Steve Jobs Comprehension Questions
Chapter 31
1. What was the problem facing the music industry in 2002?
2. What were the problems with Pressplay and MusicNet?
3. According to Isaacson on page 397, what was the root of the problem between the technology and music industries? How was Jobs the right the person to solve this problem?
4. Why was Doug Morris impressed with Jobs’ idea of how to sell music online?
5. According to Isaacson, how was Sony different from Apple?
6. Why did Andy Lack want Sony to get a royalty on each iPod Apple sold?
7. What was it about Jobs that interested Winston Marsalis?
8. How long did it take a million songs to be sold on iTunes Store?
9. What was Bill Gates impression of iTunes Store?
10. Why was it hard for Jobs to accept the idea of making iTunes available for Windows?
11. How did the iPod stay ahead of other competitors’ devices?
12. What new business developed with iTunes Store (Hint: look at the last paragraph of page 410)?
Chapter 32
1. Why did music artists want to be in iPod commercials?
2. How successful was the iPod commercial with Bob Dylan? What did the commercial show about Apple’s power?
3. What was the relationship like between Apple Computers and Apple Corps?
4. According to Isaacson what was amazing about the U2/Apple collaboration (Hint: page 423)?
5. What was the best argument for there to be a God according to Jobs?
Chapter 33
1. Why was the atmosphere at Pixar different from the one at Apple?
2. What did Katzenberg do to upset Jobs and Lasseter?
3. Why did Jobs design the new Pixar building in a way that made people meet each other unexpectedly?
4. How were Jobs and Michael Eisner similar?
5. How was the conflict between Eisner and Jobs resolved?
6. How did Bob Iger solve Disney’s problem with animation?