Summary Course Evaluation for Namibia/Botswana Interim 2008

1. Please circle the number below that reflects your opinion about the amount of academic content in our Interim.

There was too little The amount was There was too much

academic content. about right. academic content.

1 2 3 4 5

n=0 n=0 n=8 n=8 n=0

2. Please indicate the approximate amount of money (in US dollars) you spent on each of the following:

_____ Buying minimum necessities. (How little could you have gotten by with?)

_____ Buying bottled water.

_____ Buying other beverages.

_____ Buying snacks.

_____ Buying souvenirs.

_____ Paying for entertainment.

_____ Contributing to tips for dancers, kitchen staff, etc. (not for Wild Dog people).

average / SD / Max / Min / Median / n= / Expenses
74 / 49 / 175 / 10 / 50 / 13 / Necessities
17 / 13 / 40 / 0 / 14 / 15 / bottled water
55 / 85 / 350 / 0 / 40 / 15 / other beverages
9 / 8 / 30 / 0 / 5 / 15 / snacks
203 / 309 / 1300 / 40 / 150 / 15 / souvenirs
98 / 97 / 320 / 20 / 75 / 15 / entertainment
33 / 21 / 100 / 10 / 30 / 15 / tips
479 / 427 / 2025 / 195 / 398 / 16 / Total

3. Please think about your personal packing list and fill in the following table:

I brought this & am glad I did. / I brought too much of this. / I brought too little of this.

4. Please evaluate the food prepared & served by The Dog (our local tour company):


Too little. Just about right. Too much.

1 2 3 4 5


Truly wretched. OK but not great. Excellent.

1 2 3 4 5

5. Overall, what do you think about the novels we read & the presentations you offered?

A waste of time! OK. Quite important.

1 2 3 4 5

n=2 n=5 n=3 n=4 n=2

6. What do you think about the “cultural component” of our Interim?

Too little. About right. Too much.

1 2 3 4 5

n=4 n=6 n=3 n=3 n=0

7. What do you think about the “natural history component” of our Interim?

Too little. About right. Too much.

1 2 3 4 5

n=1 n=3 n=12 n=0 n=0

8. What do you think about the “geography/geology component” of our Interim?

Too little. About right. Too much.

1 2 3 4 5

n=1 n=1 n=13 n=1 n=0

9. Comment briefly on the personal growth/development you experienced on this Interim?

10. What was your most memorable Interim experience? Why do you consider it to be so?

11. What do you consider your best day? Why?

12. Please list the three most important or interesting things that you learned on this Interim.

13. Would you be more inclined or would you be less inclined to enroll in an Interim like this one if:

i-Pods had been prohibited?

No way! About the same. More likely to enroll.

1 2 3 4 5

n=5 n=3 n=8 n=0 n=0

Consumption of alcohol had been prohibited?

No way! About the same. More likely to enroll.

1 2 3 4 5

n=4 n=3 n=9 n=0 n=0

Luggage had been tightly restricted?

No way! About the same. More likely to enroll.

1 2 3 4 5

n=2 n=2 n=11 n=0 n=0

Travel had been restricted to Namibia only?

No way! About the same. More likely to enroll.

1 2 3 4 5

n=2 n=1 n=9 n=3 n=0

14. Please estimate the total (all-trip) time spent (in hours) on each of the following activities:

a. ______Writing in your journals?

b. ______Interim-related reading. ______Pleasure-reading (not Interim-related)

c. ______Listening to i-Pod? _____

d. ______Talking to guide? _____

e. ______Talking to Alpheus? _____

f. ______Talking to non-Wofford travelers? _____

g. ______Talking to residents of Namibia or Botswana? _____

h. ______Managing images? _____

i. ______Washing dishes, putting up tents, accomplishing other camp chores? _____

average / SD / Max / Min / Median / n= / Activities
13 / 6 / 24 / 5 / 12 / 15 / writing journal
6 / 4 / 12 / 2 / 5 / 16 / Interim reading
6 / 7 / 20 / 0 / 6 / 13 / pleasure reading
7 / 12 / 50 / 0 / 4 / 16 / iPod
25 / 28 / 80 / 1 / 10 / 13 / talk to guide
6 / 7 / 20 / 1 / 3 / 14 / talk to assistant
4 / 4 / 15 / 0 / 3 / 16 / talk to non-Wofford
5 / 3 / 15 / 1 / 5 / 16 / talk to residents
2 / 2 / 8 / 0 / 2 / 16 / manage images
17 / 14 / 42 / 5 / 10 / 10 / camp chores

15. Please estimate the number of photos shot. _____

16. Please list the three or four of your classmates that you consider to have been the most helpful on the Interim trip.

17. Please rate your own contribution to camp chores.

I was among the least helpful. I was about average. I was among the most helpful.

1 2 3 4 5

n=0 n=0 n=1 n=9 n=6

We are particularly interested in specific suggestions that would improve the project for future participants.

·  I was against “image management” from the beginning and still feel like it took away from the trip. We can look at pictures at home – we can’t experience Africa from home. Perhaps take 1 computer if students want to look at pictures on bus rides, but do not make it mandatory and do not use them when other experiences can be had. Also, perhaps organize the trip with more 2-4 day stops to prevent bus-riding apathy.

·  Make the objectives concise, clear, and consistent. What is allowed and not allowed and expected should be known before leaving Wofford. However these guidelines should not completely restrict activities but should allow room for trusting the nature student’s decision making. Go as open minded and flexible as possible. Don’t go with a huge list of “things I must do” or “things I must see” – type expectations because the unplanned experiences and unexpected events make the trip so much better.

·  I wish there hadn’t been so much time spent traveling. We could have stayed at some campsites for more than one day and experienced more.

·  I did not like the way journals were handled. They are personal things and having guidelines by which they must be written and then read them out undermines the purpose. You can’t get as deep and honest if people are going to be constantly critizing it. The discussions we had at night should always be willing to watch a traditional dance, even if it does cut into journal time. You didn’t get those opportunities every day.

·  less focus on image management for this would allow more time to talking to guides and locals. Spend more time in local areas in smaller groups talking to locals.

·  switch novel readings and movies to maybe more history/cultural related topics or to learning more in-depth about the wildlife we would be hearing; movies could be done individually over Christmas break. Considering ending trip at Victoria Falls. More nights in Etosna

·  A better, written set of objectives prior to departure.

·  If it is possible add a few more days so the traveling is not so nonstop. An extra free day would have most desired.

·  I feel that the content of our journals was extremely controlled. Journals should be a personal reflection, not a reflection of what our teachers want. Students should not be reprimanded unless their actions are obstructing the interim. I feel the discussions at night sometimes were inappropriate and rude to the guides.

·  I would make an effort to do some of the best things later in the trip (sossusvlei) instead of right at the beginning. Cut out locations that take long to drive to and then end up being able to enjoy for only 2 hours. Figure out a focus – is it cultural, is it ecological, is it geographical, or is it all of the above? Make expectations clear early on.

·  Attempt to end at Victoria Falls

·  I felt that the trip needed to be oriented more towards enjoying what we were learning and seeing than about image managing. I felt that a number of people missed out on a valuable experience by not spending time talking to locals. I felt that expectations were constantly changing and were never specifically clear. I also feel that the professors should treat the students with a lot more respect and trust. No student ever gave any reason for distant and lack of respect. I think that student’s suggestions were completely ignored or responded to in a manner that made us as students feel like we ere terrible people for making those suggestions. We go to a liberal arts college and we are taught to question and be involved in our learning but this trip was only done exactly how the professors wanted it and without considering student opinions. I personally felt that no matter what I said it was not valued or even heard. On future trips it would be nice to listen what students are interested in instead of only what 2 professors have seen!

·  Have clear expectations expressed to students before you leave. Engulf yourself more in the culture. Put the camera down for a day and look around – Namibia is beautiful. Listen to the students-they are not out to get you. When students have suggestions, they usually have pure intentions and are right a good deal of the time. Respect the students and they will respect you. Equal the playing field – we are not in a classroom setting and you can learn from students as well. Lastly, relax and be flexible! In my opinion, the students were treated like dirt. If the students are not going to be respected, then you should not lead a travel interim. Just because you are knowledgeable does not mean you should be allowed to have students pay for you to go to a different country. Bottom line is be respectful – to the students and the local people of Namibia and Botswana.

·  I’m really appreciative for being encouraged to do the journals and pictures; however, I think the students should have a little more say in how they want to remember the trip. Still do the journal and pictures, but allow students to give advice about how they’d like to do their portfolio.

·  I think that the image management idea was o.k. but someone lost/erased two days of my photos. Therefore I had to get them from someone else. I think that more weight of

·  Get rid of the journal readings. I think that it would have been much more beneficial to leave that discussion time for after the trip. Also, I believe that discussion was rude to Burger and Alfeus. There needs to be another free day added into the itinerary, preferably in Windhoek. Don’t focus so much on image managing. No offense, but constantly hearing that I needed to do image management really annoyed me. If it was just mentioned that the computers were available, I would have done it on my own. If you are going to try and do any charitable work, be sure to a) notify the students before you go so they can think about it and maybe organize something for once you get there and b) notify the guide before you go so he can do his best to possibly add that into the itinerary.

What advice would you give to future participants in an Interim like this?



·  Talk to the guide and locals as much as possible – at every encounter in a town, gas station, shop ask intriguing questions and get to know the individual.

·  Pack in waterproof bags, and make sure you bring stuff that dries quickly

·  Make sure you’re willing to be dirty and know how to wash underwear in the sink.

·  packing in excess is not a good idea

·  See previous packing suggestions

·  pack plenty of plastic bags and use them frequently to protect clothing

·  pack in zip-locks

·  experience Namibia in your own way

·  Talk to people whenever you can.

·  Take preparation seriously.

·  Pack quick drying clothes – in plastic bags. Include your journal and passport in those plastic bags.

·  Pack clothes in zip-locks

·  Come into this with an open mind – be prepared to be in less then pleasant situations in which you have to keep a good attitude.

·  Bring analgene, lip gloss/chap stick and underwear and sunscreen.

·  Do as much as you can that you cannot do at home


·  Try to refrain from having an “us vs. them” mentality w/prof.’s – they mean well.

·  Bring a camera with a good zoom lens. You miss out on a lot of good photos with a simple point-and-shoot camera (even if its 10x optical zoom!)

·  Get to know your guide because he’s probably your best source of information.

·  Make an effort to break away from the group and talk to local people. Try and immerse yourself in the culture.

·  Make sure your make time to explore.

·  a sleeping bag that is cooler – It is hot at night!

·  don’t over pack

·  get a high zoom camera if you can

·  learn as much as you can/take notes

·  Spend less time going out and partying and more time getting to know people over a campfire discussion.

·  If you don’t have a good camera, borrow/find one.

·  Know before you leave to be really flexible, easy going, and helpful.

·  Be able to be flexible. (KEY!)

·  Place great importance on what you pack - it could get ruined, so don’t pack any thing too expensive.

·  Spray your clothes w/permethrin before leaving Christmas break and you won’t get mosquito bites.

·  Don’t worry about the academic requirements until you get home. Enjoy everything you can while you are there and don’t focus on what you have to do when you get back.


·  Don’t ever let drinking too much detract from your experiences – you can drink at home, but can’t see lions, giraffe, etc. from 5 yds away.