Supervision of children on Outings and Visits

(Reviewed 25.03.2015)

Policy statement

Children benefit from being taken out of the setting to go on visits or trips to the local park or other suitable venues for activities which enhance their learning experiences. All staff in our setting ensure that there are procedures to keep children safe on outings. All staff and volunteers are aware of the procedures set out below.


· Parents sign their consent on the application form for their children to be taken out as part of the daily activities of the setting. Parents are always asked again before an outing off the premises takes place.

· There is a risk assessment for each venue carried out and before we attend, which is reviewed regularly.

· Parents are always asked to sign separate consent forms for any major outings.

· Our adult to child ratio is high when on any outings and is accessed in the risk assessment.

· One member of the management team is always present on outings.

· Outings are recorded on an outings form which clearly states;-

- The date and time of outing

- The venue and mode of transport

- Names of staff and children attending

- Time of return.

· Staff take a mobile phone on outings, and a first aid box and drinks for the children if required, also any medication which is needed for the children present.

· Records are kept of the vehicles used to transport children, with named drivers and appropriate insurance cover.

· At least one fully trained first aider is always present whilst off the premises.