2015CAES RFOProject Description
Project Name:______
PG&E reserves the right to request additional documentation listed but not already provided in the Offer package.
Please provide the following Project information assembled in the order requested. If not applicable, indicate as such, but do not leave any sections blank.
A description of the proposed electricity storage process,energy/fuel supply, and energy generation process, including any resource studies and emission control technology. Please provide any third party, independent studies and/or modeling (other than that provided in the Data Room) that support your Project description and your Offer. If you are using information from the Data Room, please indicate what data you are using.
Please describe specific operating requirements that affect available capacity or energy (include impacts from operating unit temperature, other uses for resource, water management constraints, reservoir constraints, etc.). Detail the time period to which such requirements apply (e.g.,yearly). Any operational limitations must be substantiated in terms of technical limitations, permit requirements, or environmental regulations.
- Provide a listing of the major components to be used and associated electric loads;
- Provide information relating to the availability of, and Seller’s access to, the equipment and components to be utilized/proposed for construction and operation of the Project, especially as it relates to the Project’s scale;
- List equipment sources by manufacturer name and type of equipment, if known(e.g. existing owned inventory, new manufacturer order, resale market purchase);
- For all major equipment to be procured, list the manufacturer lead time, and describe how order queue position has/will be secured;
- Provide copies of warranties/guarantees for each piece of equipment and the expiration dates;
- Describe the technical challenges relative to the Project’s scale not related to the development of the core technology (i.e. manufacturing capacity of supplier production, complexity of deployment processes, etc.);
- Provide a non-confidential description of any new or proprietary processes in manufacturing, deployment, operation, etc.;
- Provide any other relevant technical information about the Project and supply chain considerations including spare parts availablility.
- Provide equipment/facility start-up graph that show time to grid synchronization and full load;
- Summarize the planned subsurface development requirements of the Project including:
- Reservoir aerial extent (air bubble);
- Average air bubble thickness;
- Assumed strength of the aquifer (aquifer pressure support), type of support; flank, bottom water or combination;
- Proposed number of air injection/withdrawal (I/W) wells;
- Predicted individual I/W well rates;
- Number of wells and completion type (vertical, horizontal, highly deviated);
- Injection/withdrawal well completion design;
- Well spacing;
- Predicted percent natural gas (or other gases) in well stream;
- Proposed water disposal wells and zone for disposal;
- Predicted disposal volume;
- Range of operating pressures; and
- Well pad design including well spacing, components required for gas/water separation and preliminary piping layout
- Has the equipment/application proposed been applied in commercial operations? If so, provide examples. If the technology/equipment has not been used commercially, please describe the current state of use of the equipment or application;
- Indicate any patent or license rights to new or proprietary processes, equipment, hardware/firmware/software, or systems necessary for the successful operation of the Project and any indemnities or other use rights that would impact PG&E;
- Describe all known safety hazards associated with the technology and configuration planned for the Projectassociated with the reservoir (including all equipment such as the injection/withdrawal wells and ancillary equipment, and the air pipeline up to the interface of the energy conversion facility). Provide descriptions of the system or processes typically used to manage or mitigate any risks associated with the known or suspected safety hazards (fire, explosion, flooding, earthquake, etc);
- Describe all known safety hazards associated with the technology and configuration planned for the Project associated with the energy conversion facility equipment. Provide descriptions of the system or processes typically used to manage or mitigate any risks associated with the known or suspected safety hazards (fire, explosion, flooding, earthquake, etc);
- Identify the relevant industry safety-related codes or standards and government regulations that apply to the design and operation of the facility using the proposed technology/configuration associated with the reservoir (including all equipment such as the injection/withdrawal wells and ancillary equipment, and the air pipeline up to the interface of the energy conversion facility).; and
- Identify the relevant industry safety-related codes or standards and government regulations that apply to the design and operation of the facility using the proposed technology/configuration associated with the energy conversion facility equipment; and
- Provide a description of any ongoing processes used by the original equipment manufacturer (“OEM”) and its customers to communicate lessons learned about its installed projects to identify, resolve and prevent potential safety-related issues.
- Provide a description and schedule of component/facility testing and startup activities after mechanical completion.
- Describe the EPC selection criteria that will be used and list any shortlisted companies.
- Describe experience levels of these companies including other related projects they may have done.
To give PG&E an understanding and confidence that proposed operation is achievable, provide the following information:
- Describe specific design considerations and provide, where appropriate, significant design detail to confirm that the facility has been designed to accommodate full flexibility in charging and discharging. Component parts that should be specifically addressed are those specific to the CAES facility, such as compressors, turbine, pumps, reservoir, wells, air pipeline, auxiliary equipment, etc.
- List known or expected operating characteristics of the facility including but not limited to minimum and maximum power inputs/outputs (charging and discharging), ramp rate, start-up times (cold, warm, hot), reservoir pressure limitations and its impact on operations, round trip efficiency (AC to AC), heat rate, self-discharge rate (standby and shutdown), transition time (i.e. time required to go from charging the reservoir to generating and vice versa) and a descriptionof this transition process).
- Provide a description of plant staffing, major equipment maintenance plans and any long-term service agreements.
Please complete the following table of permits and discretionary approvals required from local, state, federal, and/or tribal authorities for both the Project and any interconnection related upgrades under consideration. Include the status of permits in application phase and those required but not currently held and the expiration date of all discretionary permits already obtained and agency process for granting a permit extension.
Table of Permits and Discretionary Approvals Required from Local, State, Federal, and/or Tribal Authorities for the Project and any Interconnection UpgradesPermit Type or Approval / Issuing Agency/Entity / Actual or anticipated submitted and issuance/approval dates. / Anticipated Permit Expiration Date*
Application for Certification / California Energy Commission / Submitted 1/1/2016
Issued 7/1/2017 / 12/31/2040
[List additional permits, as necessary.]
*Describe the agency process for granting a permit extension.
Please provide a summary of currently known environmental and land use impacts (e.g., biological, water/air quality, and land use) of your projects and current plans you have to mitigate these impacts. In addition, please provide responses to item A through H below.
Note that an environmental siting, licensing, and permitting analysis for the PG&E proposed Project siteis available in the Data Room on Power Advocate, to those that provide the requisite Appendix 1, Confidentiality Agreement and Appendix 2, Experience Qualifications (see instructions in the CAES RFO Protocol). This information may be useful in responding to the Section 6, Environmental Impact Section questions if you are using part or all the proposed project componenet locations of the PG&E proposed Project.
- CEQA/NEPA Review
- NEPA Lead Agency (if required)
- Type of Document – EA/FONSI or EIS
- Estimated Dates of submission and of Final Approval
- CEQA Lead Agency (if required)
- Type of Document – NegDec, Mitigated NegDec, or EIR
- Estimated Dates of Submittion and of Final Approval
- Endangered Species
- USFWS and/or NMFS Section 7 or Section 10 Consultation (if required)
- Federal agency initiating consultation
- Type of Consultation – Informal, Formal
- Type of USFWS Response – Concurrence or Biological Opinion & Incidental Take Permit
- Estimated Date of Completion
- California DFWS Consultation (if required)
- Incidental Take Permit (if required)
1.Estimated Date of Incidental Take Permit (if required)
- Cultural Resources
- Native American stakeholders to be consulted (if required)
- Status of Section 106 and CEQA review (if required)
- Cultural resources on the Project Site eligible for or listed on national or state registers
- Status of cultural resource investigations in the Project area.
- Any planned cultural resource investigations. If so, what specific studies?
- Water Quality and Supply
In the above permit table, please include any construction and/or industrial stormwater permits required to construct and operate the project.
- For the construction and operation of the Project:
- Please identify water supply needs and sources, including rights. If applicable, list any “will serve” commitments from a local water provider, and provide their name, the amount, and the date the commitment was or is expected to be received.
- Please identify any waste water discharges from the Project, their locations, amounts, and distances from any waterways (i.e. lakes, rivers, streams). If applicable, identify discharges that have the potential to include pollutants.
- Please identify any on-site Project water storage methods, amounts, and locations.
- Indicate if the Project:
- Is dry or wet-cooled
- Has evaporation ponds
- Has onsite water treatment
- Has measures in place to reduce water risks (e.g., water supply)
- Land Use
- What are the current zoning and general plan land use designations (existing and planned/future land use) for the Project Site?
- Will the project require a land use amendment, a rezone or a variance from any applicable land use regulations?
- Will the project involve modifications to existing parcel boundaries or the creation of new parcels (such as a lot line adjustment, lot split, conveyance, reversion, parcel map or subdivision map)?
- Is the Project site designated agricultural land (Prime Farmland, Farmland of Statewide Importance, Unique Farmland, Farmland of Local Importance, or Grazing Land) or under a Williamson Act Contract?
- Is the transmission route in a utility corridor designated, mapped and adopted by a federal, state or local agency?
- Stakeholder Engagement
- What concerns (i.e., public health, safety, catastrophic releases, odors, noise, etc. ) regarding the construction and operation of the facility could you reasonably expect from nearby residents or other stakeholder interests in the area? How have you anticipated these concerns in the project’s design?
- What agency, non-governmental agency, community and/or tribal outreach plans do you have for the Project to address potential concerns? Please describe, including the experience of the people who will be in charge in implementing the plans.
- Elements of Site Control
Please specify the legal interests through which the Participant would exercise control over the land on which these project componentswould be situated for the entire term of the proposed Agreement. For example, interests may include ownership, lease, easement, rights-of-way, or license. Interests may be existing or exercisable options. If interests are contingent, please specify the nature and timing of the contingencies.
Please identify any interests in land that Participant does not have, but would be required for the operation of the Project.
- As applicable please provide additional permitting and environmental information for the items below, addressing the items listed and others that will assist in evaluating your Offer. Provide impact information and mitigation plans when relevant.
- Air Emissions
- Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Material s/Waste (e.g., sources, amounts, on-site usage, and discharge)
Provide the following preliminary design information used as the basis for the facility design and associated warranties and performance guarantees. Depending on the technology included in the Offer, some sections might not apply.
- General arrangements (plan and elevation views)
- Plot plan (including construction laydown, access, and parking)
- Single-line diagrams with metering and point of interconnection clearly shown
- Heat Balance Diagram
Provide a heat balance diagram for each fuel type used (Note: please provide a detailed explanation if the heat balances supplied as part of this Appendix do not equal the heat rate guarantees found in the associated CAES Agreement).
Heat balances for each fuel to be permitted shall include the mass flow (lb/hr), temperature (°F), pressure (psia), and enthalpy (BTU/hr) for all water, steam, combustion air, and fuel streams entering and exiting the boundaries of the generating unit and of each major equipment component.
Heat balances shall be provided for several ambient conditions at Site Elevation, including: ISO Conditions(59°F, 60% RH), Peak July Conditions, and Average Monthly Conditions.
Heat balance data shall be labeled on block diagrams or provided in tabular form.
- Piping & Instrument Diagrams (P&ID)
The P&ID’s should include line sizes, instrumentation, and valves for all major systems that will be provided by Participant. The Participant shall also provide a list of all system P&ID’s that will be prepared during the design phase of the Project.
- Water Balance Diagram
Water balances shall be provided for several ambient conditions at site elevation, including: ISO Conditions (59°F, 60% RH), peak July conditions, and average monthly conditions.
Water balance data shall be labeled on block diagrams or provided in tabular form with values corresponding to stream numbers labeled on the block diagram. The stream values shall be expressed in gallons per minute for all sources and uses of water. The water quality analyses used as the basis for the water balances shall be provided, as well as the resulting water quality for all wastewater streams.
If applicable, provide a description of the existing/proposed natural gas interconnection including but not limited to the natural gas application status, natural gas agreement information including counterparty name, length of agreement term, expiration dates, etc.
Explain the plans to acquire or existing agreements related to site control, if not using the PG&E preferred Energy Conversion Facility site.
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