( A Practical and Comprehensive Guide for Planning Personal Life )
Mahendra Kumar Dublish – Chartered Accountant
N.B.: This is the draft copy of the book, which shall be published soon. The draft copy is being circulated amongst the distinguished readers to know their exact opinion, being new subject matter of the book. Esteemed readers are most humbly requested to send their valuable comments, views, opinions to the author. Their views and suggestions, comments shall be duly acknowledged and incorporated at the time of final printing of this book.
With Best Compliments from :-
[ M K Dublish ]
Dated : 25.06.2009
( Copy for circulation amongst the Colleague, friends, business associates and relatives)
Your Relationship with Money, Truth & God
Mahendra Kumar Dublish- Chartered Accountant
( Copy Right Reserved with the Author)
First Edition January, 2009
Published By:-
Noida Publications
D-88, Sector-30, Noida-201 303
District Gautam Budh Nagar ( U.P.)- INDIA
Phones: 0120-2456484, 0120-2456823, 4318295, 4318296
Fax : 91-2456235 Mobile: 98-102-32402
Price Rs. 500/-
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It gives me great pleasure to write this book relating to Strategy of Life. It has come to my knowledge that most of the people do not pay proper attention to the overall planning of their investments and other important matters in their personal lives. On this subject, the books available in the market are generally stereo typed and written in technical languages. There is hardly and book available in the market, which suggested exact ways for the investment and other planning in life by a common man in his own language. This book has been written primarily in simple and lucid language. The intention to bring out this book is that readers get benefited from the practical approach and wide experience of the author.
In an effort to make the book valuable to the general public, the language of the book has been shorn of any legal jargon, as far as may be possible, without sacrificing clarity, simplicity and precision. Efforts have always been make to present the subject matter in a simple and lucid manner. It has always been the endeavour of the author that readers be well acquainted with the real truth. In fact, truth is eternal and can not be concealed in any way. Ignorance of truth does not nullify the existence of truth. For long centuries, it has always been the ardent desires of the human beings to know the Truth. Truth and God are closely related to each other. In fact, TRUTH IS GOD . it is ETERNAL AND INVINCIBLE in any way and by any means. Truth is one which never changes. Truth means Satya which is derived from the word “Shaswat” menas everlasting, eternal or always remaining the same. According to Doctor and scientific analysis, helping other without any selfishness boosts the immune system. The patients’ immunity power gets a boost when he shares his traumatic feelings. Stress is a major causative factor of disease and hence one should adopt a healthy lifestyle based on vegetarian diet, physical exercise, spirituality and meditation. One should adopt four values in his life 1. Truthfulness 2. Hard Work 3. Purity 4. Compassion or generosity. These are four pillars which make us golden aged or Satyugi. ¼lr;qxh½ Purity in living, thinking, actions, behavior, speech, food and environment (satsang) ¼lRlax½ of a person is must to get utmost happiness and blissful life. Meditation regulates even cellular growth and thus helps heal and prevent cancer. One should speak only those type of Truths which are beneficial, advantageous and pleasant. Truth is more valuable even the combined worth of state, son, fame, money on this earth. Don’t speak truth which is unpleasant. Neither speak pleasant lie. Prayer of Vani called in the Vedas. There are 4 sins of Vani ¼ok.kh½ – 1. Untrue or mis-statement of speech (Asatya Bolna- vlR; cksyuk ) 2. Discussion on shortcomings of others (Parninda-ijfuUnk) 3. Use of abusive languages & absurd words in speech (apsabad bolna- vi'kCn cksyuk ½ 4. Useless discussion ( Bakwas O;FkZ dh ckr djuk½ Vani is connected to Atma (Human Soul ) which is further connected to Parmatma means Param Atma (Supreme Soul, the Almighty God ). One should always avoid all these four types of sins of Vani one should always speak soft, sweet slower and lesser. When a person discovers truth, he finds himself nearer to God. The more he knows the truth deeply, the more closer he reaches the God. Though, it may be some what difficult to always speak the truth. Sometimes, Truth leaves some bitter taste. It is very difficult to discover the Truth and it is most easy to understand the Truth. In some places, some general comments have been made against some certain persons, in order to bring out the veiled truth, before the readers. It has been our very honest and truthful intention to place the right things before the readers, without any fear or favour. In this regard, even the sentiments of some persons may be hurt to some extent. We respect and honour them. We offer unconditional due apology to all of them. We are not against any one. We do not hate or have enmity with any class of people at all. All persons are respectable citizens in our eyes. We think that keeping in view the subject matter, the concerned persons. would not pay any further heed in this regard and bear with the author.
The successful accomplishment of any work requires the efforts of so many people. I thank my wife Ritu Dublish, whose immense patience and whole hearted support was instrumental in accomplishing this task. I also thank my staff for their dedicated efforts and diligent work, which made this publication possible. I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of my friend, Dr. Mukesh Chand Jain, Reader, Faculty of Commerce, Government Degree college, Noida. His valuable advice on the subject, greatly helped me in shaping my thoughts, while writing this book. I am also grateful to Shri Kanti Chand Kaushik- LL.M , Senior Advocate, supreme Court of India, New Delhi advising me on certain legal matters. In writing this book, I have been guided by so many of my long time friends, who are either in practice or in service. My special thanks are due to Shri Sudhir Kumar Gupta, Chartered Accountant, Shri Ajai Kumar Agarwal, Chartered Accountant, Shri Madan Lal Gupta, Chartered Accountant, Shri Amit Kumar Rastogi, Advocate- my childhood class fellow, all those who have inspired me to write this book. Lastly, my thanks are due to my best friend Shri Ajay Kumar Jain- Chartered Accountant and his beloved wife Smt Arpana Jain- Chartered Accountant, for their valuable guidance and suggestions, without which it would have not been possible for me to bring out the book in this form.
Many example, stories, incident, anecdotes are the result of collection from various sources, such as newspaper, magazines, eminent speaker and friends over past 30 years. Unfortunately, in most of the cases, the sources were not always noted or available. Beside, to maintain secrecy, the sources have not been mentioned. In fact, most of the incident are based on real, true and experiences of life. Some incident have been narrated by my friends and clients, Regardless of the source, I wish to express my gratitude to all those persons, who have contributed to this work, even though anonymously.
In this book, most of the examples are based on true life incident. However, it is very difficult to translate the true sprit of a live presentation exactly into words. But, each story and example have been selected after a careful study and certainly convey some clear cut massage to the readers. Some stories will speak to you louder than others. Some will have a deeper meaning. Some will make you cry. Some will make you laugh. Some will give you a warm feelings all over. Some may create action, reaction and chain reaction. Some may hit you right between the eyes what only with some slight and right reaction. Some views and comments may compel you to think something entirely a new concept and Horizon of life.
In this word, people come alone and go along with their valuable experiences. Thus, in this way, their golden experiences go waste and unutilized. They share their life long experiences with the nearby youngsters and other persons on a very low scale. Besides, their experiences are scattered into different pieces, sometimes unable to lead to any comprehensive and conclusive end. To take advantages from their long valuable experiences, with the blessing of the God, an idea came to my mind, why should not compile and share those long and invaluable experiences and noble guidance of the aged and experienced people with the public. These would be very helpful for a common man to lead his life peacefully and happily.
I was also encouraged by enthusiastic and overwhelming responses from my well wishers and friends. So, this has necessitated to get this book published. Otherwise it would not have been possible to bring out this book within such a short span of time, relatively due to my busy schedule and preoccupancy in my professional work. This book contains experiences of more than 30 years of the author and other persons. The views have been expressed in this book frankly, unabiasedly and without any hesitation, fear, favour or discrimination whatsoever. However, some readers may agree or some readers may disagree with some of the comments mentioned in the book, in totality, partially or to some extent. This is a natural phenomenon, being subject matter, very wide and general. The readers are humbly requested to send their frank opinion, good & bad experiences and cogent comments to the author without any hesitation. Any suggestion for its’ improvements is, of course, most welcome. Your suggestions and criticism would immensely help me to improve contents of this book in future editions. Good suggestions, valuable advice and strong comments from the readers would be duly rewarded, acknowledged and published in next editions of the book. In case of any query, readers are requested to please send the same along with a self – addressed stamped envelop long with or through E-mail.
As already mentioned, the views expressed in this book are based on true life time real experiences and detailed analytical studies. However, it is reiterated herein again that if on the basis of the advice given in the book, any person incurs any loss, the author, publisher and printer disown and disclaim any liability for any such loss occurring under any circumstances, whatsoever. Readers may take decision and get advice from the book, at their own risk, cost and sole discretion. One of the basic aim of this book is to present the unique ideas, innovative concepts and new thoughts before a common man, which may help him to lead his life peacefully, comfortable and successfully in this materialistic world. In this direction, if the author gets any success even partly in his arduous efforts, it would be an immense help and service to the HUMANITY and a great prayer to the ALMIGHTY GOD in a true sense.
Mahendra Kumar Dublish
Chartered Accountant
D-88, Sector -30, Noida – 201 303
District Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.)
Phones : 0120-2456484, 246823, 4318295,4318296, 98-102-32402
Fax : 0120-2456235 E- Mail:
Dated 21st January, 2009
1. / Cover Page / 01- 02
2. / Homage / 03- 03
3. / Preface to the First Edition / 04- 06
4. / Contents / 07- 07
5. / Some Basic Concepts about Investments / 08- 08
6. / Rules of Investment / 09 - 10
7. / Area of Investment / 11 - 13
8. / Risk, Business, Experience and your Age / 14 - 21
9. / Compliance of the Law of the Land / 22- 27
10. / Role of Money and its Implications / 28- 33
11. / Cheating and Prevention thereof / 34- 40
12. / Implications of Profession, Business and Service / 41- 43
13. / Creation of basic Infrastructure and Nucleus Fund / 44-45
14. / Money and its Control, Possession & Ownership / 46- 48
15. / Harmonisation of Knowledge and Wisdom / 49- 50
16. / Money, Health and Happiness / 50-58
17. / Your relationship with Money and God / 59-73
18. / Human Psychology and this World / 74-75
19. / Glossary of some generally words used / 76-76
20. / Some Do’s / 77-78
21. / Some Don’ ts / 79-81
22. / Voice of Almighty God / 82-86
23. / Spirtual Thoughts [ Datewise ] / 87-98
24. / bZ’ojh; / 99-117
25. / Kku ds eksrh / 118-132