Advanced Chemistry II:
Student Information Sheet
Ø Please fill out the following information:
Full Name:_______________________________________Period:______Date:__________
· Please list your homeroom room number = _______________
· Homeroom Teacher = __________________________
Ø Please answer the following questions:
1. Do you participate in athletics? ________If yes, please list them.
Fall ___________________Winter ____________________Spring _________________
2. Do you have a job? ____________If yes, please answer the following:
a. Where do you work? _________________________________________
3. DESCRIBE what you see yourself doing five years from today. Be specific. (A few sentences!)
4. In your free time, what do you like to do?
5. Who has been the most influential person at East Penn? WHY?
Advanced Chemistry II Syllabus
Mrs. Hostetter
WELCOME TO ADVANCED CHEMISTRY II! This is a weighted upper-level elective designed to prepare students for college level chemistry courses; therefore, the expectations are high. This is a student directed course. Students will be required to complete a significant amount of research and laboratory work for this course. Math applications will also be an integral part of the course. A substantial amount of information will be covered in a relatively short period of time, so this is also a very fast paced class with a heavy workload. If you are willing to put forth the effort, this is an engaging, hands on class that is packed full of information and lab activities.
Topics of Study:
· Gases
· Solutions
· Acids, Bases, pH
· Reaction Rates
· Nuclear Chemistry or Thermochemistry (if time permits)
Research Project: “How Has Chemistry Impacted and Shaped Our Past, Present, and Future?”
· You will receive more information and a rubric about this course project soon!
· Note: you will have class time to complete most aspects of this project.
1) Cheating/Plagiarism will be defined as claiming credit for work which is not your own.
2) Cheating/Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, looking off another person’s paper during a test or quiz, bringing unauthorized material to a test or quiz, talking during a test or quiz, copying assignments, electronic device present, and not citing sources.
3) It is allowable (and potentially helpful) for students to seek help from each other when completing homework assignments and lab reports. However, each student should do his or her own work! Copying any portion of an assignment or lab report will be considered cheating.
4) Cheating/Plagiarism will result in loss of credit plus additional action.
Materials Needed For Chemistry:
1) Proper lab attire on lab days (closed toed-shoes, pants, hair pulled back)
2) Large folder/3 ring binder (you will be given unit packets with notes and worksheets)
3) Pencil or pen
4) Calculator
5) Use my website: (contains notes and note packets)
1) Grading system – a point value is assigned to each assignment.
a. Grades will be posted in the classroom via your student number.
b. I update eschool almost daily!
2) Hold on to all graded material. This will be your proof in case of grade discrepancies.
Classwork/Homework Assignments:
1) Chemistry often requires practice. Class time used for this purpose should not be wasted.
2) Failure to hand in a graded assignment on a due date will result in receiving ½ credit and being graded from there. I will not accept any late work after 2 days!
3) Classwork/Homework checks occur frequently (5-10 points)
a. If you do not have your homework complete at the start of class you will earn a zero. You will not be able to make these points up. You must be prepared!
b. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, the day you return your homework will be checked.
4) Classwork/Homework may be collected at any time.
5) Classwork/Homework assignments may be used during pop quizzes.
Make-Up Work & Responsibilities:
1) If you are absent, ALWAYS check the bin for worksheets/notes that you missed, see classmates or my website for the notes that you missed, see me for make-up quizzes/tests and/or help with the lesson.
2) You will be expected to take a scheduled test/quiz the day it is given UNLESS you present a valid reason.
3) If absent the day a test/quiz is given, you should see me to schedule a make-up THE DAY you return to class.
a. Failure to show-up for a make-up test/quiz will result in a flex being assigned or a zero assigned.
4) If you are absent the day an assignment and/or lab is due it should be turned in the day you return.
a. EXCEPT: Community service, field trips, etc. –turn in the day of!
5) YOU are responsible to schedule time for extra help. Flex is available Monday through Friday!
1) Lab reports are ALWAYS due in TWO days once a lab is completed!
2) Some labs will be completed using a lab notebook others will not.
3) If you are absent on a lab day, you are still responsible for the lab! You are expected to obtain the lab data from your lab partner or me THE DAY YOU RETURN.
4) Failure to hand in a lab on a due date will result in receiving ½ credit and being graded from there.
5) A SAFETY CONTRACT is required and must be signed by you and your parent/guardian in order to participate in required lab work.
a. Students who violate rules may be removed from class and will receive a zero on that lab assignment and cannot be made up.
6) Inappropriate use of safety shower will be handled in the same manner as a false fire alarm.
7) Students are financially responsible for damaging or breaking any lab equipment.
8) Students are expected to clean up the lab area, which includes their lab station and the supply area. Failure to do this will mean a loss of points on your lab grade.
Format for Tests, Quizzes, and All Other Assignments:
1) Always show your work, even if you are doing a simple calculation.
2) Include units (g, mL, cm, etc.) on ALL numbers, not just the answer.
3) Some questions can be answered with a word, a phase, or a list.
4) Questions asking “How”, “Why”, “Explain”, “Describe”, “Compare”, “Contrast”, “Analyze”, and “Evaluate” require more extensive answers.
· These questions require “full sentence” answers.
· Answers to these questions should stand on their own, without the reader needing to know the question. (I don’t know what “it” is.)
1) Lav visits- Ask me first AND then sign out.
2) Other visits- (locker, nurse, office, etc) Ask Mrs. Hostetter first, then sign out AND take the correct pass. Permission will be granted based on the type of emergency. However, don’t make this a habit!
3) All classroom supplies are located at the demo lab bench in labeled drawers. If you use any supplies please return them to the correct location.
4) Electronic Devices- Must be in a secure location and out of sight for all tests/quizzes. Ear buds may only be worn during independent work.
5) ALL school rules apply to your conduct in this classroom.
6) Speak and behave respectfully to the teacher and classmates.
7) Help maintain a positive learning environment.
8) Have all materials in class every day. (writing utensil, notebook, calculator)
9) Be on time to class.
10) Do not leave the classroom without permission.
11) Help keep the room clean.
- Do not throw papers on the floor—use trashcans
- Use the GREEN recycling bin for disposing of plastic bottles (remove caps), paper, and aluminum cans.
- You are to return any supplies used during class to supply table/lab cabinet by the end of the period.
12) This is not a study hall. You are only to work on chemistry while in this classroom.
13) You are to remain in your seat until the dismissal bell rings!! Let’s not crowd the doorway!
Enjoy the class, and let’s have a great trimester!