Graduation Thank You Note Samples

Dear Mom and Dad,

It feels a little formal to write you a thank you note, but I wanted to officially thank you for funding my college degree. I know it wasn't always easy but I always appreciated it. Thanks to you both, I am ready to join the workforce, educated and prepared. I am excited!

I also have to admit I had a blast getting my degree. I learned so much, saw lots of new things, made lifelong friends, and had a ton of fun. I know I have you to thank for all that as well.

Thank you for everything. I hope I can do it for my kids one day. I love you!



Dear Aunt Freida and Uncle Ted,

Thank you so much for the generous graduation gift. It will be well-used on my trip to Europe this summer. I was going to bring along my old backpack but now I'll be able to get a new one with all the bells and whistles. I can't wait to pick it out.

It was so thoughtful of you to remember me on my special day. Thanks again!


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Former,

What a wonderful surprise I got in the mail today! You really shouldn't have! But let me tell you, that graduation gift will go far. I already have it earmarked for all kinds of good things. Thank you so much!



Dear Phyllis and Hank,

I just wanted to thank you both again for coming to my graduation ceremony. It was great to have such a loud cheering section! Phyllis, I know I heard you for sure!

Thank you also of course for the generous gift. I can certainly use that money right now. I truly appreciate it! You are too kind! :)

Best wishes to Jack and Jill.
