Multi-Genre Project 1
Multi-Genre Project
Table of Contents
Suitcase-contains multi-genre project and represents Rob
Tiger on top to keep the lid closed
Things to Pack List-list of things Rob kept in his suitcase
Obituary of Rob’s mother
Photo of Norton & Billy Threemonger
Photo of rash on Rob’s legs
Photo of Rob crying
Obituary of Rob’s mother
Advice Column-from Rob to school newspaper asking for advice
Poem for Two Voices-Rob and Sistine
Things to pack in suitcase
(do not think about)
Mom’s death
rash on legs
Norton and Billy Threemonger
**put tiger on top to hold suitcase closed**
Jacksonville News
Caroline Horton
Mrs. Caroline Horton, 34, of Jacksonville, Florida, died July 15 after a length battle with cancer.
She was a homemaker and president of the Wood Carvers Guild for many years.
Survivors: her husband, Robert Horton of the home, and a son, Rob, of the home.
A funeral service will be held at 2:00 July 18, at Jacksonville Memorial Gardens.
Norton and Billy Threemonger
Advice Column
Lister Middle School Newspaper
Dear Lister Listener:
I have a big problem. I am new at school and my mom died this summer. To make matters worse, I have a noticeable physical problem. All the students make fun of me. Two boys on the bus thump my neck, yank my hair, and mash my head. I’m tired of being bullied. No one wants to sit with me at lunch. I am all alone. Can you help me?
New Kid on the Block
Dear New Kid on the Block:
You have been through a terrible experience, but you can rise out of this sorrow. Find another new student and form a friendship with him/her. Then open up and talk about your feelings. Stand up to the boys on the bus. Tell the bus driver what is happening. It is his job to get you to school safely and unharmed. Finally seek out an adult that you trust and share your experiences. You can rise up from this sorrow.
Lister Listener
The Tiger Rising
A Poem for Two Voices
I need a friend I need a friend
I wear fancy dresses
to school
I wear shorts
You can see the
rash on my legs
It’s not
contagious contagious
let me
catch the rash so
I won’t have I won’t have
to go to school to go to school
I hate school I hate school
I fight the bullies
I don’t run
I take the bullying
I don’t cry
I hate school I hate this
southern hick town.
My mom My mom
left my dad
that’s why I’m here that’s why I’m here
hold within
let it out
I’ve got a secret
Tell me!
I can’t
Tell me!
I know where
there’s a
Show me
Let’s go Let’s go
Set it free
We must
Set it free! Set it free!
Go tiger go! Go tiger go!
Tiger rise up!
Out of the cage!
let my sorrow rise let my anger rise
The tiger The tiger
Rising Rising
Descriptions of why I selected these genres.
Obituary-I wrote an obituary because the main character’s mom died. Rob’s sorrow and hurt over her is a theme throughout the book. Her death is the reason he moved to a new town, he has a rash on his legs, and he is bullied. The obituary is important to the story.
Advice Column-I wrote an advice column because Rob needs help to get over his mom’s death, being bullied, and being lonely. In this written form, I could bring out other themes that were happening in the novel.
Poem for Two Voices-I wrote this poem because I wanted to compare Rob and Sistine, the other main character. This poem was a good way to express their similarities and differences in a creative way. I also enjoy writing poems for two voices.
Things to Pack List-I wrote this because Rob refers often to things in his suitcase. This is a list of what is in the suitcase and he keeps the lid closed so the will not have to think about them.
Suitcase-I chose the suitcase because this is how Rob sees himself-as a suitcase with things “not to think about” inside. After he found the tiger, eh imagined the tiger on top of the suitcase keeping it closed. The suitcase is also part of the central theme throughout the book.
I did my multi-genre project on a children’s novel and I liked this project better that a written book report. I was able to use my imagination to create artifacts that describe the theme of the book. I did not have to list facts; rather I could express the areas that were important to me. I began to think of ways of expression that were not written. The pictures that I formed in my mind as I was reading the novel were the ones that I expressed through the multi-genres. It was not random artifacts; each piece fit together with the next to give a complete picture of the novel.
I would like my students to be able to create a multi-genre project so that they could express themselves. Especially my students that do not like to write would enjoy doing the hands-on projects. Depending on the items chosen, it could be kinesthetic learning for them. I feel they would like this concept because it is not traditional and it would give the students lots of freedom to choose.
A multi-genre project can address the interests of students better than a traditional formal research paper. With the increase of technology and the availability of information through the internet, students do not have to rely only on books; they can use the internet, pod casts, and many other sources to retrieve information. With this variety of informational sources, there should also be a variety of different ways to express this information. A multi-genre project is a great way to show diversification in an interesting and complete way.
In Writing with Passion: Life Stories, Multiple Genres, Tom Romano writes:
Perception is all.
Ways of seeing.
Ways of knowing.
Ways of learning.
Sometimes I see the world through poetry:
a bit of cadenced language, a striking image,
a metaphor with extensions following close behind
Sometimes I see the world through prose:
a description that clarifies a vivid moment,
a pointed narrative,
a monologue marshaling all the points...
Sometimes I see the world through dramatic encounters...
Each genre offers me ways of seeing and understanding that others do not.
I perceive the world through multiple genres.
They shape my seeing.
(Tom Romano, Writing with Passion. Boynton/Cook Heinemann, p. 109)
This quote made me think of the different ways students learn. As part of my undergraduate work, I researched Howard Gardner’s study on multiple intelligences. I incorporate his ideas in my teaching whenever possible. It makes sense to let my students express themselves in a similar manner.
Creativity is involved in a multi-genre project. The student’s imagination and thoughts about the subject can be expressed through the project. A traditional research paper must be factual, but multi-genre projects let the student combine research and creativity to form a new way of expression. Teachers are still able to teach skills needed for research, but the end product is in a different form. Students need to be aware of their audience when choosing multi-genres. When the projects are presented the audience also gets a variety and does not have to listen to one student after another read his/her research paper. Instead, multi-genre presentations would keep the audience interested. With the variety of multi-genres, all students can find ones they could use for their projects.
Overall, the multi-genre project is a good teaching tool, learning tool, expression tool, and presentation tool. Although this was a new concept to me, I am sure it will be used more and more because of its versatility. I look forward to having my students do their first multi-genre project.