Faculty of Health & Life Sciences
Research Plan: 2014/15 - 2018/19
The information provided will form the basis of a discussion with your Research Lead in March – May 2014 and will also be helpful to the Faculty in terms of planning infrastructure support for research in future.
It may not be relevant to fill in all the sections; this will depend on your research.
You do not need to duplicate the information for PDR, just attached a copy of this to your PDR form.
Name: Department of:
Research aims for the next 5 years: medium to long-term plan for 2014 - 2019Please provide an overview statement & 3 – 5 bullet points
Specific objectives for 2014-15 and your anticipated objectives for 2015-16
If necessary, please list different projects separately
Infrastructure required for 2014-15 and in the longer term, and what would enable your research?
Include any major infrastructure, space requirements and resources that your plans may involve and simple enablers that your research could benefit from
Planned collaborations in 2014-15 and in the longer term
Name and institution of each collaborator (academia, industry, etc)
Proposed grant applications, both for peer reviewed funding and to other funding sources, in 2014-15
For each proposed application, please give the anticipated project title, funder, sum, duration and planned submission date. Please include PhD studentships (fully or partly externally funded).
How do you plan to generate high quality papers returnable to REF 2020, in 2014-15?
This should be a general plan, eg what journals you plan to submit to, rather than a list of papers
What is your plan to record the impact of your research (to begin preparations for REF 2020) in 2014-15 and what support might be required to achieve maximum impact?
How do you plan to disseminate your research (public awareness, outreach) in 2014-15?
What is your plan to commercialise your research in 2014-15 and/or the longer term (if appropriate)?
How do you plan to enhance your standing in the community and what external activities are you planning to increase your peer esteem, in 2014-15 and beyond? /