledge feelings and gather information about conflict from children, restate the problem for them, ask for solutions and choose one with them and give follow-up support.

Logical Consequences

Teachers call upon a child to assist in remedying the problem situation. (e.g.. after child knocks over another’s blocks that child is asked to help build them back up)


If a child repeatedly refuses to abide by the established behavior plan and is disruptive to the safety of others, it is crucial that we make decisions in the best interest of the children in the program. Therefore, the following actions may be taken:

· Parent is contacted regarding child's behavior through note, call, or conference and documentation of contact is placed in child's file

· Child may be placed on probation in the program

· Child may be removed from the program permanently


The goal of Our Lady of Peace is to provide a safe, secure, and healthy environment for the children in our care. Since Our Lady of Peace is equipped to care for well children, a child that shows signs of illness in the morning (temperature, sore throat, headache, rash, upset stomach, or unusual fatigue) should NOT be brought to school. Please arrange for alternate care for your child in the event of illness. Also, please call the school office (612.823-8253) no later than 8:00 a.m. to inform us of your child’s illness and absence.


When a child shows symptoms of colds, flu or other illness which may infect other children, your child must stay home. If your child becomes ill at school, you will be contacted immediately so that you may pick your child up and administer appropriate care.

Signs of listlessness, drowsiness, flushed skin, complaints of chills or headache will be given prompt attention and you will be contacted. A sick child will be removed immediately from the presence of the other children. A first aid kit is available. Treatment of minor bumps, scratches or minor injuries will be provided by the teacher, using the first aid kit as necessary.

Parents are required to report all contagious diseases by calling the teacher within 24 hours of appearance of symptoms, as required by the Minnesota State Department of Health. A notice will be posted for parents, telling them that their child has been exposed to a contagious illness.


The Emergency Authorization Form is also a Department of Human Services requirement. It is of utmost importance that we know how to reach you or the people you designate in case of emergency or illness or when a child is not picked up on time. We will always try to notify parents first. This form is due on the first day your child attends class. If this requirement is not met your child may not attend school. This form also includes written permission allowing the school to call 911 in a medical emergency.


A current Immunization Record and a Health Care Summary must be submitted to school. This is a State of Minnesota DHS (Department of Human Services) requirement.

The Immunization Record must be on file the first day of school and a completed Health Care Summary form must be signed by a physician and be on file the first day of school. Your child may not attend school until these requirements have been met.


If a child needs oral or surface medication while at Our Lady of Peace, please fill out a medical permission form available. All medication must be in its original packaging with label intact. The medicine will be kept in a secure cabinet or refrigerator (if required). By state law, we can administer only medicine prescribed for the child in the labeled and dated prescription bottle or other medicine with a signed note from the doctor or parent. Please do not send medicine with your child to keep in their backpack for self-medication. This includes medicines such as cough drops and inhalers.


Staff has training in First Aid, CPR, Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control and emergency procedures. The program is operated in a manner which minimizes accidents and injuries to children and staff. The staff will follow these guidelines should an accident or injury occur:

· If the injury is less serious, staff will administer the necessary first aid.

· If the injury requires more attention, the parent/guardian will be contacted as soon as possible, but there may be situations when the emergency services will be contacted before the parent/guardian.

· If the accident requires immediate emergency treatment, staff will proceed to call 911. If necessary, the child will be taken to the hospital indicated on the emergency card.


Our Lady of Peace is not equipped as a daycare center and the school does not have a diaper changing area. In order to meet the student’s needs we ask that all children be potty trained at the start of school. However, we realize accidents happen and we ask that changes of clothing be sent to school. If a child has an accident at school he/she can change into clean clothes but if the accident is a bowel movement parents will need to come to school to assist their child. If parents are not available, your emergency contacts will be called to assist. We encourage that student’s remain at school if at all possible.


Responsible supervision is a top priority of Our Lady of Peace. Children are never left alone or unsupervised.



Children can start to arrive at 7:50 am for preschool and prekindergarten.


Preschool and prekindergarten ends at 11:15 a.m. Pickup is at 11:15. Please come into the room to pick up your child and sign him/her out if we are not on the playground. If your child stays for AfterCare and has an older sibling that gets picked up in the car line, the older sibling will need to come get the preschool or prekindergarten student and bring him/her to the car line.