Children’s Services Coordination Committee


December 19, 2002

Members in attendance:

Alan Albright1 / Margaret Beed2 / Herbie Vanderhorst / Michael Collins3 / Harriet Bemus / Corey Cramin
Mike Fell4 / Mary Kavli / Marri Derby5 / Mary Harris6 / Ellin Chariton7 / Jim Persinger8

1 – representative for Doug Barton 4 – representative for Tony Rackauckas 7 – representative for Bill Habermehl

2 – representative for Mark Horton 5 – representative for Carl Holmes 8 – representative for Ben De Mayo

3 – representative for Stephanie Lewis 6 –representative for Larry Leaman

Members absent:

Supervisor Coad / Karen Blanco / Bobby Santillan
Harold LaFlamme / Clete Menke

Agency Staff:

Jim Harte / Curt Condon / Jeff Nagel / Carole Mintzer / Glorious Lawrence / Sharon Middleton / Rebecca Cardoza
Linda Oyoung / Paula Fitzgerald / Joann Nichols / June Marcott

Members of the Public:

Beth Spenser / Brook Whitaker / Dan McQuaid / Michelle Berelowitz

Action Items are denoted by an *

Agenda Item / Discussion / Action / Follow-up Activity /
1.  Introductions / Announcements
2.  *Review and Approve Minutes / There was a request to update the names of alternates representing CSCC members. / The minutes were approved otherwise
3.  State Legislation / budget – all / The State deficit as of 12/28/02 is approximately $34.8 Billion. The Governor has a list of targeted cuts, which include managed care and early mental health services. Governor Davis is proposing to again defer payment for AB 3632/882 services through next fiscal year.
Mary Harris reported that SSA is awaiting information from the State regarding funding for childcare for their CalWORKS families. Childcare funding is very much in jeopardy at this point. SSA recently offered an agency-wide golden handshake to all employees at every level. Larry Leaman will retire effective January 9, 2003. June Marcott, Deputy Director for SSA’s Performance Incentive Program will also retire after the new year. The vacant positions resulting from these and other retirements will not be filled at this time.
Ellin Chariton discussed how education would be affected by the cutbacks from the State. In regards to childcare, OCDE and Children’s Home Society administer Stage 3 funding. Stage 3 is when a family is no longer utilizing aide for 2 years, which in turn promotes stability and economic self-sufficiency for the family. OCDE believes this funding will come to an end because Governor Davis has been attempting to redirect this money for the last 2-3 years. OCDE currently serves approximately 350 Orange County children who will be affected if these monies are removed from the State budget.
4.  CalWORKs Follow-up: June Marcott / June Marcott, from SSA, spoke about the current issues regarding the State policy and how this will affect the CalWORKS program. A new requirement after the new year will force Medi-Cal beneficiaries to re-apply for benefits every quarter. This will result in many eligible families loosing benefits if they do not remember to complete the necessary paperwork on a quarterly basis. Effective December 31, 2002 many families will be taken off aide. She distributed a handout showing several scenarios of aided families and the difference in monthly benefits once these families “time out” from aide in the upcoming year. Their current caseload is approximately 18,000 cases. 54% of all two-parent families will “time out” in 2003. Food benefits, which draw from federal funds, will not be affected, however, this program is changing from the use of food stamps to using an automated swipe card.
5.  CSCC Leadership – Doug Barton / Alan discussed Doug Barton’s interest in passing on the position of co-chair of the committee to another agency. There are staff support responsibilities that go along with this but Doug is confident it can be worked out.
6.  *Foster Care Subcommittee Recommendation – Alan Albright / On December 10th, the Foster Care Task Force filed its final report with the Board of Supervisors with the recommendation that the agenda of the Task Force be continued as a subcommittee of the CSCC. Membership for the proposed Foster Care Subcommittee could be offered to former Task Force members and any other interested community members. / Motion approved to establish a Foster Care subcommittee
7.  *Funding for the 7th Annual Foster Parent Conference – Mary Harris / Children’s System of Care has unspent rollover funds that are available for special and worthwhile projects. These funds will expire at the end of this fiscal year. A motion was proposed to use approximately $40,000 of these rollover funds to assist with funding the Annual Foster Parent Conference which SSA organizes each year. This conference accommodates approximately 600 Orange County foster parents , provides training and resources for these foster parents , and meets their yearly training requirements. / Motion approved to use CSOC unspent rollover funds to assist with costs.
8.  9th Annual Conditions of Children Report – Carole Mintzer, Michelle Berelowitz / In January there will be an opportunity for the committee to vote on “Early Childhood” as next year’s special section topic. Another focus area that was suggested for next year was “Poverty in Children”.
9.  Program / Project Updates:
·  CORE Program – Deana Mulkerin / No update due to Deana Mulkerin’s absence.
·  Children’s System of Care – Jeff Nagel / Jeff discussed that a revised work plan and budget narrative for Children’s System of Care was submitted and approved by State Department of Mental Health. Case Reviews are still taking place every month. The State has very short timelines for acquiring data to prove the effectiveness statewide of the System of Care initiative, and data will need to be submitted to the State by January 31, 2003.
·  Wraparound – Mary Harris / There are currently 127 cases in various stages of Wraparound Services. They continue to receive 1-2 referrals per week. Last month, a letter of interest for new Wraparound providers effective July 1, 2003 was sent out. SSA received responses from four providers, including: Olive Crest, New Alternatives, Canyon Acres, and South Coast Children’s Society. Contract negotiations will begin with these 4 providers fairly soon.
The program is going well over all at this time.
10.  Subcommittee Reports
·  Emancipation Services – Glorious Lawrence / The Cal State Fullerton housing study will be complete by the end of the year. Several emancipation staff will retire in the next few months. Overall, this program is going well at this time.
·  Evaluation – Curtis Condon / The upcoming report due to the State by the end of January 2003 includes data gathered on CSOC clients (pre- and post-registration) measuring items such as school performance, out-of-home placement, outpatient services, day treatment services, psychiatric hospitalization, etc. CSOC staff is involved with collecting and entering this data.
·  Early Childhood – Mary Harris / No new update at this time.
Public Comments


CSCC Minutes 12-19-02-Final Version 1/15/03

HCA/Children & Youth Services