Student Council Intent to Run Application
Due: November 10, 2011
See Mrs. Zimmerman about any questions.
Office for which you are running _____________________________________________
Name __________________________________________
Email Address _______________________________________ Grade ______________
Home Phone # _______________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________
You must have and maintain a GPA of 2.75 or better
You must have less than 5 days unexcused at the submission of the application.
List any extracurricular activities in which you participate in or out of school.
Extra Curricular Estimated Practice Schedule
Fall ________________________ ______________________________
Fall ________________________ ______________________________
Winter _____________________ ______________________________
Winter _____________________ ______________________________
Spring ______________________ ______________________________
Spring _____________________ ______________________________
If there is no room above you may use the back of this page
Are you willing to bring your lunch and meet/work or eat second half for lunch meetings? ________
Will you parents give you rides or take responsibility for getting you to evening meetings or events? ______
You are not just representing a clique in your class. Will you be open minded and consider the well-being and requests of all students at GVMS? _______
On a separate sheet type each of the questions below as bold bullet points double space then answer the questions below it.
· Why would you like to be a Student Council Officer?
· Why do you think you would be a good candidate for the position you are seeking?
· What qualifications do you have that will assist you as a Student Council Officer?
· How do you plan to help the school?
· What is a leader?
· Why should students want you to lead them?
· Do you have any leadership experience?
· What could we implement to make our school better (not just the best in West Virginia but one of the best in America)? Be realistic.
· Many of the things we do are expensive. Do you have any ideas to help us raise money either for your class or for projects in the school and community?
Submitting an application does not mean that you will be selected to run for Student Council. All applications will be reviewed by selected faculty. Candidates will then be selected for an interview process. After review of the application and interviews – candidates selected to run will be announced and campaigning may begin.
I have read, understand and agree to abide by all of the Officers Duties. I understand that failure to follow the expectation or complete my duties could result in removal from you Class or Student Body office by the administration of Guyan Valley Middle School.
Print your name __________________________________________
Signature _______________________________________________
I have read, understand and agree that my student will abide by all of the Officers Duties. I understand that failure to follow the expectation or complete my student’s duties could result in removal from his/her Class or Student Body office by the administration of Guyan Valley Middle School.
Print your name _________________________________________
Signature ______________________________________________
Parent’s Phone number (s) ________________________________