Minutes of Meeting
1. Introduction and welcome
Cllr Chris Best welcomed everyone to the Sydenham Assembly and introduced the Sydenham Chamber Choir led by Joanne Hanson. The Choir sang several songs including ‘Californian Dreamin’ by the Mamas and Papas. They will also be singing at the Christmas Tree light switch-on on Friday 2 December from 4.45 pm outside the Post Office on Sydenham Road.
Cllr Best then thanked the Choir for their excellent performance which was enjoyed by all with a very warm and hearty applause from the Sydenham Assembly.
2. Sydenham Community Radio project
Simon Banks from the Sydenham Community Radio updated the Assembly with their project which has previously been awarded £5,000 by the Assembly. Simon stated that £2,000 of this had been spent on the move to Sydenham Community Library where the studio is superb.
http://sydenhamradio.co.uk/ is now broadcasting 4 nights per week with more shows planned for the new year including some weekends.
Simon told the Assembly about the intergenerational project where young people interview older people, this has had a slow start due to problems recruiting the young people due to the broadcast times. This is still open to young people 14-18 years and volunteers will be given a warm welcome.
Next year Sydenham Radio will once again look to broadcast live on FM, they have already applied for a restricted service licence from Offcom to operate between 17 June 2012 and 16 July 2012 to coincide with the Sydenham Arts Festival.
Sydenham Radio is also looking at having a drop-in on Saturday’s, people will be able to visit and see what we are doing and maybe even have a slot.
Simon thanked the Assembly for all its previous support, but stated that costs are a huge factor and that they still need to raise money. Tomorrow (Wednesday 30 November) there will be a quiz from 7.45pm with a £2 fee to join.
Q Are you doing the Kirkdale pop-up event on Saturday 10th?
A Yes we are on at 11am
Q What wavelength are you on?
A We are currently on the internet and not broadcasting on FM at present, but last year we were 106.7 – there is a listen again feature to catch up on what has been missed live.
Q Attendee introduced himself as Darcy Thomas and stated that he was involved with the Princes Trust and that there is some funding available
Both parties agreed to have a further discussion after the meeting
3. Olympics and what is happening in Lewisham
Hilary Renwick, Head of Culture and lead officer for the Olympics, Colin King Strategy and Development Manager Sport and Leisure Service and Joanne Moulton Service Development Manager from Lewisham Library and Information Service provided the Assembly with the enclosed presentation.
To summarise the main points that were covered:
· The Olympic Torch will visit Lewisham on Monday 23 July for approximately 90 minutes from 7am. The route details are still being finalised and will be kept confidential until next year for security reasons.
· The Torch Bearers will be announced next month.
· The entire capital will be ‘dressed’ it is important that you tell us what you are doing so that we can give you some dressing
· There will be some inconvenience to people, the Council is meeting regularly to look at the Olympic impact and there are contingency plans. Currently liaising with TfL so that we can get good information across.
· There is a monthly Olympic Newsletter that you can sign up to and the Council web page has information.
· There will be a range of cultural activities across the borough and it is a great opportunity to showcase local talent.
· The Blackheath Live site will have a range of activities and two stages for performers. There will also be a BBC Screen which will show only Olympic events, we are the first borough to do this.
Q Will the Sydenham Road improvements be affected by the Olympics as I understand that nothing will take place from July – September?
A My understanding is that this will be sufficiently far away from the Games to only be affected for the 17 day duration of the Games.
Q Do local businesses have to pay for dressing the Borough?
A No this has been done centrally so that there is a uniform theme, we have £50,000 worth of dressing
Q What funding is aimed at young people?
A No specific funding from the Olympics, but the Youth Service are putting together their own programme, there may be possibilities through this.
4. Sydenham Community Library
Darren Taylor from Eco-Computers provided the Assembly with update on Sydenham Community Library. Firstly, Darren stated that in June 2010 the idea of this Library being open was purely a vision, now almost 6 months since its re-opening Darren is pleased to be able to report the following:
· Seniors Group on Thursday
· Knit and natter on Saturday
· Tuesday am baby group
· Tuesday night homework club
· Monthly reading groups
· Help with CVs and application forms
· Thursday Choir
· Community Radio and class visits
· Recruitment of 19 volunteers 3 of them aged 14 years (if you wish to volunteer speak to Ilse)
· 61 people trained in IT skills with free computers for people aged over 55 upon completion
· Continuing to encourage people to drop-in old books and old computers, the computers will be installed into sheltered homes
· Planning to run a competition next year ‘young social entrepreneur of the year’ each local winner will receive a laptop and the overall winner will receive £2,000 and free mentoring
Darren also wanted to thank those who had voted for the NatWest funding scheme as there is now money to install a café.
Q What about the outstanding repairs to the building?
A Solar Panel company is looking at the roof and the repair. Once this has been completed it will enable us to use the rooms upstairs.
Q Any plans to hold further assembly meetings here?
A I would encourage it, but it is up to the Coordinating Group.
Q What about signage, this library is not clearly marked from the road to show it is a community library.
A We are raising money for a sign to hang outside the front of the building and at some stage I want to reinstate the original location of the front door.
Antonio Rizzo, Service Manager, Lewisham Library & Information Service added that the Council continues to run and support some library services in these buildings. Library staff visit at some point during the week to manage the book stock and organise activities and reading promotions for adults and children. They also link with local schools to ensure continued access to the library service. Library users are able to take out and order books. Over the next few weeks this will be made much easier in four of the community libraries with the introduction of self-issue terminals which mean that you can click in and check out books on a terminal rather than someone at a desk logging a number. Lewisham is participating in an online system with 15 other boroughs to increase book choice
5. Sydenham Mosaic
Valerie Kelly updated the Assembly on the mosaic project and showed pictures of six roundels completed and proposals for another six roundels which it is hoped will go on the renamed Sydenham Centre. She stated that six roundels still require sponsorship and that they are keen for a further roundel aimed at depicting a multi-cultural Sydenham to complete the 12 proposed.
The six roundels already completed are:
1. Croydon Canal with The African Queen by C S Forester, who lived in Sydenham
2. Camille Pissarro and St. Bartholomew's Church depicting extra pair of glasses indicating sponsorship by Woodfall Opticians
3. Ernest Shackleton – sponsored by the Shackleton foundation
4. The London Blitz indicating the bombing of Sydenham Road
5. The Couldery Kitten – Horatio Henry Couldery was a local painter known for painting domestic animals – particularly kittens and is sponsored by White’s Pet Shop
6. St Christopher’s Hospice logo
Valerie stated that she has already approached local schools for ideas and that the £1,040 underspend from the St Christopher’s roundel has been ring-fenced for this project.
Valerie told the assembly that the pending high street improvements mean that we must try and get the roundels up before the works are completed. The Crystal Palace Great Exhibition roundel and the multi-cultural roundel will certainly be displayed, but money is needed for the other four including
7. Sir George Grove, Sir August Manns and Sir Arthur Sullivan who began the concerts in Crystal Palace.
8. International Music Festival logo and piano
9. John Logie Baird and TV
10. ? Sport and W. G. Grace who lived in Sydenham
Please contact Paul Gale on 020 8314 3387 or email to see pictures of the roundels.
6. Feedback from last Sydenham Assembly on 8 September
Update from the SNT and CCTV update - PC Chris Duneclift from the Sydenham Safer Neighbourhood Team provided the Assembly with the following figures over the past year:
Robbery - Borough wide up 15.5% - Sydenham up 22.9%
Burglary – Borough wide up 0.8% - Sydenham down 12.5%
Knife Crime – Borough wide up 18.3% - Sydenham down 10.6%
There are some issues regarding personal safety particularly at this time of year as robberies do increase. Females should take extra care with gold chains and be careful not to display them as these are an easy source of cash. Care should also be taken regarding use of mobile phones.
The Sydenham PSP (problem solving plan) relating to street drinkers is a partnership with Lewisham Council and their Neighbourhood Community Warden scheme. We are issuing banning notices and there has been a decrease in street drinking. There is an ongoing issue relating to the man with the dog, but he will be in court next month. The PSP will close next January.
There has been the successful execution of 6 warrants and the police are currently monitoring 4 addresses relating to drug use. If you have any information you can contact the police or crimestoppers on 0800 555111.
Cllr Best introduced Karen Thompson and Tyrone Bankinson from the Community Warden Service and told the Assembly that the Responsible Retailers Agreement is now widening to include all retailers, not just Off-Licences.
Cllr Best told the Assembly that all the CCTV cameras on Sydenham Road are fully functional and that the cameras are monitored. If there is an incident any person can contact the CCTV Control Room on 020 8314 6166 so that the incident can be monitored, recorded and details passed immediately to the police. .
Q The increased presence after the riots made us feel very safe, do you have figures to support this?
A I do not have the figures on this, but the clear-up operation was very successful
Q All the street briefings are during the day, how about some in the evening?
A I will take that one back and see what we can do
Q In terms of the CCTV coverage, where does it end and are there any plans to extend it?
A Cllr Best – It ends at Kent House Road, extension is a funding issue and there are no plans to extend it at present, although the present system is being upgraded with improvements at Silverdale and the top of Queensthorpe Road. Maybe we could liaise with this library about placing a camera outside.
Q What about the new homes and something being drawn-up with the housing associations relating to CCTV?
A We do have planning gain from the new developments that provide community benefits. Planning officers look at various measures, however, we are mainly looking at education with primary school places being the priority.
Q Lots of young people were victimised after the riots, what issues are in place to help young people when the police do this?
A You do have a right to complain and you can speak to the Duty Officer
Q Why were young people targeted
A Lots of young people took part in the riots
Sydenham Charter including the revised Action Plan - Cllr Best introduced the Sydenham Charter to the Assembly explaining that this is a working document and that we want to capture action points that you think are relevant. There is a contact list attached to the document, but this list is only as good as the information provided so please could residents take a look and let Paul know of any updates..
To see a copy of the Charter please visit the Sydenham Assembly web pages.
Sydenham Smiles campaign – Cllr Best told the assembly about the Sydenham Smiles campaign which was an idea that came from the floor at the last assembly
Cllr Best stated that an Outer London Fund (OLF) bid has been submitted to improve the town centre, this bid is for £70k. £40k is for signage linked to the ‘what if’ project and could see 10 shop fronts be improved with 90% (£4k) being covered by the grant. There is £10k for the Sydenham Traders Association, £10k for a street market on Station Approach and £10k for cultural activities such as the Arts Festival. We will find out in January if we are successful.
7. Information items, open questions and answers
Christmas Events
Hugh Dames told the assembly about the Kirkdale Christmas pop-up which is on Saturday 10 December from 10am – 3pm with over 50 activities taking place including dance and yoga. Pen Else spoke about the web site for more information please visit - http://kirkdalepopup.here-there.net/.
Geraldine Cox from the Sydenham Traders Association and Kirkdale Bookshop told the Assembly about the switching-on of the Sydenham Christmas Lights. This will happen on Friday 2 December at 5pm outside the Post Office. The panto Dame and Daisy the Cow will be switching the lights on and over 20 shops have agreed to stay open late. There will Carol Singing with different choirs and drumming outside the Dolphin between 6pm and 7pm.