Name______Block ______Date ______

Founding of Georgia Story Guide

  1. Who is the father of Georgia? ______

England’s Royal Family

  1. ______was the queen of England. She had no children to pass the crown to.
  2. She chose ______as king because he was the most senior protestant descendant. He was from Germany and spoke almost no English!
  3. He accused his wife of having an affair and locked her in ______.
  4. King ______disliked his father after he imprisoned his mother.
  5. He and his wife, Caroline, were very jealous of their oldest son, ______.
  6. After his death, Frederick’s oldest son would be the next king.

James Oglethorpe

  1. James Oglethorpe was elected to ______at the age of 25. He tried to reform ______in England.
  2. Debtors Prison: ______
  3. ______was a friend of Oglethorpe who was put in debtors prison. He later died in the prison.
  4. Debt: ______
  5. Oglethorpe went to King ______to ask permission to start a new colony.
  6. The three reasons for Georgia’s Charter:
  7. ______
  8. ______
  9. ______
  10. Philanthropy: With jobs nonexistent, one reason was to ______and ______in Britain.
  11. Economics: Through ______, it was hoped Georgia would increase England’s ______.
  12. Four crops would be produced:
  13. Defense: to provide a ______against ______& Indian attacks and protect ______.

The Trustees

  1. Georgia was a ______colony: run by a group of ______instead of a royal governor or company.

Rules for the colony:

  1. ______- colonists should settle their own differences.
  2. ______- Oglethorpe wanted the colonists to be sober and focused on their work.
  3. ______- Oglethorpe didn’t want people brought to Georgia against their will.
  4. ______- The King wanted Georgia to be ______.

Responsibilities of the Settlers:

  1. They must ______the colony from Spanish or Indian ______.
  2. Settlers could not ______the land given to them.
  3. They must plant ______in an effort to produce silk.
  4. Incentives to come to Georgia:

Settlement of Georgia

  1. In ______, 114 settlers aboard the ship ______left for the new colony!
  2. What is the importance of Chief Tomochichi?
  1. What is the importance of Mary Musgrove?
  1. With permission from the Yamacraw, Oglethorpe landed the Ann at ______.

Settlement of Georgia

  1. ______was the first English settlement in Georgia.
  2. ______hit the colony and one out of four died from ______. Problems included scurvy, dysentery, and poor sanitation.
  3. Why did Oglethorpe allow Jews to settle?



34. Congregation Mickve Israel -

  1. ______came from Salzburg Germany after they were forced out because they were protestant, not Catholic.
  2. They built a settlement called ______(“Rock of Help”)
  3. They were anti-______and were the first group of settlers to build a Sunday School and orphanage.

Defense of Georgia

  1. Who will defend Georgia’s backcountry? ______
  2. In 1735, they came to Georgia and settled the town of ______.
  3. They were great ______for the colony and did not believe in ______.
  4. They were placed in the ______to protect Georgia from ______attacks.
  5. Backcountry: ______

The Malcontents

  1. When Oglethorpe arrived back in Georgia, he found people unhappy – they were called the ______.
  2. He found ______and ______from South Carolina and found that the people were trading their ______to the ______.

War with Spain

  1. The war with Spain was called ______.
  2. In 1740, ______soldiers and Black militia attack Oglethorpe’s men outside of St. Augustine. He is driven back to Georgia in ______.
  3. ______- Fort built by Oglethorpe on St. Simon’s Island and named after King George II’s son, Frederick.
  4. On July 7, 1742, ______landed on St. Simon’s Island.
  5. At the Battle of ______, Oglethorpe won a victory killing 60 Spanish soldiers, but it wasn’t over.
  6. Oglethorpe sent a man from Fort Frederica to be captured with a ______in his pocket.
  7. The note said that English ______would be arriving in the morning to destroy the Spanish Army. It was a ______!
  8. Thinking the ships were the first of 100s of war ships, they panicked and ______. The ships the Spanish saw were actually supply ships, not war ships.
  9. In 1743, King George II orders ______back to England to explain why he lost his battle at St. Augustine a year earlier.
  10. While defending his decisions to the King, he hears that Georgians are now drinking ______and bringing in ______!
  11. He falls in love with Elizabeth Wright, and she refuses to ______.