July 26, 2007
REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ): The Department of Management Services, Division of Real Estate Development and Management, requests qualifications from licensed general contractors who wish to compete for Construction Management (CM) at Risk services (i.e., the Negotiated Fee-Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Construction Contracting Method, as defined by Rule 60D-5.002(12) Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) on the following project:
PROJECT NAME: Daytona Beach District Office Remodeling
PROJECT LOCATION: Daytona Beach Campus, Daytona Beach, Florida
PROJECT SCOPE: Remodeling and Renovation Of 7,500 Square Foot Building, Including Tenant Improvement and Upgrading HVAC and Electrical Service.
RESPONSE INSTRUCTIONS: On or before the response due date listed below, firms interested in being considered for this project must submit five (5) printed copies and one CD in MS Word and MS Excel of their submittals with a table of contents and tabbed sections in the following order:
Qualifications Submittal:
1. A letter of interest detailing the firm's qualifications to meet the above referenced selection criteria. (Include contact person Email address).
2. A current Experience Questionnaire and Contractor's Financial Statement (Form DBC5085 dated 3/00. (This form may be obtained from this Web Site)
3. Resumes of proposed staff and staff organizations.
4. Resumes of proposed consultants.
5. Examples of project reporting manuals, schedules, past experience and examples of similar projects completed by the firm (include name and phone number for client and architect for each project).
6. References from prior clients received within the last five years.
7. Copies of the firm's current Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Contracting License.
8. For Corporations only: If the firm offering services is a corporation, it must be properly registered with the Department of State to operate in Florida and must provide a copy of the firm's current Florida Corporate Registration.
At the interview presentation in a separate sealed envelope, please submit your “Overhead and Profit” for this project in accordance with the DMS CM at Risk contract. The Pricing submittals will not be opened until after the presentation/evaluation and final ranking pursuant to Rule 60D-5.0082, F.A.C.
SPECIFIC QUALIFICATIONS: The CM must have extensive prior experience in renovation and remodeling of commercial office building and tenant-improvement construction projects. LEED experience is desirable. The selected CM must demonstrate that they can bring multiple qualified and competitive subcontractors to all related construction trades for successful project delivery. The CM must be capable of supplying workers that meet Florida Department of Law Enforcement criminal history background checks.
INTERVIEWS: The Selection Committee will conduct discussions with and may require public presentation by no less than three firms regarding their qualifications, approach to the project and ability to furnish the required services. Selection of finalists for interview will be made on the basis of specific experience and ability, financial capability, scheduling and cost control ability, office staff, on-site staff, information systems, and distance to site. The list of firms selected for interview by the Selection Committee will be posted on this web site. Each invitee will be notified by facsimile transmission of the date and time of its interview/presentation. All interviews will be held at the following address: Division of Blind Services, Daytona Beach Campus, 1185 Dunn Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114.
COMPETITIVE SELECTION (QUALIFICATIONS CRITERIA): Firms must be licensed in the State of Florida at the time of submittal. Further, if a corporation, the firm must be registered by the Department of State, Division of Corporations. The relative ability of each firm to perform the services required shall be determined utilizing the evaluation criteria set forth in the evaluation scoring form, number DBC-5033. Pursuant to Rule 60D-5.0082, F.A.C., at least three firms, deemed to be most highly qualified to perform the required services, shall be selected and posted in order of preference on this website.
COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATION: After ranking has occurred, the Department will open the sealed pricing submittals and proceed to negotiate a contract for construction services, pursuant to Rule 60D-5.0091, F.A.C., at compensation determined to be fair, competitive and reasonable, to provide for profit, overhead, and direct management costs plus actual costs not to exceed a GMP. GMP means the fixed amount within which the construction will be achieved; it includes the fee, overhead direct management costs, and the construction cost. Because a final GMP cannot be determined until significant completion of the construction documents, the Department will enter into an initial design phase fee contract with the successful firm for preconstruction services. Final award of the CM at risk construction phase contract will not occur until a final GMP is presented to the Department and thereafter determined by the Department to be fair, competitive and reasonable. At that time, should the Department be unable to successfully negotiate a CM at risk construction phase contract at a price the Department determines to be fair, competitive and reasonable, negotiations with that firm shall be formally terminated and the Department shall then undertake negotiations with the next most qualified firm, pursuant to Rule 60D-5.0091, F.A.C. Once the GMP is provided by the successful firm, the total price paid to the successful CM at risk will be either the negotiated fee plus the actual construction cost or the GMP, whichever is less.
RESPONSE DUE DATE: Responses must be received by the Department, in accordance with the document delivery instructions below, on or before August 30, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
DOCUMENT DELIVERY: Responses are to be submitted to:
Richard N. Arcuri, Project Manager
Real Estate Development and Management
Department of Management Services
1313 N. Tampa Street, Suite 102
Tampa, Florida 33602
The time/date stamp/clock in the Department shall serve as the official authority to determine timeliness of the responses. Responses, which for any reason are not timely received, will not be considered. Late responses will be declared non-responsive and will not be further evaluated. Unsealed and/or unsigned responses received by telegram, facsimile transmission or other similar means are not acceptable, and will be declared non-responsive and will not be further evaluated. Submittals that do not comply with the requirements or instructions of this solicitation document will be declared non-responsive and will not be further evaluated.
DISABILITY ACCESS: Contact the Department of Community Affairs at (850) 487-1824 or Florida Dual Party Relay System 1 (800) 955-8770 (voice) and 1 (800) 955-8771 (TDD) at least ten (10) days prior.
AWARD POSTING: Official notice of final selection results will be by electronic posting on this website. Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), F.S., shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, F.S.
PROTESTS: Any protest concerning this solicitation shall be made in accordance with sections 120.57(3) of the Florida Statutes and Chapter 28-110 of the Florida Administrative Code. It is the Department’s intent to ensure that specifications are written to ensure competitiveness, fairness, necessity and reasonableness in the solicitation process. Section 120.57(3)(b), F.S. and Rule 28-110.003, F.A.C., require that a notice of protest of this solicitation document shall be made within seventy-two hours after the posting of this solicitation. Section 120.57(3)(a), F.S. requires the following statement to be included in the solicitation: "Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes." Rule 28-110.005, Florida Administrative. Code requires the following statement to be included in the solicitation: "Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, or failure to post the bond or other security required by law within the time allowed for filing a bond shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes.”