Announcements of June 8, 2014
TODAY WE WELCOME Rev. Dr. Jack Sproat to the pulpit. Dr. Spoat recently retired after 40 years of ministry, 20 of which were at Hope Presbyterian in Dauphin, PA. He is a graduate of Waynesburg University, Pittsburgh Seminary and received a doctorate from Drew University, Madison, NJ. Dr. Sproat’s wife, Cindy, is Christian Educator at Market Square PC.
THE FLOWERS are presented to the glory of God and in loving memory
of Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Line, Sr., and Mr. & Mrs. L. Don Patterson by
Bob & Joan P. Line.
Reader: Deb Martin
Communion Servers: Barbara Allen; Rachel Graver; Charlie Thompson;
Sylvia Thompson; Ann Gottlieb; Jarl Uilkema
Ushers: Molly Shane; Kara Fetter; Harold & Jean Kretzing
Fellowship Hosts: Parish Life Committee
Flowers: Mary Reneker (chair) & Peggy McKeehen
Taping: Ray Thomas
Counters: Bruce Mulvey & Deborah Sweaney
TODAY, 4:45 PM: Deacons and Friends serve “My Brother’s Table” at
The Salvation Army. Please stop by the “Dinner for Dads” table today
(and next Sunday) to honor a special man in your life by “buying a meal ticket” (i.e., making a donation to support this mission of our church).
* the church at work in: the presbyteries of—Western Reserve (OH);
Central Nebraska; Dakota; Des Moines; and in the synod of--Lakes &
Prairies (ND, SD, NE, MN, WI, IA)
* in the Presbyterian Church: Market Street (Harrisburg);
Rev. Thomas Sweet; Rev. Kelly Wiant, Associate; Cindy Sproat, Educator
* in our community: Bethel Assembly of God (Holly Pike)
* in our congregation (at random): John Cline; Joe & Molly Shane;
Dave & Melody Landis
~ Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, noon: Gathering Room in use
~ Wednesday, 3-7 PM: Farmers on the Square market, church plaza
~ Thursday, 7 PM: Book Club meets
NEXT SUNDAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRINITY SUNDAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 15th
10 AM: Worship, includes Graduate Recognition. Father’s Day.
After worship: Prayer Community meets. Enjoy conversation/refreshments.
The “Buy Dinner for Dads” table will be manned again by our deacons.
The 2014 PW Birthday Offering total was $385. Thank you!
COMING SOON: Youth Bible Study (begins June 16); VBS (begins June 23)
Please refer to your latest newsletter for details on both events!
Announcements of June 8, 2014
TODAY WE WELCOME Rev. Dr. Jack Sproat to the pulpit. Dr. Spoat recently retired after 40 years of ministry, 20 of which were at Hope Presbyterian in Dauphin, PA. He is a graduate of Waynesburg University, Pittsburgh Seminary and received a doctorate from Drew University, Madison, NJ. Dr. Sproat’s wife, Cindy, is Christian Educator at Market Square PC.
THE FLOWERS are presented to the glory of God and in loving memory
of Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Line, Sr., and Mr. & Mrs. L. Don Patterson by
Bob & Joan P. Line.
Reader: Deb Martin
Communion Servers: Barbara Allen; Rachel Graver; Charlie Thompson;
Sylvia Thompson; Ann Gottlieb; Jarl Uilkema
Ushers: Molly Shane; Kara Fetter; Harold & Jean Kretzing
Fellowship Hosts: Parish Life Committee
Flowers: Mary Reneker (chair) & Peggy McKeehen
Taping: Ray Thomas
Counters: Bruce Mulvey & Deborah Sweaney
TODAY, 4:45 PM: Deacons and Friends serve “My Brother’s Table” at
The Salvation Army. Please stop by the “Dinner for Dads” table today
(and next Sunday) to honor a special man in your life by making a donation in support of this mission of our church.
* the church at work in: the presbyteries of—Western Reserve (OH);
Central Nebraska; Dakota; Des Moines; and in the synod of--Lakes &
Prairies (ND, SD, NE, MN, WI, IA)
* in the Presbyterian Church: Market Street (Harrisburg);
Rev. Thomas Sweet; Rev. Kelly Wiant, Associate; Cindy Sproat, Educator
* in our community: Bethel Assembly of God (Holly Pike)
* in our congregation (at random): John Cline; Joe & Molly Shane;
Dave & Melody Landis
~ Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, noon: Gathering Room in use
~ Wednesday, 3-7 PM: Farmers on the Square market, church plaza
~ Thursday, 7 PM: Book Club meets
NEXT SUNDAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRINITY SUNDAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 15th
10 AM: Worship, includes Graduate Recognition. Father’s Day.
After worship: Prayer Community meets. Enjoy conversation/refreshments.
The “Buy Dinner for Dads” table will be manned again by our deacons.
The 2014 PW Birthday Offering total was $385. Thank you!
COMING SOON: Youth Bible Study (begins June 16); VBS (begins June 23)
Please refer to your latest newsletter for details on both events!