Synthesis: Drawing Conclusions about Medieval Heroes and Medieval Stories
Mrs. Maloney
World Literature II Periods 4 & 8
February 2011
What conclusions can you draw about medieval heroes?
Medieval romances / 3 Major Works of Medieval LiteratureCharacteristic of Hero / “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” / “Sir Tristram and the Fair Iseult” / Other Medieval Romance(s) (esp. on you read) / Beowulf / The Canterbury Tales / Inferno
1. Loyal to lord(s) throughout story?
2. Love relationship? Adheres to rules of courtly love?
3. Religious? (how seen?)
4. Special skills or virtues
5. What he desires most/ his priorities
6. Challenges/ hardships/ difficulties he faces
7. Journey/ quest? (for what? to do what?)
8. Foes? (of what sort?)
9. Faces a test? (of what sort?)
10. Receives help? (from whom or from what?)
11. Feats/ achievements/ accomplishments
12. Important decisions he makes
13. Always follows rules of chivalry?
14. Failings/ faults/ weaknesses/ mistakes
15. Encounters or experiences tragedy?
16. Makes a sacrifice? (of what kind?)
17. Defeated? How does he deal with it?
18. Lesson learned by character (if any)
19. Does he suffer for wrongdoing? (or perform penance?)
20.Does he redeem himself?
21.Sad or happy end to his story?
22. Moral or message to his story?
23. Earns fame by story’s end? (for what?)
Synthesis: What conclusions can you draw about medieval heroes?
What conclusions can you draw regarding other elements of medieval stories?
Characteristic / “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” / “Sir Tristram and the Fair Iseult” / Other Medieval Romance(s)
(esp. one you read) / Beowulf / The Canterbury Tales / Inferno
Hero goes on a journey
(where, and why?)
Good vs. evil
(what is good and what is evil?)
Influence of Christianity (how are Christian elements incorporated in story?)
Story reflects medieval society (social classes, etc.)
Importance of love (what kind of love?)
Landscape/setting (what is setting, and how does it impact story?)
Message or moral of story
Synthesis: What conclusions can you draw about other elements of medieval stories?