Instructor: Tracey Newman
Class: FACS I
Subject Area: Family and Consumer Sciences, grades 9-10
CTE Objective: Welding A1, Identify and correct or report safety hazards
Graphic Communications, A1, Demonstrate laboratory safety
Curriculum Objective: Students will identify and correct or report safety hazards in a laboratory situation
Content Standard Alignment: CA6
Process Standard Alignment: 3:1, 3:3, 3:6
Learner Activity:
1) Students will cooperatively review textbook sections that cover safety hazards in a kitchen laboratory and make a poster identifying kitchen safety rules
2) The class will discuss each situation and share suggestions for correcting them.
Assessment Activity: The level of mastery will be determined from the kitchen laboratory situations when students will prepare foods and be expected to do so in a safe manner.
Method of Assessment: Scoring guide
Instructional Method:
1) Anticipatory Set: Students will be asked to respond to the following question, “Why is safety important in a kitchen setting”
2) Purpose: The objective for today’s lesson is to identify and discuss behaviors and situations that make a kitchen laboratory safe and techniques for correcting situations that are hazardous.
3) Input: Students will cooperatively review textbook sections that cover safety hazards in a kitchen laboratory and make a poster identifying kitchen safety rules
4) Modeling and guided practice: As the students share the information on their posters, the teacher will give examples to elaborate on kitchen safety conditions.
5) Checking for understanding: The teacher will question students during the discussion of the kitchen safety posters
6) Independent Practice: Students will cooperatively simulate a hazardous situation in the laboratory, then take a picture with a digital camera. Pictures from each group will then be put into a slide show by the teacher. The class will view the slide show and identify the hazardous situation in each picture, describing a way to correct the situation
7) Closure: the teacher will review the main rules of kitchen safety with the students
Resources: Creative Living, Glencoe-McGraw/Hill
Digital cameras
Kitchen laboratory
Cooperative Learning Project Rubric A: Process
Name: ______
Date: ______
Class: ______
Group Participation / All students enthusiastically participate / At least 3/4 of students actively participate / At least half the students confer or present ideas / Only one or two persons actively participate
Shared Responsibility / Responsibility for task is shared evenly / Responsibility is shared by most group members / Responsibility is shared by 1/2 the group members / Exclusive reliance on one person
Quality of Interaction / Excellent listening and leadership skills exhibited; students reflect awareness of others' views and opinions in their discussions / Students show adeptness in interacting; lively discussion centers on the task / Some ability to interact; attentive listening; some evidence of discussion or alternatives / Little interaction; very brief conversations; some students were disinterested or distracted
Roles Within Group / Each student assigned a clearly defined role; group members perform roles effectively / Each student assigned a role but roles not clearly defined or consistently adhered to / Students assigned roles but roles were not consistently adhered to / No effort made to assign roles to group members