Study Guide—Unification of Nations (Italy and Germany)
Total: 103 pts.
6 voc.
78 Multiple Choice
10 matching—Cavour, Garibaldi, Bismarck, Mazzini
9 pts. of short answer—only 2 questions (1 is a chronological order question)
1.) What three events set the stage for the Unification of Italy and Germany?
2.) Which two Italian states were controlled by Austria?
3.) What Italian Word means Italian Unity? Who was an early leader of this unification movement?
4.) Who was king of Sardinia that wanted to drive the Austrians out of Italy?
5.) In April of 1848, things got worse for the Italian nationalists. Who pulled his troops out of the fight, causing other Italian states to, also, stop fighting?
6.) What type of government is established in Rome in November of 1848? Who is chosen to head this government?
7.) What nation comes to restore order in Rome?
8.) Who becomes king of Sardinia after the death of Charles Albert? Who does this new king chose as his closest advisor?
9.) In what war does Sardinia give aid to France and Great Britain with the hope of receiving help against Austria?
10.) In June of 1859, at what 2 battles do the French and Sardinians defeat the Austrians?
11.) What states became part of Sardinia in April 1860?
12.) Who led the southern Italian nationalists? What were his soldiers called?
13.) What did the southern Italian states vote to do in October of 1860?
14.) Which 2 areas were not yet part of Italy in 1861? What three things were created to help with the problems of a unified Italy?
15.) What was the last great nation to unify? What 2 major areas were not to be part of this nation’s unification?
16.) What 2 states dominated the German Confederation? Where was the diet held?
17.) What was the largest German state in the German Confederation? Who held political power in this state?
18.) What was the Zollverein? What did it do?
19.) In 1861, who became king of Prussia? Who did the new king appoint as Prime Minister? Why did he appoint this man as Prime Minister?
20.) What was realpolitik?
21.) What were the three wars that Bismarck got Prussia involved in? What two provinces were the root cause of the 1st war?
22.) What was the North German Confederation?
23.) What was the significance of the Ems Telegram?
24.) What was the Kulterkampf? What was the Center Party? What did Bismarck do to the Jesuits to keep power away from them? What were the May laws?
25.) For Germany to be powerful, it needed industry. From what nations did Germany receive investment capital? What fuel was mined in the Rhine and Saar regions?
26.) What did Ferdinand Lasalle create?
27.) Did Bismarck like socialists? How can you tell?
28.) What 2 socialist type laws were created by Bismarck to help the sick and old?
29.) When William I dies, Germany has two different Kaisers in 1888. Who were they and why did Germany need two Kaisers in that year?
30.) How did Bismarck lose his position of Prime Minister?
31.) What revolt occurred in Russian in December of 1825? Why was Russia considered so backwards in the early 1800’s?
32.) What is a mir? Who voted in Zemstvo elections?
33.) What did the Populists believe? What did the Mensheviks believe? What about the Bolsheviks? Whose ideas set the basis for the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks?
34.) What group suffered the greatest under the idea of russification (the pogroms)?
35.) What was contested between Russian and Japan in the Russo-Japanese war?
36.) What was Bloody Sunday?
37.) Who became emperor of Austrian at only age 18? Who posed the largest challenge to the emperor? What compromise created the Kingdom of Hungary and Empire of Austria?
38.) What were Moravia and Bohemia? What nation gained its independence in 1829?
39.) Where did Austria want to expand when the Ottoman Empire started to weaken?
40.) What treaty ended the Russo-Turkish war?
41.) How did Serbia Threaten Austria-Hungary?
42.) What was the “powder keg” of Europe?