Licences worksheet
What licences, permits and registrations do I need?
Imagine you are going to start your own bed and breakfast business.
You have your own existing home situated on five acres of land in a country setting. You plan to do an extension comprising of three additional bedrooms for guests. Each of these bedrooms can accommodate up to three guests.
The existing lounge room will be turned into a guest living area with comfy chairs, a beautiful open fire, a sound system, DVD player and a selection of music CDs and DVDs.
In addition to providing breakfast you also plan to serve dinner on request, with guests able to bring along their own wine.
Complete the following tables by stating the required licences, permits and registrations for the business together with the source of your information.
On completion, present the worksheet to your trainer or business mentor for feedback.
Licence(s) required / Available from / Source of informationPermit(s) required / Available from / Source of information
Registration(s ) required / Available from / Source of information
BSBSMB305A Comply with regulatory, taxation and insurance requirements Worksheet – Licences
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