Muslim Journal
By Imam W. Deen Mohammed
With the Name Allah (in the Name of God), the Gracious, the Compassionate.
(Editor's note: Following are excerpts from Mujeddid Wallace Deen Muhammad's "humorous exorcism" delivered at Malcolm X College in Chicago, Nov. 30, 1978 - Continued from last week.)
All praise is due to Almighty God, the guardian evolver and sustainer of all the worlds. The blessings and pence be upon Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah to us all.
O Allah, guide us, forgive us our faults, and grant us the blessings of faith. I bear witness there is no deity except Allah and I bear witness Muhammad is His Servant and His Messenger. Peace be upon him, his descendants, his companions, the righteous servants, all of them, and upon us in America and throughout the world:
Let's continue with "ball." The ancient, people of Africa, the Middle East, are found in history worshiping ball. Ball brought them down to be lustful and filthy in their mannerism and behavior. Ball brought them down to the lowest of the low, according to their own historical report.
What does God say in the Quran concerning this? He says, "Surely man has been made by us in the best stature. Then, he is by consequence of his ignorance, debased to the lowest of the low."
Flesh in itself is not evil. But flesh is not a complete creature. Flesh is a metamorphizing Creature. You should seek to understand these terms: the Jahcubite gave you a lot of terms and no meanings.
The frog is a Creature that must be metamorphized. The frog is born as a little fish-looking thing in the water with gills. He developed gills — something that enables him to live in a world he's not destined for. As Jesus said, "It is expedient that I go away. For if I do not go away the Comforter will not come unto you." Meaning you will not be metamorphized.
"I have taught you how to come out of the water and lose the gills of that small world, but now I have to go. I was only fishing you out," someone has to come now, behind me, and give you the new generation so that you will develop the lungs and nostrils of a man. That takes a little doing, in fact, that's a Divine work.
They are debased, reduced to the lowest death by consequences. Aren't we the real sissies in this world? I don't know where you think the term sissy came from, but let me explain what "sissy" is in its original text.
A sissy is someone who thinks he can got on top of the world with a ball. And you can't do that. It has been proven in history that you cannot stay on top of the world with a ball. If you get up there, you fall right back down.
In the mythology, we find the king Sisyphus trying to stay on top of the mountain with a ball. Every time he gets to the top the thing rolls back down to the depths and he starts all over again, rolling it up the hill. He struggles and he struggles; sometimes it takes him a thousand years, he finally gets to the top of the hill and it starts rolling back down again. He repeats the same thing over and over again. Their doctrine has put you into a sissy cycle. You are not in the cycle of the Mujeddid. You're in the sissy cycle.
They tried to put their mark on you to let their own people know wherever they are, all over the world, that we have these people in the form of ball and we have made them a sissy generation. They can go no higher than the sissy nature. When they reach the top of the world, they roll hack down because they have no men legs. They are sissies.
They stamp you, "unisex," put blouses on you and laugh at what they did to you. They take a man that used to wear soldier suits and look like a hero; used to wear rugged Levis with tools of construction in them — a hammer, a screwdriver, a chisel. He was a man, he was building the world.
They put a flowered blouse on him, put ribbons and ruffles on him, made his pants so tight: one of the so-called heroes of the revolution has to make room in his pants for his groin.
What a sad, sad stage this world is in. But all praise is due to God, when a sore gets big and looks like it's inflamed, and it's nasty and almost bursting, that's a sign there's a cure right there. The healing is already taking place; that's why the manifestation of the germs are there.
"Before that awful and dreadful day of the Lord, I will send you Elijah the Prophet and he shall turn the hearts of the children to the fathers and the hearts of the fathers to the children, else I smite the earth with a curse."
"Who is Elijah?" "Oh, that's a prophet." Yes, Elijah the Prophet, but Elijah is also a title. Elijah is also a description and anybody can be an Elijah if they want to do that work.
What is the meaning of Elijah? They say Elijah means "Jehovah is God." Who is Jehovah? They say Jehovah comes from a name that no one can see or speak. I think they call it — the tetragrammaton. It's a scheme for four letter combinations — a mystery. What is this mystery? Natural motivation! Human drive! Human sentiments! And, human aspirations!
Put them all together and what do you have? Jah. That's not the God who created the heavens and the Earth. That's not the real God. That's the basic principles of operation in nature, in the creation.
Who worships Jah? The disbeliever who won't accept that a Divine, Infinitive Being created this world. He won't accept anything but the forces of operation in nature in the material world, so he worships Jah. He's a Juhcubite.
We don't worship these forces. We praise God who created these forces as well as He created us. What does God say? God says. "I created the men and the Jinn. I also created the angels. I order the angels and they obey every order I give them.
"I create them with wings, in pairs; two, three and four." These are the forces of nature; the basic forces in creation. These are the angels. There were people who made the angels their god.
The Bible says there rose up a terrible people who put evils on the world worse than anything that it had ever seen. It says, they came up with a god of forces. A god that neither they nor their fathers ever knew before. This liar says that people have always worshiped angels before, and worshiped these forces.
Who can worship something they know nothing about? The man who knows about it can worship it. If I worship a tree and know nothing about its nature and I say God is in that tree, am I worshiping the tree or am I worshiping God? I am worshiping God. Though I say God is in the tree and I see the tree with my eyes. I'm not worshiping the tree. I'm worshiping God.
What did the ignorant pagans say when they were questioned about their worship of idols? They said. "We don't actually worship these idols; we worship the spirit that is in these idols." They believed that there was some spirit in the idol. They believed that they could pray to God and God would manifest through some object for them.
You know the knowledge of idolatry, I am sure.
They were asked by the Prophet, "Why are you constantly attending these idols — your gods? Your gods are not constantly attending your needs, but you are constantly attending their needs?"
They were so embarrassed by the question the Prophet put to them they said, "Look, we don't actually worship these idols, we just use them as a means of reaching God. You see these idols are not really God, they are our illah — Elijah."
"La illah Wallah!" Oh! They are your illah? There is no illah except God who created the heavens and the Earth.
"Oh no, this is not really our god. We know these things are objects. But they are a means for reaching God. They am our illah — La illah, illallah."
This is where the meaning of Elijah comes. Elijah means a means for reaching God. E-L-I-J-A-H, a means for reaching God. Which god? "Jah."
Who was Master Fard Muhammad — the Master of his day —trying to bring this community called the Nation of Islam to? Was he trying to bring this community to God — Almighty God who created the heavens and the Earth? No! He was trying to bring the community to Jah!
And who is "Jah?" Natural motivation, natural human drives, natural human sentiments, and natural human aspirations. You're not there yet. The nature is just being stimulated. He came to awaken the nature.
He picked up the principle of the false people — the devil himself. He took on the role of Satan himself to blast the world, to scourge the world, to trick the people into the form he wanted them in. Even in the role of Satan, he still tried to save as many as possible for God. This is the role of that devil who thinks in his mind he is serving God.
When God said, "I'm going to create a man Myself, made of the earth, and when I breathe into him of My spirit, you'll submit to him," this Satan said, "Never will I submit to something that you formed of black, stinky mud. You made me above that. You made me of fire."
Meaning, "You made me of drive. I'm filled with the drive of the forces of creation. I have natural motivation, natural drives, natural sentiments, and natural aspirations.
"You're going to make a spooky man. You're going to make somebody believe in the mystery and you're going to cause bloodshed because this man, this society, is going to be blind to what's happening in the world. They're going to clash emotionally, morally and legally with the establishment. There is going to be bloodshed between secular people and people of faith."
God said, "Yes, I know all of that. Don't you know I know the beginning and the end and what's in between? Don't you know that I know what happens before it happens?"
And the Angels -said, "We have no knowledge except what you have given us, God."
Then this Satan said, "Give me time to prove I'm right. Will you respite me until the day you bring judgment upon this thing?"
"Go on," God said, "you are respited."
Then Satan — not Satan, the individual, but Satan a class of organized conspirators — said, "Well and good — I'm going to approach these good people you're going to make, from before them, from behind them, from their right and from their left. And when I'm finished with them you won't find many worthy of this great blessing you're going to bestow upon a human being who has nothing but human sentiments, human passions and no fire of intelligence."
And God said, "Well and good with me Satan, this complements my plan."
Look what happens now — Satan fulfills his threat. He comes at us through our natural motivations, he comes to us through our passionate drives, he comes to us through our moral sentiments, and he supplants or comes from underneath our human aspirations.
He goes to the root of the aspirations and finds out where it's germinating, then he supplants it. He turns the top in the ground and sticks the roots in the sky so that it will not grow, but die in a false spiritualism.
Do you know who he did like that? Peter! Peter was hung upside down on the cross. Who is Peter? Catholicism. And where did Protestantism come from? Out of Peter. Are you free? No! You are still turned upside down!
The theme throughout the scripture in the Quran is designed to inspire human beings to reconcile the life that Satan divided. The human being is divided. His spirituality is divided. It's turned against his human passions. They have to be reconciled.
His vision, his concepts, his perceptions of the physical world of reality are separated from his concept and perception of the spiritual world of reality. He's divided. He has to be reconciled. He has to be brought into agreement again with his own form.
The human being has two fundamental principles operating in him and even more. One inspires him to improve his ability to cultivate the material world and the other inspires him to improve his ability to cultivate the human spirituality.
One is of the physical creation and the other is inspired by the nature that is given to him before even the physical appetite was there —given to him by God, his Creator — the nature to rise above even his first form.
We get our first form from the physical world. The human being comes here as a physical body complete, then God inspires him with knowledge: And if he's successful, he develops into a beautiful human being. If he is corrupt or confused, he might develop into a monster.
A certain Prophet, Jeremiah I believe, was given insights by the inspiration of God. He was asked, as he was being lead into the knowledge to tell what he was seeing.
"And what is it you see, Jeremiah?"
"I see a fig tree," Jeremiah said. "I see figs, very good ones and very bad ones. Very corruptible ones and very good ones."
What is the fig? Secular knowledge. A fig is a fruit that's easy to eat when it ripens. The skin is nice and soft and when you bite into it, it's sweet and juicy and filled with a lot of little seeds. It can multiply itself many, many times because it has so many seeds within itself. That's the description that God inspired in His servants of the secular nature.
We have so many sciences in the secular field; it's loaded with the seeds of knowledge. And practically all of us like that.
Some of the Sisyphus people don't like that: they don't even care for knowledge any more. The tree of that fruit grows up and it gets an ugly form — nice beautiful fruit, but the older the tree gets, the uglier it gets. And if it's not watched over, that fruit grows and gets an ugly form.
The older the tree gets the uglier it gets, and if it's not cared for and watched over carefully, it becomes filled with terrible worms. That's the description that God inspired in his servants to place on this secular appetite of ours that ignores the guidance of God, refuses to believe in an Infinite Creator and thinks this world is all that there is.