The Next 11 Most Common Words on the SAT

Subtle – wary (THE LAST LIST)

subtle – elusive, sly, ambiguous

superficial – lacking in depth

superfluous – more than enough

suppress – to end an activity

surreptitious – secret, stealthy

tactful – diplomatic, polite

tenacious – persistent, resolute

transient – temporary, fleeting

venerable – respectable due to age

vindicate – to clear from blame

wary – watchful, alert


Quiz on “the next 12 words” – (Subtle – wary)

1) subtle _____ a) respectable due to age

2) superficial _____ b) secret, stealthy

3) superfluous _____ c) to clear from blame

4) suppress _____ d) more than enough

5) surreptitious _____ e) persistent, resolute

6) tactful _____ f) elusive, sly, ambiguous

7) tenacious _____ g) diplomatic, polite

8) venerable _____ h) to end an activity

9) venerable _____ i) watchful, alert

10) vindicate _____ j) lacking in depth

11) wary _____ k) temporary, fleeting